Thom's Irish Who's Who/Leeson-Marshall, Markham Richard
LEESON-MARSHALL, Markham Richard, B.A. (Oxon.), D.L., J.P., Co. Kerry (High Sheriff, 1890); late Major 3rd Batt. Royal Munster Fusiliers: Barrister Inner Temple, 1886; only son of late R. J. Marshall, J.P., of Callinafercy House, Co. Kerry; b. 1859; m., 1st, 1890, Mabel (d. 1892). eldest dau. of Sir John F. Godfrey, 4th Bart,; 2nd, 1907, Meriel Anne, only dau. of late Sir Geo. F. J. Hodson, 3rd Bart. Res.: Callinafercy House, Milltown, Co. Kerry; 6 King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, E.C.4.