Thom's Irish Who's Who/Knox, Edmund Francis Vesey
KNOX, Edmund Francis Vesey, M.A. (Oxon., formerly Fellow of All Souls College); Barrister Gray's Inn and Middle Temple, 1889; K.C., 1906; Bencher Gray's Inn, 1906; M.P., W, Cavan, 1890-5; City of Londonderry, 1895-8: eldest son of late Vesey Edmund Knox, of Shimnah, Newcastle, Co. Down; b. 1865; m., 1st, 1891, Annie (d. 1907), only dau. of late Wm. Lloyd, of Llantwit Major, Glam.; 2nd. 1917, Agnes, dau. of Julius Beerbohm and widow of J. R. Nevill. Res.: Shimnah, Newcastle, Co. Down; 25 Carlyle Square, London, S.W.3: Goldsmith Buildings, Temple, London, E.C.4.