Titus Andronicus (1926) Yale/Index
(Figures in full-faced type refer to page-numbers)
abus'd: 29 (II. iii. 87)
accited: 2 (I. i. 27)
Acheron: 66 (IV. iii. 44)
achieve: 22 (II. i. 80)
Actæon's: 28 (II. iii. 63)
ad Apollinem: 67 (IV. iii. 53)
ad Jovem: 67 (IV. ili. 53)
ad manes fratrum: 5 (I. i. 98)
ad Martem: 67 (IV. iii. 54)
advise thee: 63 (IV. ii. 130)
affect: 23 (II. i. 105)
affected: 20 (II. i. 28)
affy: 3 (I. i. 47)
age: 1 (I. i. 8)
Ajax: 15 (I. i. 379)
Alcides: 62 (IV. ii. 96)
alms . . . chest: 26 (II. iii. 9)
aloft: 1 (I. i S. d.)
ancestor, our: 90 (V. iii. 80)
anchorage: 4 (I. i. 73)
annoy (noun): 55 (IV. i. 49)
appointed: 59 (IV. ii. 16)
approve: 21 (II. i. 35)
approved: 73 (V. i. 1)
Aries: 67 (IV. iii. 70)
as (that): 70 (IV. iv. 25)
associate: 93 (V. iii. 169)
Astræa: 65 (IV. iii. 4)
author . . . you: 17 (I. i. 435)
bandy: 12 (I. i. 312)
barren detested vale: 29 (II. iii. 93)
basely cozen'd, and: 91 (V. iii. 101)
bay: 25 (II. ii. 3)
bay, at such a: 59 (IV. ii. 42)
be as perfect: 51 (III. ii. 40)
begins: 72 (IV. iv. 71)
beholding: 16 (I. i. 396); 88 (V. iii. 33)
belike: 60 (IV. ii. 50)
bestow her funeral: 64 (IV. ii. 165)
bid: 13 (I. i. 338)
black dog, like a: 78 (V. i. 122)
blot . . . name: 32 (II. iii. 183)
blowse: 61 (IV. ii. 73)
bon jour: 19 (I. i. 494)
both: 45 (III. i. 171)
brabble: 22 (II. i. 62)
bravely: 69 (IV. iii. 112)
braves: 21 (II. i. 30)
braving: 20 (II. i. 25 S. d.)
brew'd . . . mash'd: 51 (III. ii. 38)
broach: 61 (IV. ii. 86)
burning lake . . . Acheron: 66 (IV. iii. 43, 44)
buzz: 69 (IV. iv. 7)
by kind: 24 (II. i. 116)
can: 11 (I. i. 269)
candidatus: 8 (I. i. 185)
careful remedy: 66 (IV. iii. 30)
castle: 45 (III. i. 170)
Centaurs' feast: 86 (V. ii. 204)
Cerberus . . . feet: 39 (II. iv. 51)
challenged: 13 (I. i. 340)
chaps: 90 (V. iii. 77)
charming: 20 (II. i. 16)
chase: 35 (II. iii. 255)
cheer: 10 (I. i. 264)
churl: 19 (I. i. 486)
Cimmerian: 28 (II. iii. 72)
circumscribed: 3 (I. i. 68)
circumstance of all: 64 (IV. ii. 158)
closing: 81 (V. ii. 70)
closure: 92 (V. iii. 134)
clubs: 21 (II. i. 37)
Cocytus: 34 (II. iii. 236)
codding: 77 (V. i. 99)
coffin: 86 (V. ii. 189)
coil: 47 (III. i. 224)
compact: 90 (V. iii. 88)
compassion: 57 (IV. i. 124)
complot: 35 (II. iii. 265)
controll'd: 17 (I. i. 420); 74 (V. i. 26)
Coriolanus: 72 (IV. iv. 67)
Cornelia: 53 (IV. i. 12)
course of, in: 72 (IV. iv. 66)
cousin: 38 (II. iv. 12)
create: 9 (I. i. 224)
Cyclops: 66 (IV. iii. 46)
damn'd as he is: 91 (V. iii. 124)
dancing-rapier: 21 (II. i. 39)
date: 7 (I. i. 168)
deadly-standing: 27 (II. iii. 32)
dear sight: 48 (III. i. 256)
decreed: 36 (II. iii. 274)
devil, bring down the: 78 (V. i. 145)
device: 16 (I. i. 395)
dispose: 64 (IV. ii. 175)
drive upon: 28 (II. iii. 64)
