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Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers/Index of Subjects

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[The figures refer to the pages, the letters to the number of the selections; thus, 28 c, d, denotes the third and fourth extracts on page 28; and 45 b-48 c all from the second selection on page 45 to the third on page 48 inclusive.]

  • Ability: 1.See also Talent.
How developed, 1 b, c, 121 d-f.
How lost, 563 b.
Involves responsibility, 1 a.
  • Accountability: 1-2.
Sense of in eternity, 2 a.
Sphere of, 1 d.
  • Action: 2-6 See also Earnestness.
Exemplified, 3 d-f.
History of the church, 4 d.
Man's end, 2 b.
Measure of worth, 2 c.
Nature of, 2 e, 4 b, e, 6 a, 564 a, 566 b.
Need of, 3 c, 112 e, 122 a.
Prompt, 5 e-f.
Resolute, 6 b, c, g, 125 a.
Results of, 3 a, b, e, 4 c, 5 b, c, 3 g, 243 a.
Results of eternal, 2 d, 4 a, 6 d-f, 351 b, 551 f.
Unselfish, 4 f, 242 e, 243 a.
We shall meet it at the judgment, 361 b.
  • Adoption: 7.
Cause of, 7 c, 489 e.
Nature of, 7 a, 362 a.
Need of, 7 b.
Result of, 159 a, 489 e.
  • Adversity: 7-8.See also Trials.
Deepened by impatience, 7 e.
Develops strength, 578 c.
Easier to bear than prosperity, 8 a.
God's design in it, 7 d.
Refuge in, 7 f.
  • Afflication: 8-11.See also Bereavement.
Attend at once to its lessons, 10 a.
Clears our spiritual vision, 8 f.
Cup of salvation, a, 10 f.
Extraordinary, 9 a.
Fits for heroic service, 9 h.
God's presence in, 10 i, 11 b, c.
How to bear it, 10 e, 10 g.
How to give help in, 11 a.
Leads to heaven, 9 c, d, 10 g.
Lot of all, the, 8 g.
May be God's light, 9 f, i.
Means of development, a, 8 c, 9 e.
Meekness under, 11 d.
Prayer for comfort in, 11 e.
Removed, should produce gratitude, 10 h.
Sanctified, 9 b, 10 b-d.
School of virtue, a 8 d.
Shadow of God's wings, 8 b.
Teachings of, 9 e.
Test of character, a, 9 g.
Weans us from the earth, 8 e.
  • Ambition: 11-12.
Effects of, 12 a, b.
Nature of, 11 f, 12 b, c.
  • Amusement: 12-13.
Effect on religion, 12 d, e, 150 d.
Effect in the Sunday-school, 572 f.
Example of, 13 a.
Innocent, 12 f.
Proper in its place, 12 g, 452 c.
Unlawful, 251 c, 383 h.
  • Anger: 13-14.
Folly of, 13 c, e.
How to control it, 14 c.
Nature and evil of, 13 b, d, 14 a.
Unchristian, 14 b, d.
  • Apostasy: 14-15.
Exemplified, 14 e.
"Is it I?" 14 f, 15 a.
  • Asleep in Jesus.See Death of Christians.
  • Aspiration: 15.
Not murmuring, 15 d.
Prayer for God's aid, 15 f.
Unsatisfied desire, 18 e.
  • Assurance: 16-18.
Best, the, 16 e, 17 c.
Full, 18 a.
How to obtain it, 16 d, 17 a, d.
In its absence, practice the faith of adherence, 18 b.
In prayer, 460 c, d.
Its nature and end, 16 a, b, d, 604 g.
Seek to obtain it, 16 c.
Unquestioning, example of, 17 b.
  • Atheism: 18-20.
Benefits no one, 19 a.
Cause of, 19 f, 487 b.
Choose between it and Christianity, 20 a.
Denies man's nobility, 19 c.
Destitution, a, 19 b.
Folly of, 18 c, d.
Gives no comfort in death, 19 e.
Practical, 20 b.
Solitariness of, 19 d.
Source of, 18 e-f.
  • Atonement.See Christ, Saviour.
  • Avarice: 20-21.
Nature and effects, 20 c-f.
Prayer to be kept from, 21 a.
  • Backsliding, cause of, 21 b-d.
  • Baptism: 21-22.
Holy Spirit, of, 22 a.
Sign, a, 21 e.
  • Beatitudes, 33 c.
  • Beauty: 22.
and holiness, 22 c-f.
Defined, 22 b.
  • Belief: 22-23.See also Faith and Trust.
Absence of, 23 d-e.
Comfort of, 23 f.
Defined, 22 g.
Effects of, 23 a.
How to secure it, 22 h, 23 b.
In Christ, 103 d, 154 a, 364c.
Measure of, 23 c.
  • Beneficence: 24-27.
Antidote to worldliness, 24 e-f.
Consecrates wealth, 24 e.
Constant, 26 b.
Duty, a, 25 e, 27 a, 574 d.
Glory of, 24 a, 131 a.
Law of creation, 26 a.
Proper exercise of, 25 a-g.
Reward of, 24 c, 26 c-f, 270 d.
Seasonable, 24 g.
Source of, 47 c, 574 b.
  • Bereavement: 27-28.See also Affliction.
Christ's presence in, 27 b.
Friends gone before, 27 e, 28 a.
Resignation in, 27 c, 28 b.
Sympathy for bereaved, 27 d.
  • Bible: 28-40.
Brings light, 30 b.
Character and claims, 28 c-32 d, 33 d, 35 b-d, 36 c, 37 b, 40 e.
Christ's word, 32 d.
Delight in, 40 h.
Destroys idolatry, 34 c.
Establishes freedom and justice, 34 d, 569 d, 570 a.
Given by Nature's God, 31 b, 35 b.
God's letter of affection, 30 d.
God's word, evidences of, 29 e, 34 e, 35 f.
Holy Spirit its interpreter, 318 c.
How to study it, 38 e, 39 a, 40 a-d, 572 d, 573 a.
How to use it, 37 c, 38 c, 40 g, 365 b.
Interprets nature, 31 a.
Literary worth of, 31 c, e, f, 33 d-f, 34 a, 386 c.
Mystery in, 422 a, b.
Old Testament, 32 e.
Own interpreter, 36 f.
Place in the family, 39 c, d.
Promotes morality, 34 b, 36 b.
Proverbs, 33 b.
Psalms, 33 a. b.
Read it, 38 a, 39 c, 40 f.
Reveals salvation, 29 e, f, 30 a-c, 32 b, 497 e.
Simplicity of, 29 c.
Sorrow unfolds it, 555 e.
Submission to its teachings, 38 b, c.
Substantial, 29 e, 36 e.
Thought suggesting, 31 c, 364 d.
Treasure, 30 b, c, 31 d, e, 39 e.
Treasury, not an arsenal, 38 d.
Truth of, 29 c, d, 36 e, 37 b.
Unchanged, 35 e.
Unity of, 32 c, d.
  • Books.See Literature.
  • Brotherhood: 41-42.
Common level, 41 d.
Christ's teaching, 41 b, 42 b, 136 a.
Of man, 41 a, 84 d, 46 g, 47 a.
Revealed by the Scriptures, 41 c.
Sense of, how developed, 42 a.
  • Brotherly Love.See Sympathy.
  • Burden-bearing: 99 a-d, 98 a-c, 253 b, c, 548 f, 554 f.
  • Cares: 42-44.
And meditation, 406 e.
Basis of, 42 c, 43 a.
Cast them on God, 43 c, 44 a.
Climb above them, 43 f, 601 e.
Keep them without thee, 43 b, c.
Of riches, 521 d, 523 d.
Why art thou troubled? 43 f.
  • Character: 44-46.
Above intellect, 353 d.
All we can take into eternity, 44 e, 623 c.
At death, 180 c, d, 213 c, 623 c.
Christian, evidences of, 365 e.
Faith its most essential ingredient, 45 b.
How formed, 45 d, 46 d, 254 e, 255 b, 581 b.
How injured, 45 g, 46 a.
Measure of enjoyment and suffering, 45 a.
Strength of, 45 c.
Tested, 44 c, 533 a, 534 e, f.
Tombstone, the best, 44 d.
  • Charity (Love): 46-48.
How to foster it, 48 b.
In speaking, 47 g.
Motive for, 47 a.
Nature and effect of, 46 e-g, 47 b-f, 48 c.
Should begin at home, 48 a.
  • Chastisement: 140 a, 568 c, 588 a.
See also Affliction, etc.
  • Cheerfulness: 48-49.
Cause of, one, 545 d.
Cultivate it, 49 a, b.
Effect of, 48 e, f.
Honors God, 49 d.
In self-denial, 534 c.
What it indicates, 48 g, h.
  • Children: 49-53.
Bring them to Christ, 50 d, 145 b, 571 b, 572 a, b.
Christ's method, 49 f, 50 c, 570 c.
Consider them lent to us, 51 e.
Death of, 51 f, 53 b, d.
Don't despise them, 50 e.
Educate us, 51 a, 545 e.
How to train them, 50 b, 295 d.
Need models, not critics, 49 g.
Patience with, 51 d.
Prayer for, 50 f.
We all are children, 51 b, c, 143c, f.
What to teach them, 33 f.
Why God has given them, 50 a.
  • Choice: 53.See also Decision.
Decisive moments, 53 f.
Imperative, 53 e-g, 435 d.
  • Christ: 54-102.
Advent of, 54 b, 55 a.
Advocate, 88 c, d.
All in all, 54 a.
Always the same, 64 a, 78 a, 93 d, e, 94 a.
Atoning sacrifice.See Christ's Sufferings and Death.
Beauty of, 54 a, 57 a, 96 c.
Blood of, 87 e, f, 88 a, c, 74 e, 81 b, d, 83 d, 84 a.
Brother, my, 93 a, c, 94 a, 100 b.
Burden, 98 a-d.
Burden bearer, 61 e, 86 b, 98 e, 99 a-d.
Centre of world's history, 56 b, c, 59 d, 78 a.
Character, grandeur of, 59 e, 60 c, 61 c, d, 64 f.
Creator, 56 c.
Cross of, 71 d, 72 a, b, 73 c, e, 78 d, e.See also Cross of Christ.
Cross constantly before Him, 61 c, d, 68 c.
Divine, 56 d, 57 a-58 d, 59 e, 62 b, 138 b.
Embodiment of virtue, 65 c.
Enthusiasm of, 208 e.
Ever lives, 75 e, 78 a.
Exaltation of, 77 a-e.
Example, our, 62 e, 124 f, 391 e.
Faith in.See Faith in Christ.
Faith of, 61 d.
Fame of, 60 a, 61 b, 78 a.
Fulfills all types, 69 b, c.
Fullness of, 95 c-96 b.
Gives freedom, 60 b, 89 a.
Governs the ages, 59 d.
Guide, 88 e, f, 89 a, b, f, 598 b.
High Priest.See Christ, Saviour.
Home, His gift, 325 c, 326 d, 327 a.
Human and Divine, 55 c, 56 a, 61 a, 60 d.
Humility, 60 c, 67 b.
Ideal of humanity, 54 b, c, 55 e, 57 a, b, 77 c, 42 b.
Incarnation of, 54 b, 55 a, 132 b, 393 h.
Intercession of, 473 b.
In the Sunday-school, 572 a, 571 a, b, 570 b, c.
Invades the lives of others, 108 c.
Invitation of, 62 c, 85 a.
Joy of, 78 c, 356 b, c.
King, 77 e, 78 a-79 c, 85 d, 437 b.
