Thom's Irish Who's Who/McCarthy, Justin Huntly
McCARTHY, Justin Huntly, a dramatist and author of an Outline of Irish History, England under Gladstone, Hafiz in London: and the plays, The Candidate, My Friend the Prince, If I were King. Caesar Borgia, The Proud Prince, The O'Flynn, and Stand and Deliver; M.P. Athlone, 1884-5, Newry, 1885-92; only son of late Justin McCarthy, M.P.; b. 1861; m., 1st, 1894, Cissie Loftus (mar. diss., 1899); 2nd, 1908, Loullie, dau. of late Henry Killick, of Budapesth. Res.: 3 Inverness Mansions, 103 Queen's Road, London, W.2.; Garrick Club.