dumps: 16 (I. i. 391)
echo mocks the hounds: 27 (II. iii. 17)
ecstasies: 70 (IV. iv. 21)
ecstasy: 58 (IV. i. 125)
effect, to: 67 (IV. iii. 59)
effectless: 42 (III. i. 77)
egal justice, extent of: 69 (IV. iv. 3, 4)
election: 2 (I. i. 22); 8 (I. i. 183)
embrewed: 34 (II. iii. 222)
emperial's: 68 (IV. iii. 93)
empery: 2 (I. i. 19)
enacts (noun): 62 (IV. ii. 119)
Enceladus: 62 (IV. ii. 94)
encounter with: 79 (V. ii. 2)
enemy's castle: 45 (III. i. 170)
enforc'd: 88 (V. iii. 38)
engine: 42 (III. i. 83); 24 (II. i. 123)
entreats, at: 18 (I. i. 449)
envious: 43 (III. i. 97)
erst: 55 (IV. i. 63)
escape: 62 (IV. ii. 114)
even with: 69 (IV. iv. 8)
exclaims (noun): 56 (IV. i. 86)
fact: 54 (IV. i. 39)
fatal: 29 (II. iii. 97)
fear not: 37 (II. iii. 305)
fell: 90 (V. iii. 100)
fere: 56 (IV. i. 89)
file our engines: 24 (II. i 123)
fond: 32 (II. iii. 172)
for (as for): 66 (IV. iii. 39)
for (because): 76 (V. i. 74)
for ever being: 75 (V. i. 50)
for why: 47 (III. i. 230)
forfend: 17 (I. i. 434)
frankly: 17 (I. i. 420)
fraught: 4 (I. i. 71)
funerals: 15 (I. i. 381)
fury: 54 (IV. i. 24)
gad: 57 (IV. i. 103)
gallops: 20 (II. i. 7)
gear: 66 (IV. iii. 52)
gentleness: 10 (I. i. 237)
give me aim: 92 (V. iii. 149)
gloze: 70 (IV. iv. 35)
good den: 71 (IV. iv. 42)
govern'd . . . jest: 84 (V. ii. 139)
grac'd: 20 (II. i. 27)
gramercy: 19 (I. i. 495)
gratulate: 9 (I. i. 221)
great defender: 4 (I. i. 77)
grey: 25 (II. ii. 1)
ground: 22 (II. i. 70)
grudges: 7 (I. i. 154)
happy: 27 (II. iii. 23)
hath: 38 (II. iv. 17)
have the wind of you: 63 (IV. ii. 134)
heart, thy: 38 (II. iv. 34)
heavy: 49 (III. i. 276)
Hecuba . . . sorrow: 54 (IV. i. 20, 21)
high-witted: 70 (IV. iv. 35)
his: 43 (III. i. 98)
honey-stalks: 72 (IV. iv. 90)
horns . . . Actæon's: 28 (II. iii. 63)
horse: 26 (II. ii. 23)
house of Fame: 24 (II. i. 126)
Hymenæus: 13 (I. i. 325)
Hyperion: 81 (V. ii. 56)
I have been troubled: 25 (II. ii. 9)
idiot . . . bauble: 76 (V. i. 79)
ignomy: 62 (IV. ii. 116)
I'll . . . leisure: 12 (I. i. 301)
incorporate: 18 (I. i. 462)
increase: 86 (V. ii. 192)
indifferently: 17 (I. i. 430)
inherit: 26 (II. iii. 3)
insult on: 52 (III. ii. 71)
integer vitæ: 59 (IV. ii. 20)
jet: 22 (II. i. 64)
joy: 29 (II. iii. 83)
just: 59 (IV. ii. 24)
Laertes' son: 15 (I. i. 380)
lamenting doings: 52 (III. ii. 62)
lascivious Goth: 30 (II. iii. 110)
lath: 21 (II. i. 41)
lave: 62 (IV. ii. 104)
learn: 31 (II. iii. 143)
leave: 17 (I. i. 424)
leer (noun): 62 (IV. ii. 120)
leisure: 12 (I. i. 301)
let me alone: 18 (I. i. 449)
limbo: 44 (III. i. 150)
ling'ring languishment: 23 (II. i. 110)
loose (to loosen): 35 (II. iii. 243)
loose (to shoot): 67 (IV. iii. 58)
love-day: 19 (I. i. 491)
Lucrece: 23 (II. i. 108)
luxurious: 76 (V. i. 88)