Kingdom of, 500 c.
Lamb of God, 86 a, b.
Last work of, 73 a.
Leader, 80 a-f.
Life and ministry, 54-68.
Light, the, 65 b, c, 90 a, b, 91 c.
Lord and God, my, 85 d.
Love of, 41 b, 58 e, f, 59 b, c, 65 a, 71 a, b, 82 c, 85 a, 92-94, 311 c.
Manifestation of God's love, 271 c-272 d.
Manliness of, 55 d, 59 b.
Meekness of, 407 c.
Mercy, sense of, 85 b.
Messiah, 76 b, 77 a.
Method of, 63 a.
Miracle of the ages, 57 a, 65 f, 78 a.
Miracles of, 64 d, 65 f-66 d.
Mission of, 559 g.
Nature, mystery of, 422 c, 423 e.
Necessary that He should go away, 68 d.
Obedience of, 68 b.
Omnipotence of, 65 e, f, 66 a-c.
Only, 66 e.
Parables of, 63 a, 65 d, e.
Patience of, 63 b, 444 b, 453 d.
Peace of, 445 d-446 e, f.
Perfections of, 54 a, 59 b, c, 60 c, 63 b, 67 b.
Pity of, 58 d, e, f, 97 b.
Praise of, 54 a.
Presence of, 96 c-97 e, 95 b, 110 b, 250 e, 475 f, 568 e, 584 e.
Presence in heaven, 302 e, 303 a-d, 308 b, c.
Power of God , 87 c.
Prayers of, 63 a, 66 d, 71 c.
Prophet, 91 a-e.See also Learning of Christ.
Physician, the great, 94 b, 154 b.
Refuge, l00 a-101 f.
Rejected of men , 60 c.See also Rejection of Christ.
Remembrance of, 70 b.
Resurrection of, 75 e, 76 a, 137 c.
Reveals God, 62 a-c, 65 e, 285 d, 431 d.
Reveals immortality, 91 d, e.
Rock of Ages, 100 d, e, 101 a-f.
Sacrifice, love's greatest effort, 77 b.
Sacrifice, sufficiency of, 82 a, 87 a.
Saviour, 67 a, 81-87, 88 a, b, g, 91 d, 92 a, 94 e, 95 b-f, 96 a, 97 d, 162 e, 210 e, 246 d, f, 359 b, c, 391 a, b, 416 e, 489 b, d, 490 a, 510 c, d, 529 b, 546 f, 580 d, 590 a.
Second coming of, 102 c-e.See also Millennium.
Self-dedication of, 59 c.
Shepherd, 59 a, 89 a, b, d, e.
Simplicity of, 63 c, 64 a, 96 c.
Soul of the gospel, 288 e.
Soul's rest, 559 e.
Substitute, my, 72 d.
Sufferings and death of, 69-75, 546 e, 585 e.
Support in death, 183 e.
Sympathy of, 92 b, 93 c, 94 a-c.
Teacher, the great, 62 b, d, e, 63 a, 77 a, 140 d.
Tears of, 58 d.
Tenderness of, 59 b, c, 68 a, 82 c, 89 e, 91 b, 92 b, 93 c, 94 a-c, 584 c, 593d.
Transfiguration of, 66 e, f, 67 a.
Trials, little things, 59 e.
Triumph of, is mine, 44 a.
Truth, 59 a-c, 62 d, 63 a, 64 b-e, 65 a, 86 e, 91 a, b.
Unselfish, 60 b.
Waiting for me, 89 e.
Watchfulness of, 89 c.
Way, the, 90 b-e.
Wisdom of God, 58 b, 59 a-c, 62 d, 63 a, 64 b, 65 d, 95 e.
Words of, 59 a-c, 62 d, 63 a, 64 b-e, 65 d, e, 91 a, b.
Work of, supernatural, 70 d.
Yoke of, 98 a-d.
  • Christians: 103-107.
Death of, 176 c-e, 177 b-e, 178 a, b, d, 179 b, 182-186.
Doubts of, 196 c.
Earnestness of, 110 a.
Entrusted with Christ's glory, 106 c.
Example of, 116 c.
Experience, 113 c.
Fearful ones, 106 e.
Free from malice, 106 a, 115 f, 116 a, 520 c, d.
Graces of, 119 a.
Hope of, 327 e, 328 f.
How to become one, 105 d, 152 a.
Joys of, 355 c, 356 b, 447 e.See also Joy.
Like Christ, 104 b, 105 c, 552 b, 562 b.See also Likeness to Christ.
Littleness of, 105 e.
Living for Christ, 109 e, 249 b.
Manhood of, 476 a.See also Manhood and Manliness.
Memory in heaven, 408 a.
Patience of, 442 h.See also Patience.
Prayer necessary, 457 b.See also Prayer.
Privilege of, 254 b.
Purpose of, 120 d, e, 121 c, 197 a, 296 e.
Represent Christ, 103 e, 115 e.
Safety in Christ, 107 a, 110 b.
Satisfied only in part, 106 d.
Simplicity of, 156 a.See also Simplicity.
Testimony of, 106 b.See also Speaking for Christ.
Union to Christ, 81 b, 105 b.See also Union to Christ.
Useful, 105 a.See also Christian Service.
Victory of, 108 d, 109 a, 110 a.
What they are, 103-104, 250 a, 163 e, 434 d.
  • Christian Conflict: 107-110.
Christ with us, 577 a.
Condition of spiritual growth, 564 b, c, 563 e, 612 c.
Nature and end of, 107-110, 114 d, 115 a, b.
  • Christian Fellowship: 110-112.
Christ's love, bond of, 85 d, 110 d, 111 a, b, d, 143 b, 475 d.
Rich and poor, 111 c.
  • Christian Life: 112-119.See also Holiness and Piety.
Action, 2 c, 5 a, 112 d, e, 554 a, 566 b.
Culture and discipline, 113 d.
Emotion, feeling, 114 c.
End of, 118 b-f, 380 e-g.
Following Christ, 113 a.
Higher type of, 115 c, e.
Intellect not a substitute for, 114 b.
Light of, 116 c, d, 572 c.
Mistakes of, 117 c, d.
Nature of, 192 f.
Need of self-denial, 533 a, f, 534 d, e, 535 c.
Progress in, 116 a, b, 117 c, 118 f.
Source of, 602 b.
Strength and beauty, 113 e, 114 a, 115 d.
Test of, 117 a-c, 136 b, 278 a.
Token of redeeming grace, 113 b.
Trials of, 264 e, 265 d.See also Trials.
Worship, a, 118 c.
  • Christian Service: 119-131.
Ability for, 1 a, c, 2 c-e, 3-6, 121 d-f, 122 a, 123 a-e.
Calmness of, 124 a.
Consecration to, 130 e.
Danger in, 566 a.
Delight in, 120 d, e, 121 a, b, 122 b, 125 b, 561 f.
Desire for, 120 e, 121 a-c, 124 b, 561 g.
Discouragements in, 122 e.
Every day's work, 120 a.
Glory of, 131 a-c.
God's guidance in, 125 a, c, d, 128 f, 129 a.
Heartily as to the Lord, 126 a-128 e, 130 a-e.
Humility in, 122 d.
Little things, 120 c, d, 561 b-d.
Method of, 121 d, e, 122 d, 125 a, 129 e, 166 a, b, d, 169 e, 269 c, d, 363 c, f.
Nature of, 120 b, 576 f.
Necessity for, 122 a, b, 124 c-f, 368 a-c, 399 c.
Patience in, 125 e, 442 h.
Reward of, 131 a-c.
Sinners brought to Christ, 129 b, c, d, f, 130 b, d.
  • Christianity: 131-142.
Adapted to man, 139 b, c, 140 b, f, 141 a-c, 142 a, b, c.
And home, 326 a, c, d.
And infidelity.See Infidelity.
And woman, 618 a, b.
Effects of, 134 b, c, 135 d, 136, a-d, 137 a, 139 b-e, 140-142, 143 a, 107 b, c, 614 a.
Evidences of, 134 c-e, 135-138, 139 b, c, 140 f, 141 a, c, 143 a, 23 b, 501 d, e.
Miracle, a, 133 d.
Mother of freedom, 379 b, c.
Nature of, 131 e, 132 a-133 e, 134 a, d, 135 a-c.
Need of, 545 a.
Triumphs of, 133 c, 136 a, c, 137 a, 141-142.
Unlike other systems, 133 a, e, 135 c, 137 d, 140 f, 141 a, c, 143 a.
  • Christmas. 143 b-e.
  • Church: 143-150.
And the Sunday-school, 569 d.
Backsliding, 147 b.
Best days of, 584 g.
Christ its head, 144 a, b, 145 c, e, 148 c, 149 a, e.
Christ with it in its dark days, 149 a, b.
Coldness of, 148 a.
Consecration of, 144 d.
Counterfeit, a, 148 b.
Divided, a, 148 c, d.
Faith of, 146 c.
God's covenant with, 143 g, 144 b.
Growth of, 144 a, 554 g.
Heresy in, 147 f.
Holy Spirit's presence in, 144 d, 145 f, 318 e, 321 e, 322 b-d, 323 a.
Indolent, an, 147 c-e.
In heaven, 360 a.See also Heaven.
Mission of, 149 d.
Missionary work, 150 b.See also Missions.
Must cling to Christ, 145 c, 146 c.
Must honor Christ, 145 a.
Peace of, 148 c-e.
Piety, need of, 145 a-f, 146 a, 147 a-d.
Pillar of civil liberty, 148 f.
Power of, 144 d, 146 c, 147 a, d.
Revivals, 145 d, e, 149 c.See also Revivals.
Revivals, spasmodic effort, 149 c.
Unity of, 149 e, 150 a, 148 c, d.
Visible, 144 c.
Working, a, 147 d, e, 455 f.
  • Church (Sanctuary): 150-151.
Attendance upon ordinances, 150 c.
Edifice, 151 a, b.
Services, 146 a, 150 d.
  • Coldness of Heart: 82 e.
  • Coming to Christ: 151-155.See also Repentance.
Believing on Him, 153 f, 154 a.
Condition of repentance, 506 a.
He will receive you, 153 b, c.
Method of, 151-153.
Preparation for, 152 a-c.
Renouncing sin, 154 a.
Sense of sin, 153 d, e.
  • Communion with God and Christ, 120 c, 296 a.See also Prayer and Devotion.
  • Confessing Christ: 155-156.See also Last Supper.
Duty of, 155 c.
No secret Christians, 155 d-f.
  • Confidence.See Faith and Trust.
  • Conscience: 156-158.
Evil, an, 157 d, h, i, 158 a.
Good, a, 215 e.
Nature and office of, 157 a-f, 389 b, 503 e.
Seared, a, 158 a.
Sunday, a, 524 e.
Tender, a, 552 c, d, 553 b, 615 e.
  • Consecration: 158-160.
Entire, 158 c, 159 b, c, e, 610 d.
Holy Spirit the agent, 159 a.
Necessary to usefulness, 158 d.
Of riches, 521 f, 522 a.
Prayer for, 158 b, 159 b, 160 a.
Produces peace and joy, 159 d, 160 a.
  • Consolation, Christ's, 27 b.
Ground of, 144 b.
  • Contempt: 160.
Contemptible, 160 e.
Leaves a scar, 160 g.
No room for, 160 d.
Self-righteousness its source, 160 f.
Spirit of Antichrist, 160 b, c.
  • Contentment: 161.
And aspiration, 300 a.
Condition of, 161 b.
In any state, 161 g.
Is wealth, 161 a.
Simple pleasures, 161 d-f.
