Thom's Irish Who's Who/Larmor, Sir Joseph
LARMOR, Sir Joseph, Knt. (1909), (M.P. for Cambridge University, Feb., 1911), M.A. (Camb), Hon. D.Sc. (Oxon., Camb., London, Dublin, and Roy. University); Hon. LL.D. (Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham, and St. Andrews); Hon. D.C.L. (Durh.), F R.S., F.R.A.S.: Hon. M.R.I.A.; Hon. F.R.S., Edinburgh; Secretary of the Royal Society, 1901-12; Fellow of St. John's College, Camb., since 1880; Lucasian Prof, of Mathematics since 1903; Prof, of Natural Phil., Queen's College, Galway, and of the Queen's Univ. in Ireland, 1880-85; some time Fellow of the Royal Univ.; Lecturer in Mathematics, Cambridge Univ., 1885-1903; lately Examiner in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in the Univ. of London; lately President of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, and of the London Mathematical Soc.; Hon. Member of American Academy, Boston; and Literary and Philosophical Society, Manchester; Foreign Member U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Washington; Corr. Member, Institute of France and Inst, di Bologna; For. Member, R Accad. del Lincei, Rome, and American Phil. Soc, Philadelphia; b. Magheragall, Co. Antrim, 11th July, 1857: eldest son of Hugh Larmor. Res.: St. John's College, Cambridge. Club: Athenaeum, S.W.