magni dominator: 56 (IV. i. 81)
makes way: 26 (II. ii. 24)
map: 50 (III. ii. 12)
martyr'd signs: 51 (III. ii. 36)
maugre: 62 (IV. ii. 111)
mean: 38 (II. iv. 40)
meed for meed: 89 (V. iii. 66)
mildly as we might: 18 (I. i. 475)
mind: 38 (II. iv. 39)
mine: 53 (III. ii. 85)
minion: 30 (II. iii. 124)
mistership: 71 (IV. iv. 40)
Muli: 63 (IV. ii. 154)
mutual: 90 (V. iii. 71)
my lord, kneel down: 56 (IV. i. 87)
name thee in election: 8 (I. i. 183)
napkin: 44 (III. i. 141)
nice-preserved: 31 (II. iii. 135)
Nilus: 42 (III. i. 72)
no longer days: 64 (IV. ii. 167)
not I: 21 (II. i. 53)
not with himself: 15 (I. i. 368)
obscurity: 80 (V. ii. 36)
obsequious tears: 92 (V. iii. 152)
obtain and ask: 8 (I. i. 201)
of my word: 67 (IV. iii. 59)
of these: 51 (III. ii. 44)
officious: 86 (V. ii. 202)
on a heap: 34 (II. iii. 223)
one Muli lives: 63 (IV. ii. 154)
onset: 10 (I. i, 238)
opinion: 16 (I. i. 416)
oppose: 6 (I. i. 132)
ours with thine: 87 (V. iii. 3)
overlooks: 20 (II. i. 8)
overween, dost: 20 (II. i. 29)
pack: 63 (IV. ii. 157)
painted: 30 (II. iii. 126)
palliament: 8 (I. i. 182)
panther, to hunt the: 19 (I. i. 493)
parcel: 28 (II. iii. 49)
parle, break the: 87 (V. iii. 19)
part: 19 (I. i. 488)
passion: 5 (I. i. 106)
patient: 5 (I. i. 121)
pattern'd by: 55 (IV. i. 57)
paws: 31 (II. iii. 152)
pearl . . . eye: 75 (V. i. 42)
people's tribunes: 9 (I. i. 217)
per Styga, per manes vehor: 24 (II. i. 135)
Philomel: 27 (II. iii. 43); 55 (IV. i. 47)
piece: 12 (I. i. 309)
pipe: 66 (IV. iii. 24)
pitch: 20 (II. i. 14)
piteously: 76 (V. i. 66)
play'd your prize: 16 (I. i. 399)
plies: 54 (IV. i .15)
Pluto's region: 65 (IV. iii. 13)
power: 50 (III. i. 299)
practice: 82 (V. ii. 77)
precious ring, a: 34 (II. iii. 227)
present: 32 (II. iii. 173)
presently: 28 (II. iii. 62)
pretend: 2 (I. i. 42)
priest and holy water: 13 (I. i. 323)
Progne: 86 (V. ii. 196)
Prometheus: 20 (II. i. 17)
propose: 22 (II. i. 80)
pure election: 2 (I. i. 16)
put it up: 17 (I. i. 433)
put up: 21 (II. i. 53)
Pyramus: 34 (II. iii. 231)
queen of Troy: 6 (I. i. 136)
quit: 6 (I. i. 141)
quotes: 55 (IV. i. 50)
Rapine: 81 (V. ii. 59)
rash Virginius . . . his daughter: 88 (V. iii. 36, 37)
rates: 74 (V. i. 33)
ravens . . . children: 31 (II. iii. 153)
re-edified: 14 (I. i. 351)
remember'd, be you: 65 (IV. iii. 5)
rent: 48 (III. i. 260)
reserv'd: 7 (I. i. 165)
resolve me: 88 (V. iii. 35)
Romans: 1 (I. i. 9)
ruffle: 13 (I. i. 313)
sacred: 24 (II. i. 120)
sad decrees: 80 (V. ii. 11)
sanguine: 62 (IV. ii. 98)
Saturn is dominator: 27 (II. ii. 31)
scath: 74 (V. i. 7)
scrowl: 37 (II. iv. 5)
Scythia: 6 (I. i. 131)
search: 35 (II. iii. 262)
secure of: 20 (II. i. 3)
self: 62 (IV. ii. 124)
Semiramis: 20 (II. i. 22)
sensibly: 62 (IV. ii. 123)
sequence, in: 54 (IV. i. 37)