Two kinds, 161 c.
  • Controversy: 162.See also Denominationalism.
An evil, 38 d, 162 c, d, 480 d.
Manliness in, 162 a.
Needful to progress, 162 b.
  • Conversion: 162-164.
Evidence of, 163 c, f, 164 a, b, 436 a.
Human instrumentality in, 122 d, 164 d.
Nature of, 162 e-163 e, 164 c, 283 g.
Spurious, 115 f.
  • Conviction: 164-165.
"Almost persuaded," 165 b.
Difficult to the moralist, 164 f.
Necessary to belief, 164 e.
Not conversion, 165 a.
  • Courage: 165-167.See also Heroism and Manliness.
Conscience its root, 167 a.
Decisive energy of, 239 d.
God's aid, 167 b.
How to cultivate it, 166 f, 592 e.
Need of, 165 c-166 e, 168 g, 405 c.
Source of, 165 d, e.
  • Covetousness: 167.
Ambition of, 167 e, f.
Cure for, 25 f, 167 g.
Effect of, 167 d, h.
Nature of, 167 c.
  • Creation.See God Creator.
Mystery of, 424 c, d, 425 a.
  • Criticism: 168.
Cant of, 168 a.
Danger of, 168 c.
Not religion, 168 b.
Of Christian effort, 168 e.
Of ministers, 168 d.
Right kind of, 168 f.
  • Cross Bearing: 168-171.
Christ helps us, 169 b, 170 d.
Fear of, 171 a.
Method, the proper, 169 a, 405 e.
Nature of, 168 g, 169 c, 170 c, 204 d.
Need of, 171 d.
Pleasure, a, 169 d, 170 a.
Prayer for God's grace, 170 d, e.
Privilege of, 171 b, c, 373 c, 443 a.
Self the greatest cross, 170 b.
Submission and acceptance of, 170 f.
  • Cross of Christ: 171-173.
And Christ inseparable, 73 c, 300 e.
Effect of, 71 d, 141 c, 142 a, 172, 522 a.
Glory of, 171 e-g.
Looking to it, 173 a.
Oblation of, 246 b.
Prayer for its benefits, 173 d, e.
Reveals God's goodness, 262 a, 568 a.
Sign of victory, 172 c, 568 a.
Sinner's sanctuary, 172 a, d, 173 b-d.
  • Crucifixion of Christ.See Christ's Sufferings and Death.
  • Culture and Religion, 320a, 503 e-504 c, 504 e.
  • Death: 173-186.
All must die, 173 f, 174 a-c, 176 f, 178 e, 184 b, c.
Awful to the sinner, 95 b, 175 c.
Christ's support in, 95 b, 183 e.
Comforter's presence in, 183 a.
Debt of nature, 179 c.
Does not change character, 180 c, d.
End of earth, 174 e, 175 a, b.
Faith in, 608 c.
Fear of, 170 b, 179 a, 181 a, 184 c, e, 183 e, 185 a.
God's help in, 596 a, d.
Going home, 185 d, e.
Hour of, 175 a-176 a, 385 d.
Illustrations of, 174 a, b, 176 d, e, 177 d, e.
Lesson of, 186 a.
Love triumphant in, 182 a-d, 184 e.
Nearness of, 177 a-c.
Of children, 51 f, 52 a-d, 53 a-d.
Of Christians, 176 c-e, 177 b, d, e, 178 a, d, b, 179 b, 182-186, 119 b, c, 295 b, 328 c, e.
Of the old, 439 f, g.
Prayer for God's aid in, 179 b, d, 181 b, 178 b.
Preparation for, 176 b, 180 e, f, 181 b, c.
Power of, 170 b, 174 c, d.
Second, 181 d.See also Hell.
Sleep, a, 181 d, 183 b, c, 184 b.
Transition, 178 d.
Untimely, 180 e, f.
Visions of angels in, 182 d.
  • Decision: 186-187.
And toleration, 187 b.
Need of, 53 f, 80 a, 108 b, 186 c, d, e, 187 a-e.
Weakness is wickedness, 187 d, e.
  • Deeds never die: 2 d, 4 a, 6 d, 119 e.
  • Delay.See Procrastination.
  • Denominationalism: 187-189.
Need of Christian fellowship, 112 c, 149 e, 150 a, 188 a, 189 a-c.
Need of different sects, 188 c-e.
Difference, slight, 187 f.
  • Denying Christ: 189.
How Christians do it, 189 d, e.
  • Depravity, Human: 189-191.See also Evil and Sin.
In Christians, 605 b.
In perdition, 311 a.
Native, 190 c, d, 191 a.
Universal, 189 f, 190 a, d, 191 a.
  • Despair: 191.See also Fear.
Cause of, 191 d.
Cure for, 191 c, 499 d.
Nature of, 191 b, c.
  • Development in Heaven: 307 a-308 e.
  • Devotion: 192-194.See also Prayer.
How to increase it, 192 d, 193 a-e, 194 a.
Mistaken idea of, 193 f.
Nature of, 192 a-193 d.
Necessary to the theologian, 579 e.
Not the only business of life, 2 c, 508 d.
  • Disappointment: 281 f.See also Trials.
  • Discipleship, Measure of: 126 d, 127 a.See also Christian Service.
  • Discipline of Life, 107 d, 109 c, 110 c, 115 a, 588 d.
  • Dispositions, 420 b.
  • Doctrine: 194-195.
Belief in, 163 d.
How to explain it, 194 d.
How to know of it, 138 a, b, d, 194 f, g, 195 a.
Leads to Christ, 154 c.
Our proper attitude to, 194 c-195 a.
Purity of, 194 b.
  • Doing Good: 41 c, 121 c-e, 243 a.See also Beneficence.
  • Doubt: 195-196.
Cold-hearted Christians, 196 c.
Cure for, 195 d, e, 196 a, 599 b.
Easy entrance of, 195 b, c.
Folly of, 605 e-g, 608 a.
Produces wretchedness, 23 a.
  • Duty: 197-205.See also Obligation, Obedience, and Christian Service.
And crosses, 204 d.
And events, 197 c, 200 f, 204 c, 205 a.
And fear, 201 a, b, 203 b.
And interest, 534 f.
And knowledge, 198 f, 203 a.
And pleasure, 162 g, 200 e.
And rights, 523 f, 524 b.
Christian's object, the, 197 a.
Consecrates life, 198 h.
Ennoble it, 198 d.
First, the, 197 b, e.
How to do it, 197 b, 198 g, 199 b, c, 201 h, 202 a-204 b.
Life, apprenticeship to, 385 b.
Little things, 198 d, e, 203 b, e, f, 389 b.
Love for, 197 e, 199 c, 200 d, g, 201 b, h, 203 c, 378 c-e.
Nearest, the, 198 b, 203 b, e, f, 204 a, b, 369 d.
Necessity, 200 c.
Obligation, 199 a-200 b, f, g, 201 c, 202 a.
Of prayer, 474 d, e.
Performed, effects of, 197 d, 198 a, c, 199 a-e, 202 c, 297 e, 611 c.
Performed, courage in, 221 a.
Performed, imperishable, 197 d, 198 a.
Performed, weakness in, 202 a-d, 203 b.
Personal, 198 b, e, g, 200 d.
Rejection or neglect of, 155 d, 201 d-g.
Submission to, 202 c, d.
Trials fit us for, 585 d.
Trust God in it, 197 c-e, 198 b, 200 d, 201 g, 202-203.
  • Earnestness: 205-206.See also Action, Zeal, and Enthusiasm.
Conquers the world, 205 b, d.
Exhortation to, 130 e.
Gives happiness, 110 a, 205 e.
In prayer, 462 c, 463 b, c.
Nature of, 205 f.
Necessary, 205 c, 205 g, 206 a.
Prayer for, 206 b.
  • Earth: 206-207.
Should not be our chief end, 104 e, 206 e, 207 a-d.
Transitory, 206-207, 559 f, 620 c, f, 621 d.
  • Egotism sometimes fostered by alms-giving, 48 a.
  • Enemies: 207-208.
Have no power to harm you, 208 a.
Pray for them, 207 e.
  • Energy.See Action, Earnestness, Enthusiasm, and Zeal.
  • Enthusiasm: 208-209.See also Action, Earnestness, and Zeal.
Be not afraid of it, 209 a.
Christ our example, 208 e.
Christian virtue, a, 116 e.
Element of success, 208 b-d.
In the young, 208 e, 209 b.
  • Envy: 209.
Degradation of, 209 c.
Of the great, 209 d, e.
  • Eternal Life: 209-212.See also Heaven.
Conditions of, 210 e-211 d, 598 d.
Glory of, 211 e, 212 d.
Nature of, 109 f, 209 f-210 g.
  • Eternity: 212-213.
And time, 583 c.
Condition in, 2 a, 213 c.
Incomprehensible to man, 212 e.
Instinctive longing for, 602 a.
Lends dignity to life, 381 e, 382 a, b.
Memory in, 213 a, b, d.See also Memory.
Never grows old, 213 a, b.
Of actions, 286 f, 287 a.
Thought of, 212 b, c, 584 b.
Will unravel earthly mystery, 212 d.
  • Evangelism.See Missions.
  • Evil: 213-214.See also Sin.
Cure for, 213 g, 214 a.
National, 427 a-c.
Nature of, 213 e, f.
Source of, 213 h.
  • Evil Speaking: 214-215.
Antidote for, 215 b, d, e.
Avoid it, 214 b-e, 215 a, f.
Injures the slanderer, 214 d, e, 215 c.
  • Evolution: 216.
God's method of, 216 a-c.
Tends towards God, 216 d.
  • Exaggeration, avoid it, 483 a.
  • Example: 217.
Bad, a, 217 d-f.
Good, a, 116 c, 217 b, c.
Teacher, the best, 217 a, b.
  • Experience, Christian: 112 e, 113 c.See also Christians.
  • Faith: 218-223.
And prayer, 221 d.
Develops noble character, 220 e, 222 a, b.
Fearlessness of, 221 g.
Grasps the promises, 222 d.
Habit, a, 219 a.
In exercise, 218 c-f, 219 c, 220 a-e, 221 a, c, e, g, 222 a, b, d.
In the right, 221 a.
Measure of, 221 b, c.
Nature of, 218 a, b, f, 219 f, 220 a-c, 221 f, 488 a.
Necessary in prayer, 460 e, f, 461 a-g, 462 d, g.
Need of, 222 e, 223 a.
Office of, 219 f, 220 a-c.
  • Faith in Christ: 223-238.See also Trust in Christ.
And love, 228 c, 229 a, 230 d, e, 233 a, 234 b, f, 237 f.
And obedience, 227 c, d, 229 d, 234 a, d.
And sight, 251 a, 593 a.
Appropriating principle, an, 224 b, 234 b.
Better than feeling, 244 d, e, 245 a, b.
Confidence, 225 b-e, 223 b.
Evidence of, 527 d, 618 c, e, 619 a, b.
Gift of God, 223 c, d.
In death, 238 a, b, 608 c.
In exercise, 104 f, 225 d, 226 b-d, 227 c, d, 228 b, e, f, 229 a, 230 b, c, g, 231 a-e, 232 b-d, 233 a, c, d, 234 c, d, 235 e, 237 d.
In, on and into, 225 c, 226 e, 227 a.
Instrument in justification, 223 b, 224 b, 226 b, 234 b, d, 236 c, d.
Nature of, 154 a, 223 a-226 a, 226 c-228a, 228 b-229 b, 229 e, 230 a, c, d, 231 a, b, 232 a-233 e, 237 a, 396 b, 535 c.
