Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute/Volume 1/Auckland Institute
First Meeting (held in the Provincial Museum). 4th May, 1868.
F. Whitaker, President, in the chair.
The following contributions were laid upon the table:—A series of photographs of the Atlantic cable machinery—Mr. J. T. Mackelvie, A number of South Sea Island shells—Mr. Vilcocq, of Russell. Part of a porpoise's head—Mr. Mackenzie, of Mongonui. Maori stone axes—Mr. Bell, of Whangaroa; also, by the same gentleman, a piece of the copper of the ship 'Boyd," the crew of which were massacred and eaten there; a piece of manganese ore from Tikiora, Bay of Islands; quartz rock from near Spirits Bay. There was also a specimen of clay which had been burned by a gentleman at the Tamaki, and which was believed to be a near approach to china clay.
Mr. Gillies, the Honorary Secretary, read a note that had been left at the Museum, stating that a number of miners from the Thames had visited the collection, and had been much interested and gratified at examining the minerals there. Mr. Gillies stated that the Council of the Association, immediately upon being formed, wrote to England for various scientific publications, and had received the first of them by last mail. They were then on the table, and would be lent out to be read by members at the close of the meeting. Any not taken out would lie at his office. He had also to mention that they had received a number of New Zealand birds from the south, which illustrated the advantage of being connected with the New Zealand Institute.
The President then read the following
inaugural address.
Gentlemen,—We are met this evening, for the first time, as the members of an Institute, having for its object the promotion of art, science, and literature. We have laid the foundation of a society embracing a very wide field of operations, but as yet we have performed only a small portion of what we have undertaken, and the foundation will be useless if we fail successfully to prosecute the work.
It is obvious that we have taken upon ourselves no light task, if we discharge efficiently but one-half even of the duties which devolve upon us. For myself, it would be much more agreeable to me to occupy a position of less prominence than that in which it has pleased the members of this Institute to place me, for I cannot but feel that much more will reasonably be expected from the President than I can hope to fulfil. I should, therefore, have declined the proffered honour, but, well knowing the difficulties that promoters of such an institution have to encounter in its establishment, and unwilling to refuse assistance in any capacity in which my colleagues considered that I could be serviceable, I, adversely to my own opinions and wishes, reluctantly consented to become the first President. I can only promise that I will endeavour to compensate in zeal for what I may lack in attainments and ability.
The New Zealand Legislature, in its last session, passed a statute for the establishment of an "Institute for the Advancement of Science and Art in New Zealand," and conferred on it, together with the societies to be incorporated with it, the privileges of a body corporate. The Act, in the first place, provides for the appointment of a "fit and proper person to superintend and carry out the geological survey of the colony, and also to superintend the formation, establishment, and management of a public museum and laboratory." This refers to the parent society (if I may so call it), domiciled at Wellington; but the services of this gentleman (the Act does not give him an official name) are also to be available "to superintend the formation and establishment of any museum and laboratory intended to be established by any society incorporated with the parent institution."
Por the management of this Institute there is a Board of Governors, in the first instance nominated, but afterwards partly to be nominated and partly to be elected. Their powers are defined, provision made for their meetings, and for the enactment of rules, by the Governor in Council, for the management and regulation of the Institute. Such is the general character of the provisions of the New Zealand Institute Act. How far it will satisfactorily answer the purposes for which it is intended remains yet to be seen. Experience is necessary to settle that question; but I must say that I very much fear that some of the provisions will be found cumbersome, and difficult to work satisfactorily. We cannot but be struck with the similarity of the scheme for the government of science to that for the political government of the colony. The General and Provincial Governments appear to have afforded models for, and to be reproduced in, the New Zealand Institute and those institutions, when established in the provinces, to be incorporated with it. The Auckland Institute has been successfully formed, and now numbers nearly eighty members. It has not yet been associated with the New Zealand Institute. It is competent for us now to effect this association or not, as may be thought desirable. We have complied with all the preliminary conditions that have been prescribed. If we prefer a separate and independent existence, there is nothing to prevent our taking that course, but for my part I think there are sufficient advantages to be derived from association to lead us in that direction.
