Tixall Poetry/Another ("Twa bonny lads…")

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Tixall Poetry
edited by Arthur Clifford
Another by unknown author
4306917Tixall PoetryAnotherArthur Cliffordunknown author



Twa bonny lads war Sawny and Jockey,
But Jockey was lov'd, and Sawny unluckie;
Sawny was tall, well favor'd, and witty,
But I in my heart thought Jockie more prittie.
For when he view'd me,
Woo'd me,
Su'd me,
Never was lad more like to have won me.
I cry,
Did almost die,
Least Jockie should gang, and come noe more to me.

Jockie would love, but he would not marry,
And I had a dread least he should not tarry ;
For his cunning tongue with wit was soe guilded,
That I was afraid my heart would have yeilded.
Dayly he prest me,
Blest me,
Kist me,
Lost was the houre me thought when he mist me.
And sighing ide woo him,
And meikle adoe I had to get fro him.

But unluckie fate rob’d me of my iewell,
For Sawny would make him fight in a duel],
Downe in a dale wher ciprus surrounded,
Oh ! ther in my sight poor Jockie was wounded.
For when he foil'd him,
Feld him,
Kill'd him,
Who can expresse my griefe that beheld him.
Raging, I tore my haire for to bind him,
And vow'd and swore ide nere stay behind him.