Personal, 88 a, b, 104 f, 223 c, 226 b, 227 e, 232 c, d.
Power of, 229 c, 230 a, 235 b-d, 236 b, 237 b, c, 238 a, 498 b.
Prayer for, 231 c, d, e, 233 e.
Trust, 224 c, 225 a, 226 a, 227 c, 229 d, e, 230 b, 231 c, 232 a, d, 233 a, 591 a.
  • Faith in God: 238-241.
Condition of His protection, 239 b, f, 240 a-e, 241 b, d.
Exhortation to, 239 a.
Expression of, 239 e.
Indispensable, 221 d, 241 a.
In exercise, 239 d, 240 c, d, 241 c, e, f.
Nature of, 238 c-e, 239 a, b.
Personal, 239 c, 241 c.
Religion, 493 d.
  • Falsehood: 241-242.
Cowardly, 242, a, b.
Ephemeral, 241 g.
In trifles, 242 c.
In youth, 242 d.
  • Fame: 242-243.
An idle boast, 243 c.
When permanent, 242 e, f, 243 a, b.
  • Family united in Heaven, 39 d.See also Home and Heaven.
  • Fault Finding.See Murmuring.
  • Fear: 243-244.See also Despair.
Base of, 243 d.
Cure for, 598 e, 599 a, 600 e.
Demoralizes the soul, 243 e.
Duty dispels it, 201 a, 203 b.
Of death, 179 a, 181 a, 183 e, 184 c, e, 185 a.
Of the cross, 170 e, 171 a.
Preface to love, 244 c.
To do wrong, 201 b.
Two kinds of, 243 f, 244 a, b.
  • Feeling: 244-245.
And duty, 502 d.
And knowing, 366 f.
Does not save the soul, 244 d, e, 245 a, b, 448 g, 506 c, d, f.
Not a test of Christian character, 126 d, 245 c.
  • Fellowship with Christ and God: 245-247.
Effect of, 247 a, 609 d, e.
Habit, a, 245 d.
How learned, 246 a-c, 543 c.
In trial and weakness, 246 d-f, 247 b.
Of the heart, 245 e.
Prayer for, 247 c.
  • Fidelty: 247-249.
Admonition to, 247 d, e, 248 c.
Hesitancy in, 248 e.
Necessity for, 247 f, 248 a-c.
Prayer for, 398 e.
Reward of, 249 a.
Source of, 248 d.
  • Following Jesus: 249-251.
Duty of, 41 b, 249 b, c, f, 250 b, f, 251 a-c, 553 e.
Effect of, 249 e, 250 d, e.
Prayer for grace, 80 c, 251 d, 334 c.
Privilege of, 249 c-d, 250 d, e, 543 d.
Sign of sanctification, 249 f, 250 a.
Two ways of, 249 e, 250 d, e.
  • Forgiveness: 251-252.
Christian grace, a, 251 e, 252 c, d, e.
Christ's example, 252 c.
Effect personal, 252 b.
How to cultivate it, 252 a.
Nobility of, 251 c, 252 d.
  • Fortitude: 253.
Christian, 118 e, 253 a, d.
Exhortation to, 253 d-f.
In trial, 253 b-f.
  • Fretting: 254.
Destroys peace, 254 a.
Source of, 588 b.
Without excuse, 254 b.
  • Friendship: 254-255.
Christian, 254 c-e.
Influence on character, 254 e, 255 b.
Nature of, 255 a.
  • Frivolity: 255.
Of soulless professors, 255 d.
Weakens character, 255 c.
  • Gentleness: 255-256.
And strength, 255 e.
In rebuke, 256 a.
Need of, 160 d.
  • Glory: 256.
Nature of, 256 b, c.
Of earth, 567 c.
Of heaven, 299 e, f, 300 b.
Source of, 256 d.
  • God: 256-285.
Being of, 256 e, f, 257 a, b.
Compassion of.See God, Love of.
Condescension of, 271 c-e, 272 a, b.
Creator, 258 d, 259 a, b, 610 e.See also Nature.
Delays of, 444 f.
Eternity of, 259 c, d.
Fatherhood of, 42 b, 260 a-d.
Faithfulness of, 260 e, 261.
Fullness of, 266 e.
Glory and majesty of, 256 c, f, 258 d, 259 a, 273 f.
Goodness of, 261 d-263 a, 553 a.
Grace of.See God's Mercy.
Guidance of, 263 b-266 d, 276 b, 594 f, 601 c, 615 f.
Holiness of, 256 f.
Infinite, 266 e-267 d, 269 e, 271 d, 273 f, 274 a, d, 276 a, 546 c.
Justice of, 267 e-268 d.
Kingdom of, 151 f, 268 e-269 e.
Love of, 270 a-272 c, 260 a, 265 c, 268 b, c, 488 f, 512 a, 607 e.
Manifestations of, 258 a-c.
Mercy of, 272 d-273 c.
Mystery of, 256 e, f, 259 c, 267 a-d, 269 e, 279 f, 280 b, f, 282 a.
Omnipotence of, 273 d-274 c.
Omnipresence of, 274 d, e.
Omniscience of, 275 a-276 d, 597 b, e.
Pardon from, 440 f, 441 a.
Patience of, 443 d.
Presence of, 276 e-278 c, 332 f, 577 b, 602 d.
Pity of.See God's Love.
Providence of, 123 d, 203 c, e, 278 d-283 b, 512 d, 596 f, 597 a-e, 601 d.
Providence, mystery of, 423 a, b.
Providence, special, 279 c, g.
Refuge, 257 c, e, 259 d.
Soul's rest, the, 257 c-f.
Sovereignty of, 283 c-284 e, 616 b, 620 a, b.
Trinity of, 285 a-c, 421 f.
Truth of, 285 d-f, 599 d, 606 d.
Unchangeable, 256 f.
Will of, 436 d.
Wisdom of.See God's Omniscience.
Works of.See God, Creator.
Wrath of, 271 e.
Wrong views of, 257 a, b.
  • Goodness: 286-287.
Cherish it, 287 c, d.
Duty to possess it, 155 f, 287 b.
Glory of, 286 c, d.
Longing for it, 286 b.
Make it agreeable, 49 a.
Nature of, 286 a.
Never lost, 286 f, 287 a.
Should have an object, 286 e.
  • Gospel: 287-290.See also Bible.
Blessings of, 487 e.
Call of, 82 a.
Christ its centre, 288 c, e.
Effect of, 288 a, d, g, 368 f, 613 f.
Method of, 290 a.
Nature of, 288 b, e, f, 289 a, b, 526 e, 580 d, f.
Object of, 287 e, 288 a, d, 375 d, e, 489 a.
Preaching it, 289 c, d.
Unites itself to the beautiful, 22 c.
Vengeance of, 289 e.
  • Gratitude: 290.
Beauty of, 290 c, e.
Duty of, 290 f.
Nature of, 290 b, d.
To Christ, 120 e.
  • Grave: 291-292.
Lessons of, 291 e, 292 a, 338 a.
Prospect it opens, 291 a, b, d, 292 b.
Returning from, 291 f.
Yawning abyss, a, 291 c, d.
  • Greatness: 292-293.
Accomplishments of, 293 d.
Characteristics of, 578 e.
Condition of, 330 a-c.
Mark for envy, 209 d.
Method of, 293 e, 443 b.
Nature of, 242 f, 292 c-293 c, 543 g, 544 a.
  • Growth in Grace: 293-295.See also Spiritual Progress.
Christian characteristic, a, 293 f-294 a.
Exhortation to, 294 b, c.
How to secure it, 294 e.
Nature of, 294 a, b, d, g.
Prayer for, 295 b.
Sign of, 294 d, f, 295 a.
  • Habit: 295-296.
Effect on character, 295 c-296 d.
Evil, resist it, 296 b, c, d.
Evil, how to escape from it, 296 a, 387 e.
  • Happiness: 296-298.
Conditions of, 297 a, b, f, g, 298 b, 298 d, 498 a.
Earthly, 298 a, 297 a, 296 f, 270 f.
Not our being's end, 296 e, f.
Of home, 323 d, e, 325 a, b.
What it is, 297 c-e, 298 c.
  • Hatred: 298.
Not a Christian grace, 155 a, 298 f.
Proper object, 298 e.
  • Health: 299.
Means of enjoyment, 299 a.
Necessary to usefulness, 299 c.
Thank God for it, 299 b.
  • Heart.See also Soul.
How to guard it, 108 c.
Let it be God's alone, 43 b.
  • Heaven: 299-309.
Begins here, 304 c-e.
Closed against selfishness, 535 f, 561 e.
Desirability of, 308 d.
Development in, 307 a-308 e.
Foretaste of, 278 c.
Friends in, 304 f-306 e, 310 d.
Glimpses of, 381 f, 382 a.
Glory of, 211 e, 212 a, 299 e, f, 300 b.
Home, 302 e, f, 303 b, 308 e, f, 326 a-327 c.
How gained, 564 b.
Joy of, 303 a-304 b, 367 b, 309 c, 306 d.
Longing for, 300 a, 302 a-e, 308 c, 309 a, 406 f, 613 c.
Memories of, 407 c.
Nearness of, 308 e, 309 b, 613 d.
Prayer for, 309 c.
Proof personal of, 339 c.
Purity of, 302 a, b.
Rest of, 299 d, 300 c, d, f, 302 c, d, 304 a, b, g, 306 e, 309 c, 517 d, e, 518 a-c, 613 b.
Without sorrow or suffering, 300 c-f, 306 d, 309 b.
  • Heavenly Influences: 309-310.
All about us, 309 d-310 b, 318 a.
Calling us upward, 28 a, 52 c, 310 a-d, 339 d, 564 d.
  • Hell: 311-312.
Absence of Holy Spirit, 311 a.
Congenial, 311 a, 312 a, b.
Labor for, 311 d, e.
Memories of, 407, 408 b.
Natural consequence of sin, 548 a, b, 549 a.
Revealed by Christ, 311 c.
Sorrow and suffering of, 311 b, 401 a.
Without repentance, 312 a, 546 d.
  • Heroism: 312-314.
Examples of, 313 a, b, 314 a.
Influence of, 569 a.
Needed to-day, 312 d.
Springs from faith, 313 a, b.
True character of, 312 c, e, 313 a-314 a, 451 a, b.
  • History, religion in, 498 d, 499 a, 500 a.
  • Holiness: 314-317.See also Christian Life, Piety, and Sanctification.
Beauty of, 315 c.
Beginning of, 491 e.
Christ looks for it, 315 e, f.
Effects of, 315 a, b, 316 a, c, 549 b.
Exhortation to, 314 d, 315 g, 316 a, d, f, 317 b, e.
How to strengthen it, 314 e.
Nature of, 314 a-c, 315 b, f, g, 316 c, 317 e, 496 d.
Opposed to selfishness, 536 a-c.
Sign of discipleship, 315 d, 316 c, 317 a, c, d, 551 g.
Through suffering, 108 a, 315 g, h, 486 g.
Trust in, 541 c, d.
  • Holy Spirit: 317-323.
Conditions of its reception, 319 b, e, 321 d, 543 b.
Fruits of, 320 a, 321 a, c.
In the church, 144 d, 145 f, 148 c, 318 e, 321 e, 322 b-d, 323 a.
Need of, 320 a-e, 321 e, 322 a-c.
Operation of, 159 a, 317 f, 318 a, 320 c, f, 490 a, 491 c.
Power of, 318 e, 319 a, c, d, 583 d.
Prayer for, 322 e, 323 a-c.
