Thoughts on Life/Duty
1. Not for thine own happiness, hath God placed thee upon earth, but that thou mightest be of some service to thy fellow-creatures. Pray ever, that thon mayest accomplish something towards that great end.
2. Unto what sublime heights and depths of duty might we not attain, were we ever what we are in our better moments!
3. A slighted duty will not fail to confront thee again, and to thy discomfiture.
4. The world is better for every worthy life that is lived in it,—for every struggle towards the right that any one of us is making day by day.
5. Thou art a citizen of the world. Interest thyself in its affairs, and strive with all thy might to bring about a better order of things than that thou findest prevailing to-day.
6. Duty hath an honest eye.
7. In this or that circumstance do thy best: no more will be expected of thee.
8. It is brave to live and face thy sorrow, while to die and escape it were but cowardly.
9. An immortal soul hath been committed to thy keeping. How solemn the trust!
10. The wheels of the world's progress move slowly, but each can do something towards helping them on. Friends, lend a hand!
11. If the profound consciousness of fulfilling thy duty to the best of thine ability be thine, thou hast nothing to fear from the reproach of men.
12. Dost thou long for work to do in life,—to accomplish something for the good of humanity? The duty lying next thy hand is thy part towards that blessed consummation. Take it up and do it bravely and efficiently; contribute thy mite with thy might and thy soul will find peace.
13. It will sweeten the bitterest of duties to feel we do it for Christ's sake.
14. If things in this world be as much out of sorts as we are sometimes inclined to think them, it behooves us all to do what we can towards straightening them out; and be it ever so little that lies within our power, every little helps; and perhaps our "jot and tittle" may make the burden lighter somewhere for someone to carry.
15. If Duty call unto thee, do thou arise and follow, though her voice be full of tears.
16. It is a fine thing to know one's duty in life, and to be doing it day by day.