We are all aware ow difficult it is in a new country, such as this, to find men competent in knowledge, and enjoying sufficient leisure, to devote their time to superintending the formation and establishment of a museum and a laboratory. The Act provides that the services of such a person shall be available for institutions associated with the parent Institute. The Act also provides that a yearly sum of £500, at the least, shall be placed on the colonial estimates, to be applied in the payment of the general current expenses of the parent establishment and of the several societies or associations incorporated with it. There are other advantages, but it appears to me that I have said enough to lead to the conclusion that the Auckland Institute should be incorporated with the New Zealand Institute.
Thus, we see that the New Zealand Legislature, impressed, no doubt, with the importance of promoting the general study and cultivation of art, science, and literature, has endeavoured to do its share of the work by giving a legal constitution to an institution formed for the advancement of those objects, by providing competent assistance, and by contributing towards the necessary expenses to be incurred. But it is not in the power of any Legislature alone to create a permanent and flourishing institution of this character; it can only be done by the energy and co-operation of those fitted to undertake the task, and that not by one spasmodic effort, but by patient and unflagging perseverance. No doubt, in order to induce a sufficient number of persons to give their time and attention to the support of such an institution, it is necessary that they should be convinced that they will derive therefrom an adequate amount of amusement and profit.
Now, it is admitted that the first and principal duty of every man is to provide for the daily wants of himself and those dependent on him; and, moreover, it is a duty that he owes to his country. No man can neglect this without entailing suffering and disgrace to himself. All other employments must yield to this; and if the pursuit of science and literature necessarily involved a neglect of this first duty, it would be a crime to urge men to devote their attention to it. But there are hours of leisure and recreation, and it is those that can be properly and profitably employed in such pursuits. It is, I think, fortunate that there are occasions on which men of all parties, whatever may be their creeds or political views, can meet on common ground. It is, I say, fortunate that occasions occur on which people of all shades of opinion, political or otherwise, can meet and unite for a common object. Nothing tends more to soften the asperities that necessarily arise than friendly meetings for the entertainment and instruction of each other. In a community like ours something of the kind is essential. In the race of life we jostle each other hardly; and in politics every subject is discussed with such freedom, that every man says and writes almost without restriction whatever he feels inclined. In such a state of things it is but natural that differences should arise, and angry passions be sometimes excited. Everything, therefore, that tends to calm or mollify such passions, and render us more considerate and tolerant the one to the other, has—indeed, must have—a salutary effect. And what is better fitted to produce such an effect than meeting for the friendly discussion of topics connected with arts, science, and literature?
In a social point of view, therefore, the advantages which will result from a flourishing institution, such as this Institute may become under vigorous and careful management, should not be overlooked or depreciated. However devoted we may be to the necessary occupation of our lives—however anxious to push' ourselves forward in the worldly career we are pursuing—it is essential that some time should be set apart for, and devoted to, recreation and amusement. It is indispensable for re-invigorating the faculties, and preparing them for renewed exertion in our vocations. But much time is unfortunately spent—harmlessly perhaps, but unprofitably. This is the more to be regretted, because at least equal employment, combined with profit, might be as readily obtained. Pleasure, no doubt, is to be derived simply from the acquisition of knowledge—knowing that which we knew not before—although it may be of a useless or trivial character; but how much more satisfactory to a thinking man is the reflection that he has added an important truth to his stock of knowledge, and how much is that satisfaction enhanced by having clearly fixed in his mind the proofs by which that truth is established. But of how far more importance than mere amusement are the advantages which ensue from the steady pursuit of scientific knowledge. There is not an occupation in life which cannot be assisted by science; and in a newly-settled country like New Zealand there are especially some sciences the knowledge of which would have pointed out the way to fortunes, or saved from ruin many who have passed away or are still amongst us.