Presence in death, 183 a.
Welcome it, 321 b.
Work of, 80 d, 159 a, 318 b-e, 319 c-e, 320 c, 322 b-d, 490 a, 491 c.
  • Home: 323-327.
American, 324 a b.
And Christ, 325 c, 326 d, 327 a.
And heaven, 302 e, f, 308 e, f, 303 a, 326 a-327 c.
Child of Christianity, 326 a, c, d.
Christian, 323 f, 324 c, 327 a.
Death, 185 d, e.
Happy, a, 323 d, e, 325 a, b.
Laws of, 437 a.
Loves of, 325 a, c, 327 a-c.
Pleasures of, 324 e, 325 a.
Spirit of, 324 d.
Without love, 324 f.
  • Hope: 327-328.
Beacon, a, 328 e, f.
Christian, 87 b, 327 e-328 e.
In death, 328 c, e.
Prayer for, 28 b.
Proves immortality, 327 d.
Purifying, 327 e, 328 a.
Saved by, 191 d.
  • Humanity, failure of, 81 c.
  • Humanity of Christ: 54 b, c, 55 a-c.
  • Humility: 328-335.
And wisdom, 616 e.
Benefits of, 328 g, 329 b, 330 c, e, 331 b, 332 f, 332 c, d.
Examples of, 332 a, e, 335 a.
Gift of God, 331 a.
Illustrations of, 333 a, d, 334 a.
In exercise, 329 a, d-h, 330 a, g, 331 a-332 e, 333 b, c, 334 b, c, 335 a, b, 506 e.
Longing for, 331 e, 334 b, c, e.
Nature of, 328 g, 329 a-f, 330 a, g, 331 a, 332 a.
Sense of God's mercy, 85 b.
Source of other virtues, 328 g, 329 a, 330 c.
Suitableness of, 484 f, h, 485 c, d, f.
Test of greatness, 330 a, c.
  • Hypocrisy: 335-336.
Burden of villainy, 335 c.
Leads to self-deception, 336 f.
Religious, 46 d, 335 d-336 e.
  • Idolatry and the Bible: 34 c.
  • Ignorance: 336-337.
Cure for, 337 a.
Voluntary, 336 g.
  • Immortality: 337-339.
Arguments from nature, 337 d, 338 a, c, d, e.
Belief in, 337 e.
Christ reveals it, 91 d, e.
Contemplation of, 337 b, c, 338 b.
Heavenly influences, 339 d.
Hope, proof of, 327 d.
How to believe it, 339 c, e, f.
Personal, 337 c, 339 a, b.
Prayer recognizes it, 457 f.
Reconciles Providence, 337 d.
  • Impatience, avoid it, 51 d.
  • Impenitent: 339-344.See Unbelief.
Christ's call, 343 c, d.
Forgetting God and Christ, 341 c, 344 a.
God's call to, 342 a, c.
God will excuse you, 343 e.
Heavenly calls, 342 c.
In eternity, 311 c, 475 b, 560 c, e.
Labors for, 129 b-d.
Lost state of, 340 a-341 b, 343 a-c, 560 b, d, 561 a.
Method with, 344 b.
Need of, 506 e, 508 a.
Neutrality impossible, 341 d.
Sense of unworthiness, 82 b, 83 a.
Urged to come to Christ, 340 b, 341 b, 342 a-343 c, 527 b.
View of God's mercy, 409 e.
Warned, 358 a.
Why remain so, 341 e.
  • Importunity.See Prayer.
  • Indifference: 344.
Produces obduracy, 344 d.
Religious, alarming, 344 c, d.
  • Indolence: 344-346
And truth, 604 d.
Anti-christian, 344 f, 346 c.
Crime, a, 367 e.
Cure for, 346 d, e.
Leads to faults and vices, 345 a-g.
Worst enemy of the church, 344 e, 346 a, b.
  • Industry: 346-347.See also Labor.
Commanded by the gospel, 347 c.
Is genius, 347 a.
Motive to, 346 f.
Nature of, 347 b.
  • Infidelity: 347-349.
Advocates of, 349 e.
Argument against, 258 b.
Atheism its logical end, 348 d.
Cause of, 348 b, c, g.
Checks aspiration, 347 d.
Crime to teach it, a, 36 b, 349 d.
Cure for, 137 e, 348 f.
Destroys law and morality, 348 a.
How to meet it, 349 f-h, 348 e, f.
Not taught by mothers, 349 a.
Not wisdom, 349 c.
Prayer for deliverance from, 349 b.
Test of, 182 c.
  • Influence: 350-351.
Unconscious, extent of, 350 a, b, 351 b-e, 611 a.
  • Integrity: 352.
Before genius, 352 d.
Best policy, 352 b-f.
Element in Christian character, 250 c, 352 a.
  • Intellect: 353.See also Reason and Talents.
And piety, 453 a, b, 565 e.
Below character, 353 d.
Has no conscience, 353 a.
Permanent, 353 c.
Should be my counsellor, 353 b.
  • Intemperance: 353-354.
Brings ruin, 353 g, 354 a.
Mother of all vices, 353 e, f.
  • Joy: 354-357.
And sorrow, 45 a, 356 d, 555 c, d, f, 556 d, f, 557 a, 558b, 569 c, 585 f.
Duty, a, 357 a.
Earthly, prelude to heavenly, 355 c.
Gives strength, 354 b, 355 d.
Give it heart-room, 356 b.
Nature of, 264 d, 355 a, 356 e, 603 a.
Necessary to rest, 356 a.
Of God, 559 c.
Of Heaven, 303 a-304 b, 306 a 307 b, 309 c.
True, found only in Christ, 92 d, 356 b, c.
  • Judging: 357.
Danger of, 357 b, e.
How to cure it, 357 f.
How to do it, 357 b, c, d.
  • Judgement-Day: 358-361.
Glory of, 359 c, 360 a.
No escape from, 360 b, 361 b.
Sinners warned, 358 a.
Terrors of, 358 b-359 b, 360 b-361 b.
We are approaching it, 360 c.
  • Justice: 361.
Basis of liberty, 379 d.
Defined, 361 c.
Must be satisfied, 361 d.
  • Justification: 361-362.
Completeness of, 362 d, 489 e.
Ground of, 361 e, f, 591 d.
Nature of, 362 a-c.
  • Kindness: 362-363.
Influence of, 363, 561 c.
Let us show it now, 362 e.
Religious duty, 363 c, d.
  • Kingdom of Heaven: 286 b.See also God's Kingdom.
  • Knowledge: 364-366.
All not desirable, 364 c, 365 b, 366 c, h, 406 d.
And duty, 198 f, 203 a.
And faith, 530 d, e.
And religion, 503 f-504 c, 504 e.
And righteousness, 364 c-365 b.
And wisdom, 365 f-366 b, d, 616 f, h, 617 a, b.
End of, 364 a, 365 c, 366.
Exhortation to obtain it, 366 f.
How to obtain it, 364 a, b, 581 c.
Laws of Nature, 428 e.
That leads to performance, 365 c-f.
  • Labor: 367-369.See also Industry.
And prayer, 368 d, 469 a-d.
Blessedness of, 3 a, 367 e, 368 f, 368 c.
Cheerful, 369 a-e.See also Christian Service as to the Lord.
Curse, a, 367 a, 369 e.
Develops character, 368 c, e.
God's ordinance, 367 f-368 b.
Nature of, 367 a, b, 369 b, c.
Nobility of, 369 b, c.
Triumphs of, 367 b-f, 368 f, 369 b, 615 c.
  • Last Supper: 370-374.
Christ's command, 371 e, 372 a.
Christ's love, 371 b, c.
Emblem of feast in heaven, 372 b.
Fellowship with Christ, 372 d, 373 d.
Fitness of, 371 b, c.
Mutual pledge, a, 372 c, 374 a.
Our faith and obedience, 370 a, 371 a.
Our love for Christ, 371 b-d.
Our unworthiness, 370 b, c.
Remembrance of Christ, 370-374.
Vacant seats, 374 b.
  • Law: 374-375.See also Justice and God's Justice.
Cannot save us, 448 e.
Moral, 375 g, h.
Nature of, 374 c-375 e, 375 g, 473 d.
Violated, 545 g, 546 a, b, 547 a.
Working of, 374 d, 375 b, c, f.
  • Learning of Christ: 376-377.
Measure of Christian character, 376 a-c.
Method of, 376 b-d, 377 a, 517 c.
  • Learning of God, 443 c, 573 c, 587 d.
  • Liberty: 377-380.
Conditions of, 377 d, g, 378 a-f, 379 a, 380 a, 549 b, 614 b.
National, 278 f, 379 b-d.
National, child of Christianity, 34 d, 288 g, 289 c, 378 f.
True, nature of, 377 c-378 f.
Worth of, 377 b.
  • Life: 380-385.
Action, an, 606 e.
And death, mystery of, 423 f.
And religion, 382 d-f.
Beautiful, 383 c, d.
Consecrated by duty, 198 h, 199 a.
Dangers of, 380 d.
End of, 380 f, g, 438 c.
Fleeting, 584 a.
Greatness of, 381 c-e, 382 b, c, 385 c, 565 c, 620 d-621 b.
Holy, a, 382 d-383 b, 383 e-h.
Leaving it, 385 d.
Littleness of, 381 a-e.
Measure of, 383 g, 563 d.
Outlook towards heaven, 381 f, 382 a.
Preparation for eternity, 380 e, f, 381 d, 383 a.
Related to eternity, 384 f, 385 b, c, 566 d.
Shortness of, 384 a, b, e.
Useful, a, 4 c, 381 c, 383 g-384 d, 584 e.
Wasting it, 384 c.
What it is, 3 g, 380 b-e, h, 363 a, 381 a, d, 383 g, 385 a, b, 582 e, f.
  • Likeness to Christ: 129 f, 543 e, 563 e, 615 d.See also Following Christ.
  • Literature: 385-386.
Bad, a, 386 e.
Power of, 385 f, 386 a.
Pure, a, 386 b-e.
Source of, 385 e.
Use it judiciously, 386 b, d.
  • Little Things: 386-389.
Christian service in, 386 f, 387 b-388 d.
Controversy in, 162 c.
Duties, 123 b, 198 e.
Duties, ennoble them, 120 c, d, 198 d, 203 e.
Heroism, 313 c, d.
Importance of, 261 d, 387 a, b, 388 a, e, f, 389 a, b.
Make character, 45 e, f.
Make life, 363 a.
Seek God's guidance in, 264 c, 601 f.
Sins of, 547 d, 548 d.
Success in, 387 d, 388 b, c.
  • Longing for God: 389-390.
Condition of finding Him, 389 c-390 b.
Expression of, 390 e.
Spiritual instinct, a, 390 c, d.
  • Looking to Jesus: 391.
And not to ourselves, 391 a-e.
Our need of, 391 a, b, c.
Spiritual blindness, 391 e.
  • Lord's Prayer, 419 d.
  • Love: 392-394.
And truth, 603 g, 604 h, 605 a.
As Christ loved, 393 h, 394 c, 412 d.
Cultivate it, 363 c.
Followed by peace, 446 b.
In exercise, 182 a-d, 392 b-g, 393 a-h, 394, 442 f, 533 c, 603 g.
Nature of, 243 d, 392-393.
Of home, 325 a-c, 327 a-c.
Secret of, 386 f, 568 b.
  • Love to Christ and God: 395-401.
Active principle in faith, 396 b.
Actuating principle, 80 e.
And faith, 589 f, g.
Conditions of, 397 a, 398 c, f, 400 c, 401 c.
