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Traffic Signs Manual/Chapter 4/2013/10

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Traffic Signs Manual : Chapter 4
Department of Transport (UK)
3646169Traffic Signs Manual : Chapter 4 — 10. ANIMALS AND FARM TRAFFICDepartment of Transport (UK)


10.1 The signs in this section are used to give warning of wild animals, farm animals, horses being taken or ridden along or across a road, or of straying animals from neighbouring unfenced land. The onus is normally on those in charge of farm animals or horses to ensure that their movement is carried out safely; nevertheless the signs may be used at places where animals regularly cross or move along a road, but where visibility is poor.

10.2 Where a sign is provided, but the danger is not likely to be present throughout the year (e.g. in winter months when animals are not normally driven across a particular road) traffic authorities should arrange for the sign to be covered during that time, in order to preserve its credibility.

10.3 If animals will be encountered only over a known, determinate length of road, the addition of a distance plate, e.g. "For 500 yds" (diagram 570) will be appropriate, but the signs may need to be repeated if the danger exists over a considerable distance. It will often be found that animals wander onto the highway not at completely random points, but in particular areas and warning signs should be erected accordingly. See section 18 for further guidance on the use of distance plates.


May be used with diagram 548. 7, 570 or 4005

May be used only in combination with diagram 548 placed in advance of diagram 4005. The distance may be varied (see Appendix C). An arrow may be added pointing to the left or to the right

May be used only in conjunction with diagrams 548 and 548. 7 placed in advance of this sign

10.4 The cattle sign to diagram 548 will generally provide sufficient warning of cattle crossings. However, at sites with restricted visibility or where heavy traffic flows make it difficult to herd cattle across the road, the sign to diagram 4005 (which comprises the sign to diagram 548 and flashing amber lights) may be used.

10.5 A warning sign to diagram 548 with a plate to 548.1 must be used in advance of a cattle crossing where flashing lamps are used (direction 55(2)).

10.6 Such signing is not intended as a solution for anticipated problems on planned new roads, major improvements, or where at other sites the movement of cattle would frequently obstruct traffic for a period of more than three minutes. Nor is a surface crossing appropriate where the traffic flow exceeds 30,000 vehicles per day. In such cases other measures such as a segregating facility should be considered.

10.7 Criteria for the provision of flashing amber lights are set out in table 10-1. These are based on the minimum desirable stopping sight distance specified in TD 9, in Volume 6 of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (see para 1.3). Lights are not recommended unless the driver’s field of clear visibility is less than the distance shown, or the traffic flow exceeds 10,000 vehicles per day on roads where the 85th percentile speed exceeds 30 mph.

Table 10-1 Cattle crossing places
85th percentile speed Visibility distance
(mph) (m)
Up to 30 70
31 to 40 110
41 to 50 150
51 to 60 200
Over 60 Not suitable

10.8 Where conditions at a cattle crossing site meet these criteria and, on the same road within approximately half a mile there is another site which does not meet them, consideration should be given to the provision of flashing lamps at both sites.

10.9 The flashing lamp units should be erected on both approaches as close as practicable to the start and finish points of the cattle journey. The mid point between the flashing lamps must be between 2.4m and 4m above the adjacent carriageway. This allows a minimum headroom of 2.1 m to be maintained when the assembly is mounted over a footway.


The above signs may be used with diagram 570. Diagram 550.7 may also be used with diagram 572 or 573

10.10 Signs to diagram 549 (sheep), 550 (wild horses) and 551 (wild animals) may be used wherever such animals are likely to be found in the road (see also para 10.3).

10.11 Diagram 550.1 warns of accompanied or ridden horses or ponies (as opposed to the wild or stray variety indicated by the sign to diagram 550) where numbers of horses are frequently walked or ridden along or crossed over the road. Warning of horses crossing the road ahead, e.g. where a bridleway crosses the road, can be given by adding the diagram 572 distance plate (or 573 if the crossing is in another road). Diagram 550.2 is used to warn of horse-drawn vehicles in the road ahead.

10.12 Use of diagram 550.1 to indicate an informal crossing place should normally be considered only where the visibility distance is less than specified in table 10-2. These distances are based on one step below the minimum desirable stopping sight distance (see para 10.7).

Table 10-2 Horse crossing places
85th percentile speed Visibility distance
(mph) (m)
Up to 40 80
41 to 50 110
51 to 60 150
Over 60 200

May be used with diagram 570

May be displayed only between January and May.
May be used with diagram 570

May be used with diagram 553, 572 or 573

10.13 The sign to diagram 551.1 may be used only at a site which is approved as a migratory toad crossing by or on behalf of the Secretary of State (see para 1.2) as a migratory toad crossing. A list of currently approved sites is available from the Froglife Trust (e-mail info @ froglife.org). The sign may be accompanied by the distance plate shown in diagram 570. It may be displayed only during the months of January to May (direction 28). Signs must be removed or covered at other times of the year; it is recommended that flap-type signs be used to facilitate this. Traffic authorities that neglect their statutory responsibilities in this regard undermine the effectiveness of the sign.

10.14 The sign to diagram 551.2 may be used where wild fowl are habitually found in the road, such as sites near ponds and watercourses. It may be combined with diagram 570, displaying a distance, e.g. "For 150 yds", in accordance with Appendix C.


May be used with diagram 570

May be used only in combination with diagram 552.
The direction of the arrow may be reversed

10.15 A cattle grid on a public road should always be preceded by the cattle grid warning sign to diagram 552, as it might otherwise catch drivers unawares. Grids are especially hazardous for two-wheeled traffic. Signs should normally be sited at the standard distances set out in Appendix A. The plate to diagram 553 indicating the direction of the by-pass for horse-drawn vehicles or accompanied animals can accompany the sign it the entrance to the by-pass is reasonably close to the grid. Otherwise a duplicate sign to diagram 552 plated with 553 should be placed at the entrance, with a plate to diagram 572 mounted directly below the triangular sign indicating the distance to the grid. If the grid is in another road, the advance warning sign should be accompanied by the plate to diagram 573.


May be used only in combination with the plate to diagram 553.2

May be used only in combination with diagram 553.7. "Farm traffic” may be varied to "Wide vehicles" or "Tractors turning". The word "for" and a distance may be added

10.16 The sign to diagram 553.1 may be used wherever farm tractors or other agricultural vehicles frequently travel in the road at low speed, turn into or out of an entrance or cross a road. It may be particularly appropriate where visibility of an access or of turning vehicles is inadequate, or such vehicles turn unexpectedly across high-speed roads. The sign must always be used with a plate to diagram 553.2, which may read "“Farm traffic", "Wide vehicles" or "Tractors turning". Where there are two entrances between which vehicles regularly travel, an indication of the distance over which the hazard extends may be added to the plate, eg. "for 250 yds", in accordance with Appendix C.

GATES 10.17 The sign to diagram 554 (see section |11) may be varied to “Gate” or “Gates” as appropriate when used in a road which has gates installed, usually for the control of farm animals. As drivers are likely to have to stop in order to open the gate, the signs should normally be supplemented by a distance plate to diagram 572 or 573. A plate to diagram 570, eg. "For 2 miles" may be used with the variant “Gates”.