Three Books of Occult Philosophy/Book 3
The third and last Book of Magick,
or Occult Philosophy; written by
Book III.
CHAP. I. | ||
OF the necessity, power, and profit of Religion. | pag.345 | |
Chap. 2. | Of concealing of those thing which are secret in Religion. | pag.346 |
Chap. 3. | What dignification is required, that one may be a true Magician and a worker of miracles. | pag.340 |
Chap. 4. | Of the two helps of Ceremoniall Magic, Religion and Superstition. | pag.352 |
Chap. 5. | Of the three Guides of Religion, which bring us to the path of Truth. | pag.355 |
Chap. 6. | How by these guides the soul of man ascendeth up into the Divine nature, and is made a worker of Miracles. | pag.357 |
Chap. 7. | That the knowledge of the true God is necessary for a Magician, and what the old Magicians and Philosophers have thought concerning God. | pag.358 |
Chap. 8. | What the Ancient Philosophers have thought concerning the Divine Trinity. | pag.361 |
Chap. 9. | What the true and most Orthodox faith is concerning God and the most holy Trinity]] | pag.365 |
Chap. 10. | Of divine emanations, which the Hebrews call Numerations, others attributes; The Gentiles gods and Deities; and of the ten Sephiroths and ten most sacred names of God which rule them, and the interpretation of them. | pag.366 |
Chap. 11. | Of the Divine names, and their power and vertue. | pag.370 |
Chap. 12. | Of the influence of the divine names through all the middle causes into these inferior things. | pag.379 |
Chap. 13. | Of the members of God, and of their influence on our members. | pag.382 |
Chap. 14. | Of the Gods of the Gentiles, and souls of the Celestial bodies, and what places were consecrated in times past, and to what Deities. | pag.384 |
Chap. 15. | What our Theologians think concerning the Celestiall souls. | pag.389 |
Chap. 16. | Of Intelligences and spirits, and of the threefold kind of them, and of their diverse names, and of Infernal and subterraneal spirits. | pag.390 |
Chap. 17. | Of these according to the opinion of the Theologians. | pag.395 |
Chap. 18. | Of the orders of evil spirits, and of their fall, and divers natures. | pag.397 |
Chap. 19. | Of the bodies of the Devils. | pag.402 |
Chap. 20. | Of the annoyance of evil spirits, and the preservation we have by good spirits. | pag.405 |
Chap. 21. | Of obeying a proper Genius, and of the searching out the nature thereof. | pag.408 |
Chap. 22. | That there is a threefold keeper of man, and from whence each of them proceed. | pag.410 |
Chap. 23. | Of the tongue of Angels, and of their speaking amongst themselves, and with us. | pag.412 |
Chap. 24. | Of the names of Spirits, and their various imposition; and of the Spirits that are set over the Stars, Signs, Corners of the Heaven, and the Elements. | pag.414 |
Chap. 25. | How the Hebrew Mecubals draw forth the sacred names of Angels out of the sacred writ, and of the seventie two Angels, which bear the name of God, with the Tables of Ziruph, and the Commutations of letters and numbers. | pag.417 |
Chap. 26. | Of finding out of the names of spirits, and Genius's from the disposition of Celestial bodies. | pag.428 |
Chap. 27. | Of the calculating Art of such names by the tradition of Cabalists. | pag.430 |
Chap. 28. | How sometimes names of Spirits are taken from those things over which they are set. | pag.435 |
Chap. 29. | Of the Characters and Seals of spirits. | pag.437 |
Chap. 30. | Another manner of making Characters, delivered by Cabalists. | pag.439 |
Chap. 31. | There is yet another fashion of Characters, and concerning marks of spirits which are received only by revelation. | pag.445 |
Chap. 32. | How good spirits may be called up by us, and how evil spirits may be overcome by us. | pag.447 |
Chap. 33. | Of the bonds of spirits, and of their adjurations, and castings out. | pag.451 |
Chap. 34. | Of the Animasticall order, and the Heros. | pag.453 |
Chap. 35. | Of the Mortall and Terrestrial Gods. | pag.455 |
Chap. 36. | Of man, how he was created after the Image of God. | pag.457 |
Chap. 37. | Of mans soul, and through what means it is joyned to the body. | pag.465 |
Chap. 38. | What Divine gifts man receiveth from above, from the several orders of the Intelligences and the heavens. | pag.466 |
Chap. 39. | How the superior Influences, seeing they are good by nature, are depraved in these inferior things, and are made causes of evil. | pag.469 |
Chap. 40. | That on every man a divine Character is imprinted, by the vertue of which man can attain the working of miracles. | pag.471 |
Chap. 41. | What concerning man after death, diverse Opinions. | pag.473 |
Chap. 42. | By what wayes the Magicians and Necromancers do think they can call forth the souls of the dead. | pag.488 |
Chap. 43. | Of the power of mans soul, in the mind, reason and imagination. | pag.492 |
Chap. 44. | Of the degrees of souls, and their destruction, or Immortality. | pag.496 |
Chap. 45. | Of Soothsaying, and Phrensie. | pag.499 |
Chap. 46. | Of the first kind of phrensie from the Muses. | pag.500 |
Chap. 47. | Of the second kinde from Dionysius. | pag.503 |
Chap. 48. | Of the third kind of phrensie from Apollo. | pag.504 |
Chap. 49. | Of the fourth kinde of Phrensie, from Venus. | pag.507 |
Chap. 50. | Of rapture, and extasie, and soothsayings, which happen to them which are taken with the falling sickness, or with a swoune, or to them in an agonie. | pag.508 |
Chap. 51. | Of Propheticall Dreams. | pag.511 |
Chap. 52. | Of Lots and marks possessing the sure power of Oracles. | pag.515 |
Chap. 53. | How he that will receive Oracles must dispose himself. | pag.517 |
Chap. 54. | Of cleanness, and how to be observed. | pag.520 |
Chap. 55. | Of abstinence, fastings, chastity, solitariness, the tranquillity and ascent of the mind. | pag.522 |
Chap. 56. | Of Penitency, and Alms. | pag.526 |
Chap. 57. | Of those things which being outwardly administred conduce to Expiation. | pag.527 |
Chap. 58. | Of adorations, and vows. | pag.529 |
Chap. 59. | Of sacrifices and oblations, and their kinds and manners. | pag.53 |
Chap. 60. | What imprecations and rites the ancient, were wont to use in sacrifices, and oblations. | pag.537 |
Chap. 61. | How these things must be performed, as to God, so as to inferiour dieties. | pag.538 |
Chap. 62. | Of consecrations, and their manner. | pag.540 |
Chap. 63. | What things may be called holy, what consecrated, and how these become so betwixt us and the Dieties; and of sacred times. | pag.542 |
Chap. 64. | Of certain Religious observations, ceremonies, and rites of perfumings, unctions, and such like. | pag.548 |
Chap. 65. | The Conclusion of the whole work. | pag.555 |