Communion with, 245 e.
Effects of, 116 e, 121 a, 155 e, 395 h, 396, 397 b-e, 398 a, 430 d, 542 d.
Expression of, 79 b, 81 b, 85 c, 398 b, e, 397 d, f, 399 a-e, 400 b, 401 b, 542 e.
Immortality of, 557 f.
Intensifies service, 130 c-d.
Location of, 399 f.
Makes heaven, 395 d, 401 a.
Nature of, 395.
Need of, 396 a, d, f, 449 e, 559 b.
Prayer for, 395 a, 397 d, 400 d, 575 a.
Test of true religion, 398 d, 399 b, 400 a-e, 542 f.
  • Malice: 401-402.See also Hatred.
Avoid it, 48 c, 402 a.
Cure for, 402 b.
Unchristian, 106 a, 115 f, 155 a, 401 d, e.
  • Man: 402-403.
Chief end of, 382 f, 402 f.
Dignity of, 1 b, 402 c-e, 403 a.
Higher nature of, 403 b, e, 581 a.
Progress through life, 403 c, d.
  • Manhood: 404-405.
Assertion of, 404 b.
Desirability of, 404 e, 405 a, 411 g, 414 c.
Measure of, 365 c, 404 a.
Nature of, 104 a, 168 g, 170 c, 404 c-g, 488 d.
  • Manliness: 405.
Bar to, 548 e.
Desirable.See Fortitude.
Nature of, 405 b-d, 606 f.
Of Christ, 55 d, 59 b.
Of Piety, 452 f, 453 a.
Want of, 405 e.
  • Meditation: 406-407.
Effect of, 406 b, c.
Exercise of, 406 e, f, 407 a.
Nature of, 406 a.
Want of, 406 d.
  • Meekness: 407.
Example of, 407 b.
Nature of, 105 a, 407 b.
  • Memory: 407-408.
Christians, of past sin, 408 a.
In heaven, 407 e.
In hell, 407 f, 408 b.
Vast stores of, 407 d.
  • Mercy: 408-409.
God's boundless, 409 c.
God's, effect of, 409 d.
To others, 408 c, 409 d.
  • Merit: 409.
Christ's, 489 c, d.
Not justified by our own, 409 f.
  • Millennium: 410-411.See also Christ's Second Coming.
Approach of, 410 c.
God's preparation for it, 410 a, 418 b.
Longing for, 379 f, 410 b.
  • Ministers: 411-415.
Influence of, 413 e.
Life of, 411 d-g, 414 d.
Methods of, 411 h, 412 d-413 d, 414 b, 415 b, d.
Mission of, 411 b, c, 415 b, c.
Needed, 414 c.
Needed characteristics of, 411 d-412 d, 414 a, b.
Should handle the Bible reverently, 415 d.
Success of, 413 b, c, 414 a, 415 a, b.
  • Miracles: 416.
Holy spirit's power in, 137 b.
Nature of, 416 a, b.
Of Grace, 416 c-f.
  • Missions: 417-419.
Effect of, 417 d, 418 b.
God's preparation for, 417 b.
Motives to activity in, 150 b, 417 c.
Peculiar to Christianity, 417 a, 418 a, 419 a.
  • Mistakes, organize victory from them, 117 c.
  • Money-Making, 13 a, 622 d-f, 623 a.
  • Morality: 419.
And religion, 419 c, e, 495 e, 496 a.
Basis of, 419 b.
Public, keystone of, 524 g.
  • Mother's Prayers, 475 b.
  • Motive: 420.
And disposition, 420 b.
Opponent's, an, 420 c.
Springs from the will, 420 a.
  • Murmuring: 420-421.
Avoid it, 444 d.
Cure for, 420 d.
Deliverance from grumblers, 421 a.
Easy accomplishment, an, 420 e.
Prayer in a spirit of, 465 f.
Tendency in some, 420 f.
  • Mystery: 421-425.
In every thing, 421 d, e.
In religion, 421 b, c.
Of the Bible, 422 a, b.
Of Christ's nature, 422 c, 423 e.
Of creation, 424 d, 425 a.
Of the Godhead, 421 f.
Of Infinite existence, 424 c, d.
Of life and death, 423 f.
Of providence, 423 a, b.
Of redemption, 422 d, 423 d.
Of soul and body, 424 a.
Of thought, 424 b.
Of union to Christ, 423 c.
  • National: 425-427.
Education, 364 f, g.
God's providence in affairs of, 283 c, 284 a-e, 425 c, e, 426 e, 427 a.
Homes, 324 a, b.
Power, 455 e.
Questions, 427 d.
Ruin, 427 a-c.
  • Nature: 427-431.
Beauty of, 427 d, 429 d, 430 a.
Finite, 431 b-d.
Gives no promise for society, 551 e.
How to study it, 428 a, 429 b, e, 430 b-d.
Interpreted by the Bible, 31 a, 35 b.
Laws of, 428 b, c, 429 b, 431 b.
Manifestation of God, 427 e-431 d.
Not the grandest revelation, 431 d.
  • Nearness to God and Christ: 431-434.
Experience of, 268 c, f, 431 e, 432 c, 433 b-d, e, 434 a.
How to secure it, 432 a, b, 433 a, c, e.
Joy of, 431 e, 432 d, 433 b, 434 a.
Prayer for, 432 c, 433 b, f.
  • Negligence: 434.
Danger of, 434 c.
Nature of, 434 b.
  • Neighbor, love of, 47 b.
  • Obedience: 434-437.
And repentance, 507 c.
Christian's desire for, 435 e, f, 436 a.
Cure for doubt, a, 195 d, e, 196 a.
Easy and difficult, 587 b.
Nature of, 434 d-f.
Necessary to the Christian, 62 a, 164 b, 434 d, g, 435 a-d, 436 a, b, d, 497 d.
Of Christ, 437 b.
Of home, 437 a.
Of love, 375 b.
Test of Christian character, 122 a, 164 b.
Unquestioning, 435 c, d, 436 a.
  • Obligation, ground of morality 419 b.See also Duty.
  • Obstinacy: 437.
Effect of, 437 c.
Expression of, 437 d.
  • Occupation: 437-438.
Change of, 438 a.
Choice of, 437 e.
Necessary for children, 438 b.
Prayer for direction in, 438 c.
  • Old Age: 438-439.
And youth, 623 d, e.
Approach of, 51 b, 438 d-439 b.
Close of, 439 f, g.
Glory of, 439 d, e.
Prayer for divine help in, 439 c.
  • One Thing Needful, 43 f. See also Regeneration.
  • Opinion: 440.
Depends on life and habit, 440 b.
World governed by it, 440 a.
  • Opportunity, 263 c.
  • Order, nature of, 440 c-e.
  • Orthodoxy, not saving faith, 239 c.
  • Pardon: 440-441.
God's method, 440 f-441 a, 509 f.
Prayer for, 441 b.
  • Parents: 441-442.
Christian, 52 b, 441 d, e.
Example of, 578 g.
Exhortation to duty, 39 c, 50 b, d, 441 c.
Love for their children, 442 a.
  • Partaking of Christ, 153 f.See also Last Supper.
  • Passions: 442.
Calmed by prayer, 465 d.
Evil, 13 d, 442 c, 547 f.
How to use them, 442 b.
Prayer against, 550 d, 552 f.
  • Patience: 442-444.
Christian grace, a, 442 d-h, 444 b, d.
Cultivate it, 444 a.
Effect of, 587 e.
Exhortation to, 442 d, e, 443 c, 444 d.
In others, 443 f.
Of God, 443 d.
Prayer for, 444 c, g.
Soul of peace, 443 e.
Strength from, 48 f, 444 e.
Sublime, 122 e, 443 a, b, e.
  • Patriotism: 445.
Nature of, 445 a, c.
Work of, 445 b.
  • Peace: 445-448.See also Rest.
Causes of, 110 b, 443 e, 545 c, 612 a.
Elements of, 447 a, e, f, 544 d.
Gift of Christ, 445 d.
How to secure it, 122 b, 445 e, 446 c, 447 b-e, 448 a-c, 532 a, 589 d, 592 a.
If possible, 603 f.
Of God, 446 d, 447 b, c, f.
Of the world, 446 d.
Prayer for, 446 e.
Two kinds of, 448 d.
  • Penitence: 448-449.See also Repentance.
Nature of, 448 e-g, 449 a.
Prayer for, 449 b.
  • Perfection: 449.
Nature and condition of, 449 e, f.
Our highest good, 449 c.
Possible, 449 d.
  • Persecution: 450.
Destroys nothing good, 149 b, 450 a.
Joy in, 339 e.
Method of development, 216 a.
  • Perseverance: 450-451.
In prayer, 461 b, f.
Nature of, 450 c, e.
Practice of, 3 g, 450 d, e, 451 a, b.
  • Piety: 451-454.See also Holiness and Christian Life.
And intellect, 453 a, b.
Cultivate it, 452 c, e, 454 a.
Effect of, 452 d.
Female, 454 b.
Gloomy, 452 b.
In exercise, 452 a, b.
Manly, need of, 452 f , 453 a.
Nature of, 451 c, 452 a, c.
Trial of, 585 c.
Weak and spurious, 453 c, d.
  • Pity, 160 f, 454 c.
  • Pleasures.See Amusements.
Of home, 324 e, 325 a.
  • Poverty: 454-455.
Acquiescence in God's will, in, 161 e.
And riches, 454 d, e, 455 d.
Does not secure heaven, 455 a.
Not a bar to heaven, 455 c.
Trials of, 455 b.
  • Power: 455-456.
Exercise of, 456 b.
Lasting, 455 e.
Of the church, 455 f.
Of death, 174 c, d.
Of prayer, 459 d, e, 465 d, 467 d, 470 f.
  • Praise: 456.See also Gratitude and Thankfulness.
Auxiliary to prayer, 456 c.
In the church, 456 d.
In trial, 49 c.
Nature of, 435 f, 456 e.
  • Prayer: 456-475.See also Devotion.
Achievements of, 459 g, 460 a, 468 b, e.
And exertion, 469 a-d.
Answered, 474 a-c.
Assurance in, its ground, 460 d.
Assurance in source of, 460 c, 610 a.
Characteristics of, 461 f, 463 b-d, 464 e, 465 a, b.
Christ's habit of, 66 d.
Christ's method in, 465 a, e.
Cold, 462 a.
Complaining, 465 f.
Constant, 464 a-d, f, 470 a, 571 c.
Duty of, 474 d, e.
Earnest, 462 c, 463 b, c.
Ejaculatory, 470 b, c.
Example of, 460 b, 464 b, 465 c, 466 e, 467 b, c, 468 f, 471 g, 472 a, 475 a.
Family. 471 c-e.
Gives happiness, 459 b, c.
In faith, 239 e, 241 d, 460 e, f, 461 a-d, g, 462 d-g.
Lifts us heavenward, 469 e.
Lightens trouble, 466 d, f, 468 a, 469 f, 585 a, 588 c.
Meeting our prayers in eternity, 475 c.
Mother's, a, 475 b.
Nature of, 456-458, 461 b, c, e, 464 c, 465 a, b, 467 d, e.
Necessary to holiness, 459 a, 466 a-c, 470 e.
Poor and feeble, 462 b, 463 a.
Power of, 459 d, e, 465 d, 467 d, 470 f.
Private, 471 a, b.
Privilege of, 459 f.
Public, 471 f, 472 b-d.
Unanswered, 459 g.
  • Prayer-Meetings: 475-476.
Christ's presence in, 475 f.
