Tixall Poetry/A Dialogue

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4304058Tixall PoetryA DialogueArthur Cliffordunknown author


A Dialogue.

Preethee tell me, faithlesse swaine,
Why didst thou such passion faine,
On purpose to disceave me?
I noe sooner lov'd againe,
But you began to leave me.

Phillis, we must blame our fate,
Kindnes hath a certaine date;
But ere those ioyes we tasted,
You in peevishnes, or state,
The time had almost wasted.

Twas my love did yours distroy,
Strephon, had I still been coy,
I know you then would prize me;
Thinke you dreamt you did inioy,
And then youll not dispise me.

Once againe your love persue,
And I my scorne too will renew,
But passion doth soe sway me;
That could I my teares subdue,
My sighs would soone betray me.

Sigh nor weepe noe more in vaine,
Nimph, your beauty soon will gaine
A more deserving lover;
Slaves that once have broke there chaine,
You seidome can recover.