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Tixall Poetry/Concealed Love ("I feed a flame within…")

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Tixall Poetry
edited by Arthur Clifford
Concealed Love by unknown author
4306897Tixall PoetryConcealed LoveArthur Cliffordunknown author


Concealed Love.

I feed a flame within,Which soe torments me,That it both paines my hart,And yet contents me.Tis such a pleasing smart,And I soe love it,That I had rather die,Then once remove it.
Yet he whom I adore,Shall never know it;My tongue shall nere betray,Nor my eyes shew it:Not a sigh, nor a teare,My paine discloses,But they fall silently,Like dew on roses.
Thus to prevent my loveFrom being cruell,My harts the sacrifice,As tis the fuell:And whilst I suffer this,To give him quiett,My faith rewards my love,Though he deny it.
On his eyes will I gaze,And there delight me;While I conceale my love,Noe frown can fright me; To be more happy,I dare not aspire;Nor can I fall lower,Mounting noe higher.