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Thom's Irish Who's Who/Pringle, Seton Sidney

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3336790Thom's Irish Who's Who — Pringle, Seton Sidney

PRINGLE, Seton Sidney, O.B.E. (1921), B.A. (Dub.) (1st Respondent) 1902, M.B., B.Ch. (Stip. Cond.), B.A.O. 1903; F.R.C.S.I. 1905; (T.C. Dub.); ex-Fitzpatrick Med. Schol.; Ex-Stewart Med. Schol.; Surgeon to R. City of Dublin, Cork Street, and Drumcondra Hospitals, Dublin; Member of Council R.C.S.I.; Lecturer in Special Pathology, Dublin University late Demonst. Anatomy, T.C.D.; late President Dublin University Biological Ass.; late Examiner in Surgery for Fellowship and Conjoint R. C.S.I.; late Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C.; O.C. Irish Counties' War Hospital, Glasnevin, Dublin; late Surgeon, Dublin Castle Red Cross Hospital and Urgency Cases for France. Pubns.: Appendico-Enterostomy, 1906; Sacro-Coccygeal Teratoid Tumour, 1907; Case of Pancreatic Abscess, 1909; Transperitoneal Cystotomy for Tumour of Bladder, 1910; Radical Operation for Malignant Disease of Testes, 1913; Acute Unilateral Pyelonephritis, 1911; Chronic Intestinal Stasis, 1914; Radical Operation for Chronic Osteomyelitis, 1914; The Early Symptoms of Cancer of the Colon, 1920; Tuberculosis of the Genito-Urinary Tract, 1920. Recns. fishing, shooting, golfing. Born July 6, 1879; son of John Pringle, of Clones, Co. Monaghan; m. Ethel, dau. of late Andrew McMunn, M.D., of Ballymote, and has issue two sons and two daus. Res.: 7 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin. Club: The Friendly Brothers House, Dublin.