Tixall Poetry/Contented Poverty

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4134039Tixall PoetryContented PovertyArthur CliffordGertrude Aston Thimelby

Contented Poverty.

You that are worldly wise, and vanely boast
Whose full cramm'd coffers may be valew'd most,
Come, and behold how happily agree
(United by contented povertie)
This unrepenting paire; five yeares are fled,
(Such hast makes time that ioy hath perfected,)
Since these possess'd so absolute a calme,
Love only knowes, who gives the soveraigne balme:
Cures all distempers, even wishes vaine,
When each from other all thats wish'd obtaine.
Tis not your wealth can such a purchace make;
Leave then to brag, and he are new lessons take.
Your heap'd up riches doe but make you poore,
You feare their losse, or els you wish for more;
So that your thoughts can never be at ease,
Whilest that the patient doates on his disease.
But if unpartially you both survay,
From them no doubt you may, the only way,

Learne to prevent your fatal destinye,
Your present trouble, horrour when you dy.
For if them, as your mammon, you despise,
Youle live in peace, and at your setting rise.