Tixall Poetry/Concealed Love ("My life is now a burden grown…")

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4305888Tixall PoetryConcealed LoveArthur Cliffordunknown author


Concealed Love.

My life is now a burden grown,
Opprest with constant anguish,
Whilst sicke with griefe I dare not owne,
I thus unpitied languish:
But whilst I burne with secret fire,
My heart, which now is breaking,
Must needs reveale its fond desire,
Without the helpe of speaking.

Then turne, O turne, those charming eyes,
Upon your gasping lover,
The fatal wound of which he dies
You quickly will discover:
But silently to beare his woe,
Shal be your martyr's glory,
And if one pittying look you shew,
You'll understand his story.