How to make them interesting, 475 e, 476 a.
Profitable, 475 d.
Speaking in, 575 b.
  • Preaching: 476-484.
Argument in, 479 a, 480 d, e.
Brevity in, 484 c.
Character of, 476 f-483 b.
Christ's method of extending His kingdom, 476 b.
Doctrinal, 480 b, c.
Easier than practice, 476 e, 477 a.
Exaggeration in, 483 a.
God should be the principal speaker, 477 f, g, 478 a, 482 d, e.
How to hear it, 484 b.
Model, 476 c.
Need of Holy Spirit, 322 b.
Object of, 476 d, 478 a-c.
Pointed and earnest, 479 e, f, 480 a, 482 f.
Profound, 482 b, c.
Simplicity, 478 c, d, 481 c-e, 482 a.
Sincere, 413 c, 476 f, 477 b-d, 479 b-d.
Style of, 481 a-482 c.
Text of the sermon, 482 d.
With notes, 483 b, 484 a.
  • Prejudice: 484 d, 587 c.
  • Pressing towards the mark, 109 b.
  • Pride: 484-486.
Conquer it, 485 a, f, g.
How increased, 485 d, 486 c.
In exercise, 485 b-d, 486 a, d.
Nature of, 484 e, g, 485 c, e.
Ruins of, 331 b.
Unbecoming, 484 f, h, 486 b.
  • Procrastination: 486.
Effect of, 486 f, 486 e, g.
Madness of, 616 d.
  • Profanity: 486-487.
One cause of atheism, 487 b.
Sin of, 486 h, 487 a.
  • Progress in Human Nature, 216 c.
  • Promises of God, 601 a, b.
  • Promptness, 5 e.
  • Prosperity, harder to bear than adversity, 8 a.
  • Purity of Christians, 545 b, 590 b.
  • Purity of Heaven, 302 a, b.
  • Reason: 487-488.
And religion, 488 a, c, 494 a, 505 b.
Element in manhood, 488 d.
Faith, continuation of, 488 a.
Indebtedness of, to Christ, 487 e.
Limitations of, 487 c, d, f, 488 b, c.
  • Receiving Christ, 152 e.
  • Redemption: 488-490.
Christ's, 489 b-d.
Close of its offer, 490 c.
God's love in, 488 f.
How applied, 490 a.
Magnitude of, 488 f, 489 e, 490 b.
Mystery of, 422 d, 423 d.
Steps in, 489 e.
  • Regeneration: 490-492.
Absence of, 492 b, c.
Evidence of infinite power, 491 d.
Nature of, 490 d-491 a, d.
Operation of, 491 b, c, e, f, 492 a.
  • Rejection of Christ: 492-493.
Effect on the soul, 493 a.
Sin of, 492 d.
  • Religion: 493-505.
And culture, 503 e-504 c, e.
And morality.See Morality.
And prayer, 466 c.
Basis of free government, 425 b, d, 426 a-d.
Binds the soul to God, 498 c.
Christian, nature of, 153 a, 168 b, 400 e, 497 e, 501 b, 573 d, f.
Defending it by argument, 505 a, b.
Doctrinal purity of, 194 b.
Elevates man, 498 e, 499 a, b, 500 a.
Faith in, 501 c.
False, a, 288 c, 500 c, d, 504 g.
Feeble, a, evils of, 501 g, 502 b-e, 503 a.
In common life, 497 f, 503 d.
In exercise, 19 e, 495 a-d, 497 d-f, 498-499, 502 a.
In history, 498 d, 499 a, 500 a.
Inspires art and literature, 385 e, 499 c, 500 b.
Mistaken notions in regard to, 497 b, c, 500 e, 501 a, 503 c.
Mystery in, 421 b, c.
Need of Holy Spirit in, 321 e.
Our need of it, 494 g, 496 d, 498 a-c, 504 d-f, 558 a.
Prayer for a higher personal standard of, 497 a.
"Respect for," 505 c.
Safeguard, a, 498 b, 503 b.
Spirit of, 501 f.
Test of, 398 d, 399 b, 400 a, c, 501 d, e.
  • Remorse, in Hell, 165 b.
  • Repentance: 505-511.See also Penitence.
Condition of pardon, 486 e, 509 f.
Does not cancel guilt, 506 c.
Evidence of, 508 c-509 c.
Exhortation to, 510 a.
Expression of, 508 b, 510 d.
Nature of, 505 d-f, 506 b, d, f, 507 b-f, 509 b-c.
Never too late for, 510 b, c.
Not a substitute for obedience, 507 c.
Sinner's need of, 506 e, 508 a.
Source of, 506 a, 507 a.
  • Reputation: 511.
And character, 45 g, 46 a.
How lost, 511 c.
Let not thy peace depend upon it, 448 c.
Not saved by, 511 d.
Precious, 511 b.
  • Resignation: 511-514.See also Submission.
Effect of, 446 d, 447 a, 513 e, 569 a.
Expression of, 28 b, 511 e, 512 b, d, 513 a-d, 514 a-c.
Nature of, 511 f-512 c.
Prayer for, 512 a-c.
Wisdom of, 511 g.
  • Resolution, Christian, 126 b,
Prayer for strength of, 565 b.
  • Responsibility, for belief, 608 b.
Of riches, 522 c.
  • Rest: 514-518.See also Heaven.
Earthly, 515 a, 517 a.
In Christ and God, 88 c, 98 a, e, 99 b, 100 b, 152 d, 276 f, 516 b, 590 d, 593 b, 595 c, e.
Longing for, 514 d, 517 a.
Of heaven, 517 d, e, 518 a-c.
Prayer for, 515 e, 518 a, 614 c, e.
True, nature of, 515 b-f, 516 a-e, 517 a-c.
  • Resurrection: 518-520.
In Christ's likeness, 518 e.
Promise of, 518 d.
State of, 519 a.
Thoughts of, 519 b-520 b.
  • Revenge: 520.
Best kind of, 520 d.
Unchristian, 520 c.
  • Revival: 521.
Christ's work, 521 b.
Conditions of, 145 b, d.
Nature of, 521 a.
Where needed, 149 c.
  • Riches: 521-523.
At death, 619 e.
Burden and risk of, 521 d, e, 522 a-523 a, 523 d, e.
Consecration of, 521 f, 522 a.
Do not bring peace and satisfaction, 521 d, e, 522 a, 523 d.
Littleness of, 523 a.
Love for, 167 f, h.
Penalty of, 521 d, e, 522 a-523 b.
Prayer in regard to, 161 e.
  • Rights: 523-524.
Christ's, 523 f.
Ours, 524 a-c.
  • Rock of Ages, 100 d, e, 101 a-f.
  • Sabbath: 524-526.
Glory and beauty of, 525 a, c, e.
How to observe it, 525 d.
Observance of, brings a blessing, 525 f, 526 a.
Observance of, necessary to public morals, 524 g.
Observance of, test of piety, 524 d-f.
  • Sacrament, benefits of, 526 b, c.
  • Sadness, 49 d.
  • Salvation: 526-529.
By Christ, 319 c, d.See also Christ, Saviour.
Condition of, 527 d, 528 a-d, 529 b, 554 e, 589 a-f, 591 b-d, 619 c.
Free, 527 a-c.
Great, 359 a, 527 e, 528 e, 529 a, 547 b, 559 g, 560 a.
Miracle of, 416 c.
Nature of, 495 d, 529 a-c.
Neglect of, 434 c.
Of grace, 81 a.
Personal, 86 b.
Prayer for, 542 c, 548 c.
Present, 526 d, e.
  • Sanctification: 529-530.
And justification, 491 e, 530 a.
Nature of, 362 b.
Strengthened, how, 530 b.
Work of God, 529 d-530 b.
  • Science: 530-531.
And religion, 530 e-531 a, 531 d.
Limitations of, 530 c-d.
Value of, 531 b, c, e.
  • Second Death, 181 d.
  • Security: 531-532.
Dangers of, 532 b-e.
False, 531 f.
Genuine, 532 a, 589 e, 593 e, 600 a.
  • Seeking for Christ, 153 b-d.See also Coming to Christ.
  • Self-Control, test of character, 45 c.
  • Self-Denial: 532-535.
Necessary to Christian character, 532 f, 533 f, 534 d, e, 535 c, e.
Not loss, 533 e, f, 534 a, b.
Results of, 535 d.
Strength for, 535 b.
Take it cheerfully, 534 c.
Test of character, 533 a, 534 e, f.
True, nature of, 533 b-d, 534 a, d, e, f, 535 a, c, d.
  • Self-Examination, should produce charity, 48 b.
  • Selfishness: 535-539.
And holiness, 536 a-e.
Cure for, 529 e.
God's estimate of, 537 b.
In exercise, 536 f, 537 a, d, e, h, 538 a-d, 539 a.
Longing for heaven, 302 a.
Nature of, 536 f, 537 a, h.
Prayer for deliverance from, 537 c, 538 f.
Shuts us from heaven, 535 f.
Victory over, 565 a.
  • Self-Righteousness: 539-542.
Danger of, 540 d.
Deliverance from, 540 c.
Embodiment of, 530 c.
Folly of, 540 a, b, e, 541 a, c, 542 a.
Separates us from God, 539 b-d, 540 d, 541.
Signs of, 160 f, 539 d, e.
  • Self-Sacrifice, 240 d, 297 a, b.See also Self-Denial.
Test of character, 271 f.
  • Self-Surrender: 542-543.
Duty of, 542 d-f, 543 a, c.
Effects of, 297 c, 543 a-e.
Exhortation to, 542 b, e, 543 a.
Prayer for, 542 c, 543 f.
  • Simplicity: 543-545.
And greatness, 543 g, 544 a.
Blessedness of, 544 b, e, 545 b-d.
Effect of, 298 b.
Nature of, 544 d, 545 e.
Need of, 156 a, 545 a, b.
Pleasing to God, 544 c.
  • Sin: 545-553.See also Depravity.
Cure for, 86 f, 263 e, 548 f, 551 e, 552 a, e.See also Christ, Saviour.
Debts that Christ only can pay, 81 d.
Effect of, 195 e, 448 a, 549 e-550 c, 551 f.
God's estimate of, 552 d.
How to avoid it, 577 f, 578 a, b.
In the Christian, 551 g, 552 b, c.
Just desert of, 551 d.
Little, 547 d, 548 b, d, 551 c.
Method of, 549 a, b, 577 e.
Nature of, 545 f-546 e, 548 d, 549 c.
Of unbelief, 195 e, 553 a.
Prayer for deliverance from 550 d, 552 f, 553 c.
Punishment of, 547 f, 548 g.
Ruin of, 547 b, 548 g, 550 e.
Secret, 550 e, 551 a, b.
Sense of, 507 f, 546 f, 547 b, 552 c, 553 b.
  • Sincerity: 553-554.
Basis of virtue, 553 d.
Does not save the soul, 554 e.
Effect of, 554 b, c.
Examine it, 554 f.
Exhortation to, 54 a, d, 553 e.
  • Slavery, of sin, 549 b, 550 a.
  • Society, influence of, 217 c-e.
  • Song: 554-555.
Church, 554 g.
Exhortation to, 544 h.
New, 555 a, b.
  • Sorrow: 555-558.
Blessings of, 555 d, f, 556 c-f, 557 a, 558 b.
Cure for, 124 e, 159 d, 511 f.
Effect of, 555 c, e, 556 a, c-f, 557 a, b, e, f.
God with us in, 245 e, 246 a, b, 555 f, 556 b, 557 a.
