Thom's Irish Who's Who/Preston, Major Arthur John
PRESTON, Major Arthur John, B.A. (Trinity College, Dublin). Eldest son of the late Rev. Canon Arthur J. Preston, M.A., of Kilmeague, Co. Kildare, descendant from Hon. Martin Preston, third son, of 3rd Viscount Gormanston, and heir to the title Baron Tara of Ballinter, Co. Meath, in abeyance, and now representing the Prestons of Ballinter and Swainston; Major late Duke of Wellington's Regt.; J.P. 1904, Cos. Durham and Meath; was for some years after retirement from above Regt. employed under the Department of Science and Art, S. Kensington, as Local Inspector Cos. Northumberland and Durham; b. 1841; m. Gertrude Mary dau. of Richard Knight, of Bobbing Court, Kent, J.P.; has issue living, Gertrude Mary, m. Wm. Carter, Livorno, Italy, and Edith, Florence, m. Denis Penrose. His only son A. J. D. Preston, Capt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers, was killed in action, Gallipoli, 1915, leaving one son John Nathaniel, b. Jan., 1915. Res.: Swainston, Kilmessan, Co. Meath.