Of what service, for instance, may I ask, would not a competent knowledge of geology, mineralogy, and chemistry have been to many of us? It is not long since that some mineral specimens were brought to Auckland by men who were impressed with the belief that they had made a great discovery. They were persuaded that they had found quartz and gold, and, led on by delusive expectations, had expended time and money in explorations. They had thus squandered the means at their disposal, and they sought assistaace to prosecute their investigations. Now, the most superficial acquaintance with mineralogy or chemistry, by themselves or their neighbours, would have saved these men from grievous disappointment and serious loss. A tyro in mineralogy could have told them that the supposed quartz was carbonate of lime, and the supposed highly valuable gold nothing more valuable than delusive iron pyrites. A slight knowledge of the use of some of the most readily obtained chemicals would, without difficulty, have enabled them to obtain the same information.
Again, how many experiments have been tried during the last twenty-five years on the Phormium tenax. How many men have wasted their time and their money on a process which a very slight acquaintance with science would have warned them to eschew. These are but two of the many instances that are occurring in which science would have liberally repaid attentions bestowed on her.
It may be affirmed, as a proposition universally true, that science is of great practical value; how peculiarly important is it that in this colony it should be generally cultivated. Here we are in a land abounding in raw materials of every description, of the greatest value and importance. Treasures of all kinds are spread with an unsparing hand around us in every direction, inviting us to accept the wealth, which, if properly used, they will bestow. Why do we not avail ourselves of the opportunity? Science and the arts are required to lend their aid, and we neglect to avail ourseives of their use. In a colony like this, men no doubt have serious disadvantages to contend with. They cannot, as in a highly civilized community, obtain that advice and assistance of which they often stand in need, and they are compelled to rely on their own resources.
Take, for an instance, what is daily advancing towards becoming one of the most important and prosj)erous industries in this part of the colony—I mean gold-producing. How little do we know about it; how much have we to learn! There are peculiarities about the Thames Gold Field which render experience gained elsewhere in some measure inapplicable, and it may, I am certain, be safely affirmed that at least one-third to one-half in value is daily lost in the inartistic and inefficient manner in which the gold is attempted to be extracted from the mine, and afterwards separated from the worthless material with which it is mixed.
By what means can this loss be obviated, or, at all events, mitigated? Of the members of this Institute—and at present there are but few—there are several, I feel assured, who know, at all events, some little that would be useful to the gold miner; and if all these "littles" were brought together, well sifted by discussion, and that which is valuable made readily available, an essential service might be rendered with great advantage to the community, also to a large body of men engaged in a laborious and hazardous pursuit. Much may, I am sure, be done by union. Co-operation in the present day is the great engine of progress. We see it made subservient to every variety of purpose. Man standing alone is but weak, but union gives a power which may almost be said to be irresistible. Co-operation not only concentrates means which are all but useless when dispersed; it does more, it becomes creative, and gives life and development to new powers. The mere conflict of thought and opinion produces results not previously contemplated.
I regard it as one of the most important advantages to arise from this Institute, that it may be made the means of bringing men together, not alone for their own amusement, but to work for the common good; and, proceeding a step further, that it may be the means also of interchanging opinions and information between the most distant parts of the colony. In our constitution and rules we have undertaken, as the object of this Institute, the promotion of art, science, and literature, and we have at the same time provided ample means by which that object is to be attained. We purpose the establishment of a museum and a library, and, I trust, if the institution is sufficiently supported, that we shall be able to add a laboratory. Lectures, periodical meetings, the reading of original papers, and conversations and discussions, are all designed to the same end.
I need not point out how useful in days gone by would have been a library such as that now contemplated, and of what essential service would have been a museum well stored with specimens. I feel a conviction that one of the greatest benefits that could be conferred on a newly established settlement, in a country but little known, would be to provide for it a library well supplied with books on the arts and sciences, and a well and judiciously filled museum.
It may be regretted that what we are now doing has not been done before, and it is a reasonable matter for regret; but this affords an additional argument why no further delay should take place. We have now made a commencement under more than ordinarily favourable circumstances, and if failure should ensue, it will be from want of energy and well-directed efforts on our parts. On the one hand we must not be too sanguine or confident, and on the other not too readily depressed by difficulties or discouraged by slowness of progress. We should bear in mind that some years ago, at Wellington, an institution of a similar character to that now established enjoyed but a short and, apparently, not very successful life. The failure, no doubt, resulted from want of activity and energy in the management, and adequate support from the people. That institution was reconstituted in November last, and is intended to co-operate and work harmoniously with this Institute and similar societies to be establisbed in the colony. Let us hope that its future career may be more prosperous than its past, and that we may run a friendly race with it and other similar institutions that may enter on the same course, in our endeavours to render the most important services to the cause we have undertaken to promote.
