Thoughts on Life/Consolation
1. Dost thou realize that God hath greatly exalted thee, in that he hath given thee a fiery trial to bear? For so would He refine and purify thy soul, and make it meet for the matchless splendor of His abiding Presence.
2. Why shouldst thou mourn, if out of thy sorrow may be born some blessed hope for the world?
3. Doth thy toil seem unavailing? Remember that nothing is lost, even thine effort being accepted of God.
4. If thou hast sorrow and canst surmount it, then art thou happy indeed, for the mournful tree of thy life hath brought forth the fair fruit of rejoicing. Of the travail of thy soul hath the beautiful child of Peace been born.
5. Doth thy path seem difficult? Remember Christ holds thy hand and will not suffer thee to fall.
6. Rest assured that the trials which have been sent thee are just those which thy soul needed for its purifying and exalting.
7. If thy fairest dreams have failed thee in life, thou wilt find a sure refuge in noble realities.
8. Earthly love may fail thee in thy greatest need, but heavenly love never will.
9. The harder thou workest for possession, the more apt wilt thou be to retain; regret not, then, thy long-continued effort.
10. The painful toil of earth is short compared with the endless bliss of heaven.
11. It is when the deepest chasm yawns beneath us that we feel the support of the Everlasting Arms most precious; for then, realizing our own insufficiency and incompleteness, do we commit ourselves to a strength not our own, and are safely borne over. Ah, welcome the griefs bringing with them such blessed support and such sweet transportation across the dark valley which threatened to ingulf us!
12. Alas, that we have done so little in life! Yes, but so much still remains for us to do.
13. Doth thy burden sometimes seem heavier than thou canst bear? Think of Christ who fainted not under the weight of the whole world's sin and sorrow.
14. Didst thou ever fathom the sweetness of the thought that all is known to God? Why, then, shouldst thou take it to heart, though thine actions be misapprehended of men?
15. Doth thy soul faint under the scorching rays of the toil of life? Flee thou quickly to the Shadow of the Cross, where thou mayest rest and be refreshed.
16. Thine earthly house may crumble and fall, but thy heavenly home hath a sure foundation.
17. Thou must endure thy burden. Thou canst not shake it off; but Christ will help thee to bear it.
18. It is sometimes when we lie prone at God's feet, and make a complete surrender of our will to His, that He is pleased to give us our heart's desire.
19. Walk thou ever uprightly, and the world will be apt to give thee thy dues in due season.
20. Each hath his allotted place in the great universal plan of God. When doubts perplex thee, remember all is in His hands who cannot err.
21. Though sickness may conquer my body, yet doth my soul remain free.
22. It is with the failure of all earthly things that we find out the preciousness of things heavenly.
23. When thou canst come to feel the utter dependence of thy soul upon God, then wilt thou find enduring peace.