Thom's Irish Who's Who/M'Elderry, Robert Knox
M'ELDERRY, Robert Knox, MA. (R.U.I.). Educ.: Academical Institution, Coleraine: Queen's College, Belfast; St. John's College, Cambridge. B.A., R.U.I., with First-Class Honours (First Place) in Ancient Classics, 1891; M.A. with First Class Honours and Studentship, 1893; Jun. Fellow in Ancient Classics, 1896; Fellow, 1905; First Class, Second Division, Classical Tripos, Part I., Cambridge University, 1894; First Class, with asterisk for special distinction in Ancient History, Classical Tripos, Part II., 1895; Members' Prizeman 1895, for Latin Essay on Oavarrokparia Britannica; Scholar, and Wright's and Hughes' Prizeman. St. John's College; Fellow of St. John's, College, 1897: Senior Classical Master in Campbell College, Belfast, 1896-1902; Professor of Greek. Queen's College (now University College) Galway, 1902-1916, and Professor of Ancient Classics from 1916. Pubns.: Papers on Roman History in Classical Review, Classical Quarterly, and Journal of Roman Studies; son of John McElderry, J.P., of Ballymoney, Co. Antrim, and Matilda, dau. of Robert Knox, of Springfield Co. Antrim; b. 1869; m. Margaret, dau. of late Very Rev. J. Courtenay Clarke, D.D., and has issue two sons and one dau. Res.: Ardgriana, Galway.