But, on the other hand, we may well take courage when we look back to the beginning of the most eminent and flourishing institutions of the present day. With hardly an exception, I believe, it may be affirmed that the beginnings have been small—of some, small even in comparison with our own. The splendid results have, it is said, been achieved, "not by the favour of the many, but by the wisdom and energy of the few." The Royal Society of England owes its origin to a small club, and its title to an accidental circumstance. The first meetings in London were held in a tavern, subsequently at a private house, and afterwards in the parlour of Grresham College. It received its name soon after the Restoration, when everybody went mad with loyalty—a name not appropriate to its objects, but complimentary to His Majesty King Charles II. The French Academy was equally humble in its origin. A few literate residents in Paris arranged to meet once a week for the friendly interchange of ideas. For many years the Academy continued to be but an insignificant private society: it shines forth now as one of the most illustrious institutions of the age. But notwithstanding these encouraging examples, I am impressed rather with wavering hope than with belief. I cannot forget that though the beginnings of the splendid institutions to which I have referred were indeed but small, yet the assistance of men of genius, capable of giving life, strength, and repute to the early efforts of the founders, was earnestly given. Where are we to look for such men in the youthful colony of New Zealand?
That this colony will grow rapidly in wealth and strength, and will eventually become a great nation, I do most firmly believe—it possesses all the elements for such a destiny. That the New Zealand Institute, with its incorporated societies, may keep pace, and in future ages become to New Zealand what the Royal Society is to England and the French Academy is to France, is the very utmost that we can ever hope for; and if such should ever be, the most sanguine expectations that may now be reasonably entertained would be fully realized. Many, very many generations must pass away before this can come to pass; but it may, and let us trust that it will.
For the present our duty is plain: we have ventured to lay foundations, let us add so much of the superstructure as may be within our power. It may be but little, but let that little be done. We may be wanting in the qualifications necessary to complete such a work, but it only requires that which is in our power—energetic and judicious efforts—to complete the small portion of the task that falls to the share of the present generation. The rest must be left to time and posterity.
1. "On the Botany of the Northern Part of the North Island," by T. Kirk. (Transactions, p. 84.)
Dr. Hector spoke in commendation of the paper. He hoped that such excursions as that of the cutter "Glance," during which the observations were made, would more frequently be undertaken than hitherto. He himself had had a six months' excursion in the same quarter. Novelties could now hardly be looked for in New Zealand, for the plants were pretty equally distributed, and a number of excellent observers had devoted themselves to exploration in it. Passing from botany. Dr. Hector made some remarks upon the geology of the district to the north of Auckland. Although the geology of New Zealand was very complex, still the great features were now fairly ascertained. Dr. Hochstetter's researches had surpassed the others in published results, but he must have derived a great deal of information from Major Heaphy and other local geologists. Dr. Hector then gave a most interesting account, first, of the geology of the New Zealand Islands as a whole; and next, more particularly of the geology of the northern part of Auckland, pointing out especially the areas occupied by palæozoic rocks that might prove auriferous, and also the area and extent of the great northern coal field. The lecture was illustrated by a geological map of the Northern District, which was published by Dr. Hector in 1866, and also by unpublished maps and sections of the coal fields.
Captain Hutton followed with some remarks on the same subject, saying that he believed Dr. Hector's account was the first that had been given of the general geology of New Zealand, and more especially of that part which had been more minutely described.
The Rev. Dr. Purchas expressed his gratification at the remarks that had been made by Dr. Hector and Captain Hutton. He said he had visited the Thames Gold Pields, and had been surprised at the quantity of gold lost there owing to the presence of sulphurets and the fine nature of the gold. That loss, he thought, might be obviated. He moved that the thanks of the meeting be given to Dr. Hector for his interesting statement.
Dr. Fischer seconded the motion, which was agreed to.
