Thom's Irish Who's Who/Munn, Lionel
MUNN, Lionel; b. Londonderry, 4th May, 1887. Won Irish Open Golf Championship, 1909-10-11, Irish Close Golf Championship, 1908-1911, 1913-14, and South of Ireland Golf Championship, 1911; took part in Coronation Foursomes v. Professionals at Sandwich, 1911, and represented Ireland v. Wales in 1913; at Sandwich in 1908, set up the record tie in the Amateur Championship by playing to the 28th hole in third round v. C. A. Palmer, who won; b. 1887; son of Alfred Moore Munn, Clerk of Crown and Peace, Co. Londonderry. Res.: "Lisleen," Shantallow, Londonderry.