shape privilege: 71 (IV. iv. 56)
she is a woman: 22 (II. i. 82)
shive: 23 (II. i. 87)
Sibyl's leaves: 57 (IV. i. 105)
sighing, wound it with: 50 (III. ii. 15)
Sinon: 90 (V. iii. 85)
sit fas aut nefas: 24 (II. i. 133)
sith: 11 (I. i. 271)
slip (scion): 74 (V. i. 9)
slips (offences): 29 (II. iii. 86)
smooth: 72 (IV. iv. 95)
solemn: 24 (II. i. 112)
Solon's happiness: 8 (I. i. 177)
some deal: 48 (III. i. 244)
sorrow-wreathen knot: 50 (III. ii. 4)
sort: 46 (III. i. 190)
sound jest: 59 (IV. ii. 26)
sounded: 77 (V. i. 119)
spleenful: 33 (II. iii. 191)
spurn: 43 (III. i. 102)
square (quarrel): 23 (II. i. 100)
square (shape): 51 (III. ii. 31)
Square yourselves: 24 (II. i. 124)
stale: 12 (I. i. 304)
stand on hostage: 73 (IV. iv. 104)
stand up: 19 (I. i. 485)
starved: 48 (III. i. 251)
still: 51 (III. ii. 45)
stint: 72 (IV. iv. 85)
stood: 30 (II. iii. 124)
stuprum: 56 (IV. i. 78)
successantly: 73 (IV. iv. 112)
successive title: 1 (I. i. 4)
suppose: 17 (I. i. 440)
surance: 81 (V. ii. 46)
suum cuique: 11 (I. i. 280)
sweet: 37 (II. iv. 6)
take away: 53 (III. ii. 81)
take up: 68 (IV. iii. 91, 92)
Taurus: 67 (IV. iii. 68)
temper: 73 (IV. iv. 108); 86 (V. ii. 200)
tend'ring: 18 (I. i. 476)
Tereus: 38 (II. iv. 26)
terras Astrea reliquit: 65 (IV. iii. 4)
that (so that): 48 (III. i. 239)
that you jar: 23 (II. i. 103)
Thracian tyrant: 6 (I. i. 138)
'tic'd: 29 (II. iii. 92)
timeless: 35 (II. iii. 265)
Titan's: 9 (I. i. 226)
tofore: 49 (III. i. 293)
train'd: 77 (V. i. 104)
tribunal plebs: 68 (IV. iii. 91)
trull: 33 (II. iii. 191)
Tully's Orator: 54 (IV. i. 14)
turn: 84 (V. ii. 141)
two-and-twenty sons: 40 (III. i. 10)
Typhon's brood: 62 (IV. ii. 95)
unadvis'd: 21 (II. i. 38)
uncouple here: 25 (II. ii. 3)
uncouth: 34 (II. iii. 211)
undertake: 17 (1. i. 436)
unrecuring: 43 (III. i. 91)
up and down: 83 (V. ii. 107)
upon advice: 15 (I. i. 379)
urchins: 29 (II. iii. 101)
urge: 76 (V. i. 78)
venereal: 27 (II. iii. 37)
Virginius: 88 (V. iii. 36)
Virgo: 67 (IV. iii. 64)
Vulcan's badge: 23 (II. i. 89)
wall-ey'd: 75 (V. i. 44)
wandering prince, the: 27 (II. iii. 22)
water glideth by the mill: 22 (II. i. 85)
weeds: 4 (I. i. 70)
welkin: 47 (III. i. 211)
well said: 67 (IV. iii. 63)
well-advis'd: 58 (IV. ii. 10)
well-beseeming troop: 28 (II. iii. 56)
what: 8 (I. i. 189)
what not done: 77 (V. i. 109)
whenas: 72 (IV. iv. 91)
white-lim'd: 62 (IV. ii. 99)
will speed: 15 (I. i. 372)
willing: 79 (V. i. 160)
wind: 57 (IV. i. 97)
with: 47 (III. i. 214)
worldly: 81 (V. ii. 65)
worse than Progne: 86 (V. ii. 196)
wot: 21 (II. i. 48)
wound it with sighing: 50 (III. ii. 15)
wreak: 66 (IV. iii. 33)
wreakful: 80 (V. ii. 32)
wreaks (noun): 70 (IV. iv. 11)
yet . . . low: 52 (III. ii. 76)
'Zounds: 61 (IV. ii. 72)