Thom's Irish Who's Who/Hennessy, Rt. Rev. John Joseph
HENNESSY, Rt. Rev. John Joseph; b. near Cloyne, Co. Cork, July 19th 1847; son of Michael Hennessey and Ellen Cronin; came to U.S. in childhood; Grad.: Christian Brothers' College, St. Louis, 1862; completed theol. course at Salesianum, Milwaukee; philos. course at Cape Girardeau Coll., Mo.; ordained priest (by Papal dispensation, being under canonical age), 1869; Missionary in 10 counties in Iron Mountain dist. of Mo., 1869-80; founded the Railroad Men's Benevolent Union, 1871; established, 1877, Ursuline Convent at Arcadia, Mo.; built chs. in Bismarck, Graniteville, Poplar Bluff, Doniphan and Gatewood, Mo.; procurator and v.-p. bd. mgrs., St. Louis Protectory, 1878-86: editor St. Louis Youth's Magazine, 1880-6; rector Sr. John's, St. Louis, 1880-8; consecrated Bishop of Wichita, Nov. 30th, 1888. Res.: Wichita, Kansas, U.S.A.