Thom's Irish Who's Who/de Montmorency, Rev. Arthur Herve Alberic Bouchard
DE MONTMORENCY, Rev. Arthur Herve Alberic Bouchard, M A. (T.C.D.), Rector of Omeath from 1914, and Hon. Chaplain to the Forces. Served as trooper in 29th Batt. I. Y. in Boer War, 1900-01; ordained 1907; Curate of Armagh, 1907-10; Athlone, 1910-12; Curate of Tandragee, 1912-13; Curate-in-Charge, Killeavy, 1913-14: Chaplain to the Forces, 1915-16. Recns.: shooting, fishing, boating; son of late Hon. Arthur Hill Trevor de Montmorency, M.D.: is heir presumptive to Viscountcy; b. 8th Feb., 1879; m. 1914, Katharine Sophia, dau. of T. A. Warrand, of Bridge of Allan, Scotland, and has issue one dau. Res.: The Rectory, Omeath, Co. Louth.