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Thom's Irish Who's Who/Lyster, Thomas William

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3283751Thom's Irish Who's Who — Lyster, Thomas William

LYSTER, Thomas William, M.A. (T.C.D.). Educ.: Wesley an School, Dublin; Dublin University. First Senior Moderatorship at degree; Assistant Librarian, National Library of Ireland, 1878-95: Examiner in English under Intermediate Education Board, 1880, and several subsequent years; Vice-President of Library Association, 1899; Librarian National Library of Ireland, 1895-1920, Pubns: translator, with notes, revision, and enlargement, of Düntzer's Life of Goethe, 1883; Editor of English Poems for Young Students, 1893, 5th edition, 1904; critical papers in The Academy, etc.; papers on library technique and theory: son of late Thomas Lister, of Rathdowney, and Jane Smith, of Roscrea; b. at Kilkenny, 17th Dec, 1855; m. Jane, dau. of James Campbell, of Galway. Res.: 10 Harcourt Terrace, Dublin.