Thom's Irish Who's Who/McMaster, Col. John Maxwell
McMASTER, Col. John Maxwell, C.M.G. (1916), V.D. (1902), T.D. (1919), Assoc, in Arts (Oxon.) Educ. at Dundalk Grammar School and Liverpool College; served in Vol. and Territorial Army, 1875-1921: Lieut.-Col. 1906; Col. 1918; admitted a Solicitor, 1882; commanded 5th Batt. The King's (Liverpool Regt.), in European War; present at battles of Neuve-Chapelle, Festubert and Loos, 1915; President of Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, 1921-22; in charge Infantry Records, York, 1917-20; son of late William McMastcr, of Dundalk; b. 1855; m. 1396, Frances Louisa, dau. of Francis Robinson, of Fairfield, Liverpool. Res.: 1 Southwood Road, St. Michael's Hamlet, Liverpool.