Thanks were also given to Mr. Kirk.
2. The Secretary then read a paper "On the Crater of White Island," by Dr. Rolston and Lieut. Edwin, of H.M.S. "Falcon."
The depth of Lake Hope, in the interior of White Island, at about fifty yards from the south shore, was found to be about two fathoms, and the soundings appeared to be uniform. The temperature of the lake was 110° F.; colour, light green. There was very much more water in the lake than when last visited in November, 1866, which precluded the possibility of reaching the largest steam jets, at the extreme north-west corner of the crater, but it was observed that these steam jets were not nearly so active as in 1866. There was only one mud geyser observable, which was on the south-east margin of the lake, on a slightly elevated bank, the mouth of which was about twelve feet in diameter. The mud was in a very liquid state, quite black looking; the depth obtained was about four feet; the temperature, 200° F.
The highest point at which steam was seen was on the outside of the crater, at the western side of the island, within one hundred yards of the top, or highest peak, of the island.
The height of the lake, above sea level, appeared to be about fifteen feet.
There seemed to be no rocks of original formation anywhere.
The vegetation seen (which could not be got at) was a dense, scrubby, green bush, growing all over the western end of the island. A grass was also observed on an inaccessible rock on the south bank, short, and very green.
The paper was illustrated by drawings (Plate VIII.), diagrams, and specimens.
List of specimens obtained:—
(1.) Sand, found on the sea beach between large boulders of conglomerate.
(2.) Mud, brought up by hand-lead, from the depth of four feet, while the geyser was in an active state of ebullition. This is the mud geyser before described. A bottle of the liquid mud, sealed up on the spot, also accompanied this.
(3.) Mud, from a steam jet (temp. 215° F.) at the south-west side of the lake, about 200 yards distant from it.
(4.) Dried surface mud, between the south beach and the lake.
(5.) Crust of feathery crystals, taken from the dry bed of a watercourse, where at one time water had run from geysers to the lake itself, in a north-west direction, and appeared to be of rather recent formation.
(6.) Bottle of lake water, taken at a temperature of 110° F.
With several other specimens of no great value.
Dr. Hector explained that the paper had been furnished by Dr. Rolston and Lieut. Edwin, in answer to a request made by him when he heard that 
the vessel was about to visit White Island, and that it possessed great interest, for the care with which the altitudes and soundings of the warm lake and the temperature of the springs had been ascertained.
The Secretary proposed that Dr. Rolston and Lieut. Edwin should be written to, thanking them for their contribution.
The motion was carried unanimously.
The President said he thought it should be decided at that meeting whether they should unite with the New Zealand Institute.
Mr. Peacock moved that they be incorporated with the New Zealand Institute.
Captain Hutton seconded the motion.
Mr. Gillies said he hoped they would resolve upon joining the Institute. While in politics they fought for their local advantages, they should show that when it came to a matter of science they recognized no distinction.
The motion to incorporate with the New Zealand Institute was carried unanimously.
Second Meeting. 1st June, 1868.
J. H. Crawford in the chair.
1. "On the Mechanical Principles involved in the Flight of the Albatros," by Captain F. W. Hutton, F.G.S.
The author commenced by remarking that though most other branches of ornithology had been treated of, that of "flight" had received little attention, though it was a subject of considerable difficulty and importance. His first illustration was that of an albatros, 17 pounds in weight, poised in mid-air ready for flight; the temperature of its air cells, as scientifically ascertained, being 108°F., and that of the surrounding air 48°F. In that case it would require a sphere of more than 15 feet in diameter to contain the quantity of air necessary to render the specific gravity of the bird equal to that of the atmosphere. Taking its under surface to be 8 feet in all, it would require a pressure of 2.12 pounds per square foot to support it, and an upward velocity of 20 feet a second to sustain the bird in the air. If the breeze were blowing with a velocity of 100 feet a second, the bird would be forced backwards and downwards in the direction of the wind. The essayist, having proceeded to show, in algebraic formule, the comparative degrees of inertia of a body, proved that in all cases the bird would reach the water in a curved line, at a certain distance behind its first postition; and concluded that the common notion, that a certain position of the bird's wings and feathers enabled it to sail against the wind, was erroneous, and opposed to the known laws of physical science. He also combated the theory that an albatros could fly almost against the wind in the same manner that a ship beats to windward, pointing out that in the one case the pressure of the wind was resolved in forces, having other directions, by the resistance it received from the water; whereas the albatros was placed in only one medium, having a uniform direction, affording no opportunity, as in the case of the ship, of resolving its direction into that most advantageous to itself, viz. forwards.
