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Thom's Irish Who's Who/Rea, Thomas

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3338991Thom's Irish Who's Who — Rea, Thomas

REA, Thomas, Inspector of Secondary Schools under the Northern Ministry of Education from 1922. Educ.: Dungannon Royal School, Queen's College, Belfast, Queen's College, Galway, St. John's College, Cambridge, and Universities of Heidelberg and Berlin; B.A. (R.U.I.) with First Honours, 1899; M.A. (R.U.I.) with First Honours, 1900; Junior Fellow, R.U.I., 1901-1905; B.A. (Cambridge) for Research, 1903; M.A. (Cambridge), 1908. Lecturer in German and Teutonic Philology in the University College of North Wales, Bangor, 1904-1909. Inspector under the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland, 1909-1922. Pubns.: Schiller's Dramas and Poems in England, London, 1906. Recn.: golfing; m. 1910, Dora, youngest dau. of T. Grace, C.E., of Dublin, and hag issue two sons. Res.: Kilbirnie, Marlboro' Park, Belfast.