Thom's Irish Who's Who/O'Connor, Thomas Power
O'CONNOR, Thomas Power (M.P. Scotland Division of Liverpool from 1885), M.A. (Q.U.I.); late Editor of the Sun, Weekly Sun, M.A. P., and T.P.'s Weekly; President of Trade Board of Film Censors, 1916. Educ.: College of Immaculate Conception, Athlone; Queen's College, Galway; a junior reporter on Saunders' Newsletter, a Dublin Conservative journal, 1867; was appointed a sub-editor on "Daily Telegraph," London, 1870; afterwards was employed in London office, "New York Herald"; elected M.P. for Galway, 1880; returned for Galway and Liverpool, 1885; chose latter, for which again returned in 1886, 1892, 1895, 1900. Pubns.: Lord Beaconsfield, a Biography; The Parnell Movement; Gladstone's House of Commons; Some Old Love Stories; Napoleon; The Phantom Millons; and a large number of articles and essays. Recns.: cycling, golf; eldest son of late Thomas O'Connor, of Athlone; b. 1848; m. 1885, Mrs. Wright. Res.: 5 Morpeth Mansions, London, S.W.1. Clubs: Garrick, Beefsteak, National Liberal, Bath.