Lessons of, 555 e, 556 a, c, d, 557 e, 558 a, 573 g.
Not in heaven, 300 c-f.
Tears in, 557 c, d.
Trust in the midst of, 602 c.
  • Soul: 558-561.
And body, mystery of, 424 a.
Lost, a, 549 e, 560 b-561 a.
Longings of, 55 a, b.
Magnitude and majesty of, 559 f, g, 560 a.
Need of Christ, 562 c.
Perception of truth, 605 c, d.
Satisfaction for, 559 a-e.
  • Speaking for Christ: 561-562.
Christian impulse to, 561 e-f, 606 c.
Dumb Christians, 562 a.
Effects of, 554 b, 561 b-d.
Prayer for usefulness in, 561 g.
  • Speculations, avoid them, 407 a, 606 e.
  • Spirituality, need of, 562 b-d.
  • Spiritual Perception: 562-563.
Destroyed, 563 b.
Dullness of, 563 c, 607 g.
Faculty for, 562 e, 563 a.
  • Spiritual Progress: 563-566.
Method of, 564 b, c, 565 c, e, 566 a-d.
Motives to, 564 d, 566 e.
Nature of, 563 d-564 a, 565 c-e, 566 e.
Prayer for, 565 b.
Sign of, 565 a, d.
  • Station.See Occupation.
  • Stoicism, not the true basis of fortitude, 253 a.
  • Strength, from God, 447 f, 594 f-595 a.
Springs from joy, 354 b, 355 d.
Springs from suffering, 567 d.
  • Submission.See also Resignation.
Basis of peace, 448 b.
Prayer for, 543 f.
To duty, 202 c, d.
To God's will, 565 d, 615 b, 616 b, c.
  • Success: 567.
Condition of, 208 b.
Description of, 567 a.
In the Sunday-school, 570 d.
Ministerial, 415 a.
Worldly, nature of, 567 b.
  • Suffering: 567-569.
And triumph, 108 d.
Condition of blessings, 568 a-c.
Effect of, 567 d, e, 568 b-d.
God knows it, 569 b.
Lesson of, 569 c, 574 e.
Prayer for aid in, 577 c.
Reason of, 568 e.
Result of sin, 550 b.
Submission in, 513 b, c, 514 b, 568 f, 569 a.
Universality of, 567 c.
  • Sunday-School: 569-573.
And the church, 569 d.
Conditions of success in teaching, 570 d, 571 c, 572 c, d, 573 a-c.
Conversions in, 572 b.
Greatness of the work, 571 a.
Hope of the world, 570 a.
Methods in teaching, 572 e, f.
Must teach Christ, 570 b, 571 b, 572 a.
Warrant for, 570 c.
  • Superstition: 573.
Burden of, 573 e.
Nature of, 573 d, f.
  • Supernatural, as reasonable as the natural, 35 d.
  • Sympathy: 573-575.
Blessing of, 574 b, c.
Cause of, 573 g, 574 e.
Expression of, 574 c, d.
Prayer for, 574 a, 575 a.
With the young, 624 d.
  • Talent: 575-576.See also Ability.
And labor, 615 c.
How to increase it, 575 b.
How to lose it, 575 d, 576 a, b.
Splendid, not desirable, 575 c.
  • Tears, 557 b-d.
  • Temperance: 576.
Duty of, 576 d.
Effect of, 576 e.
Nature of, 576 c.
  • Temptation: 576-578.
All around us, 577 a.
Antidote to, 100 a, 532 b, 577 b, 578 d.
Attacks the idle, 345 f.
Brings us into sympathy with man, 42 a.
Dallying with, 577 e, f, 578 a, b.
Prayer for aid in, 577 c.
Resist it, 576 f, 577 d, e.
Test of virtue, 578 c.
  • Tenderness: 578-579.
Characteristic of greatness, 578 e.
Cultivate it, 578 g, 579 a.
Necessary to successful work for Christ, 579 b.
We never regret it, 578 f.
  • Thankfulness, benefits of, 290 d, 579 c, d.
  • Theology: 579-580.
And science, 530 d, e.
Comparative, 580 c.
Devotion especially needed for its student, 579 e.
Different systems of, 580 b.
Necessary to correct religious thought, 580 a.
  • Thought: 581-582.
Characteristic of manhood, 581 a.
Effect of, 581 b, c, f, 582 a.
Evil, 581 f, 582 b.
Habitual, moulds character, 581 b.
Mystery of, 424 b.
Nature of, 581 d, e.
Need of, 580 a.
Not the end of existence, 2 b.
Wandering, 582 c.
  • Thoughtlessness, 624 b.
  • Time: 582-584.
Distribution of, 583 b.
Effect of, 603 c.
Littleness of, 584 b.
Nature of, 582 g, 583 a.
Passing, 584 a.
Proper use of it, 582 e, 583 b-e.
Wasted, 582 c, d.
  • Trials: 584-588.
Blessedness of, 109 d, 585 b, e.
Christ's presence in, 97 d, 584 e, 594 a-d.
Effect of, 586 b-e, 587 d, e, 588 a.
God's call to, 584 c, d, 585 c, d.
God's help in, 275 c, 585 a, 588 c, 599 e.
Of character, 44 c.
Lightened by prayer, 466 d, f, 468 a, 469 f.
Prayer for needed discipline, 587 c.
Preparation for duty, 585 d, 586 c, 587 a, 588 d.
Preparation for joy, 585 f, 586 a, e.
Submission to, 283 b, 586 d, 587 e, 588 b.
Termination of, 282 a, 588 e, f.
Victory in, of faith, 586 c-e, 587 b.
  • Trust in Christ: 589-595.See also Faith in Christ.
Blessedness of, 589 d, 590 a-c, 592 a, 593 a-e.
Effect of, 592 a, 593 e, 619 d.
Entire and fearless, 82 d, f, 97 c, 202 d, 538 e, 590 a-d, 591 a-d, 592 b-d, e, 593 a-c, 594 b-f, 595 a, 607 c.
Exemplified, 591 e, 594 a.
Exhortation to, 589 a-e, 590 a, 592 b, 594 e.
Ground of, 590 e.
Springs from love, 589 f, g.
Suffering teaches it, 594 c.
  • Trust in God: 595-602.See also Faith in God.
And love, 598 e.
Effect of, 596 c, e, 597 c, 598 d, 599 a, 600 a, 601 e.
Entire and fearless, 203 d, 274 b, 275 a, 596 d, f, 597 a, b, d, e, 598 a-599 e, 601 d, 602 c, d.
Exemplified, 595 b.
Exhortation to, 595 c, 600 d, e, 601 c.
Ground of, 602 b.
In doctrinal difficulty, 195 a.
In exercise, 595 e, 596 a, b.
In little things, 601 f, g.
In trial and suffering, 271 b, 556 b, e, 587 a, b, 596 b-d, 597 c, d, 598 b, 599 e, 600 c, d, 601 a, b.
Prayer for, 595 d, 596 a, d.
Source of, 602 a.
Trials strengthen it, 586 b-e.
Trying to, 600 c.
Turn it into prayer, 600 b.
  • Truth: 602-606.
Action, and not alone thought, 606 e.
Alone is not religion, 495 c.
And repose, 604 d.
Before beauty, 194 c.
Conviction of, 604 g, 606 c.
Courage of, 604 e, 606 f.
Discretion needed in proclaiming it, 215 a.
Doubts, 605 e-g.
Effects of, 603 a, 604 c, h.
Faith in, 606 d.
From reason, 487 d.
Greatest, 245 e.
How to find it, 195 d, 389 c, d, 390 a.
Imperishable, 603 c.
Indispensable, 603 i.
Nature of, 602 e, f, 603 b, d, e, f, h, 604 f, 605 a.
Old, 605 g.
Pray over it, 605 b.
Promulgation of, 290 a.
Rock, a, 92 c.
Simple, 605 h, 606 a.
Soiled, 606 b.
Source of, 603 g.
Visions of, 603 f, 604 a, b.
When credible, 605 c, d.
  • Unbelief: 607-608.See also Impenitence.
At death, 608 c.
Criminality of, 607a-608 b.
Effect of, 607 a.
Grieves Christ, 96 e.
Nature of, 607 b.
Self-confidence, 608 b.
  • Union to Christ: 608-610.
Assurance of, 610 d.
Blessedness of, 151 d, 609 c-610 c.
Effect of, 608 e.
Mystery of, 423 c.
Need of, 543 a, 608 d, 609 a-d.
Prayer for, 609 e.
Strengthened by discipline, 585 b.
  • Universe: 610-611.
All things connected, 611 a.
Cannot give contentment, 558 d.
Immensity of, 610 e, 619 f.
  • Unworthiness: 152 b.See also Sin, etc.
  • Usefulness, is joyous, 48 d.
  • Virtue 611-612.
Conditions of, 611 e.
Gives true elevation, 611 d.
How strengthened, 612 c.
Nature of, 611 b, 612 b, d.
Results of, 612 a, e.
  • Visions, of angels to dying saints, 182 d.
  • Volition, 582 a-e.See also Will.
  • Waiting: 612-613.
And weary, 613 b.
Object of, 613 e.
Prayer for patience in, 613 a.
Service in, 612 f.
Will soon end, 613 c, d.
  • War: 613-614.
Antidote for, 614 a.
Destroys freedom, 614 b.
Fruits of, 613 f.
  • Weakness, human, 202 a, d.
  • Weariness: 614.
Prayer for rest, 614 c.
Rest from, 590 c, 614 f.
Sense of, 614 d, e.
  • Will: 615-616.
Direction of, 615 d.
Freedom of, 615 a.
Gives strength to motive, 420 a.
God's, 616 b, c.
In exercise, 615 c.
Obdurate, 615 e.
Prayer for renewal of, 615 b.
Surrender of, 544 b.
Voice of, 615 f.
Want of, 616 a.
  • Wisdom: 616-617.
And knowledge, 365 f, 366 b, d.
God's, 544 c.See also God's Omniscience.
Immediate, 616 d.
In exercise, 617 a-e.
Lasting, 241 g, 616 f.
Nature of, 616 e, g, h, 617 a.
Prayer for, 617 d.
  • Woman: 617-618.
And Christ, 618 b.
And religion, 618 a.
Work of, 617 e.
  • Work.See Labor.
Motive for, 122 c.
Permanent, 119 e.
Reward of, 125 b.
  • Works: 618-619.See also, Christian Service.
And faith, 618 c, 619 d.
Christian, 618 e.
Fruits of faith, 618 c, 619 a-c.
Nature of, 618 d.
Sent before us into eternity, 619 e.
  • World: 619-620.
History of, 620 b.
Littleness of, 619 f.
Ownership of, 620 a.
  • Worldliness: 620-623.
And humanity, 623 a.
Avoid it, 622 b, c, 622 g.
Effect of, 502 b, 621 b-d.
Evidence of, 621 e.
In the church, 621 c, 622 a-f.
Nature of, 620 d, 621 a.
Prayer against, 620 e.
Rise above it, 621 f.
  • Worship: 436 e.See also Church, Praise and Prayer.
  • Worth: 623.
And money, 623 b.
Moral, 623 c.
  • Youth: 623-625.
Corruptors of, 624 c, 625 a.
How employed, 623 d, e.
Idleness in, 345 d.
Manners of, 624 a.
Preparation for service, 623 f.
Sympathy for, 624 d.
Thoughtless, a, 624 b.
Virtuous, a, 612 e.
  • Zeal: 625.See also Earnestness.
And meekness, 625 c.
How increased, 587 a.
How kindled, 625 d.
Needed in the church, 625 b.