The author then propounded his own theory, that the albatros receives motion by means of the momentum it has previously acquired by strokes of its wings in the air, or of its feet in the water, or both combined. He then went on to illustrate that duration of sailing might be supposed to depend upon the relative momentum and resistance. He showed, by algebraic formulæ, that a velocity, at starting, of 116 feet a second, sailing at an angle of five degrees to the horizon, would enable the bird—by gradually increasing the angle at which he was flying to ten degrees—to maintain a uniform height until its velocity was reduced to 58 feet a second. He then went on to show, by means of comparing the resistance offered to a round shot, the amount of resistance required to allow an albatros to sail for half an hour without employing his wings, and only reducing his velocity from 115 to 58 feet per second. He allowed 0.16 square feet as the effective area of resistance to the forward progress of the bird; and, by ably arranged and accurately defined formulæ, arrived at the conclusion that the resistance would be much less than one-fortieth of that calculated for round shot. He also showed that the greater the weight of the bird, and the smaller the velocity at which it was compelled to fly in order to maintain its position in the air, and the less the front area, the greater would be the period during which the bird could sail without using its wings. Thus, it might be said that the sailing power of a bird depended upon its weight, resistance to the downward force of gravity being great, while the resistance to its forward movement was small. He then took a Cape pigeon as an illustration; and calculating its terminal velocity at 10 feet a second, and the rate of flying at an angle of five and ten degrees to the horizon, at fifty-eight and twenty-nine respectively, showed that it would be able to sail only about eight minutes, or one-fourth as long as the albatros, the resistance of the air being in a similar ratio in both cases. However, the pigeon could not sail so long as eight minutes without being carried away by the wind, as the bird would have to use its wings some time before it had reached its least possible velocity. Bearing this in mind, it was shown that a diminution in velocity of 11.6 feet a second could be compensated for by an increase of one degree in the angle at which the bird happened to be flying; and that, therefore, it was extremely probable that the albatros used its air cells to enable it to slightly shift its centre of gravity with respect to the position of its wings, and so, with little muscular exertion, to alter the angle at which it was flying. The essayist concluded his able and instructive paper by stating that he did not pretend to have solved the problem connected with the flight of the albatros, but merely to have suggested a method of solving it. Experiments required to be made respecting the resistance offered by the front and under surface of the bird to different velocities of wind before any satisfactory conclusion could be arrived at.
A vote of thanks was tendered to Captain Hutton for the care and ability he had shown in the preparation of this paper.
2. "Notes on Land and Fresh-water Shells collected in the Northern Part of the Province of Auckland, during the Month of April, 1868," by T. B. Gillies.
After a few introductory remarks, the author observed that, at the native settlement of [Waitatiora] Whitiora, he had found a fine specimen of the Bulimus crawling across the path, which appeared to be the Bulimus antipodarum, but differing from some hundreds of specimens that he had seen, in having two strongly developed bars or projections on the inner side of the outer lip. The presence of half-burnt shells, on peat, at Whangaruru, from which the fern had been previously burnt off, afforded ample evidence that it had once been a favourite habitat of the Bulimus antipodarum. A smaller shell, which he was inclined to set down as the young of the Bulimus antipodarum, or an Achatina, had been obtained from the natives. None of the larger Bulimus antipodarum had been found at Bream Head, though abundance of the smaller kind were met with. However, he had some doubt of the identity of the Whangaruru with the Bream Head species. On Mania Hill, near Whangarei, he had found what at first sight appeared to be three varieties of a whorled shell, like a Turritella, but which he supposed to be a Cyclostoma. The larger variety had six whorls, about half an inch long by one-eighth of an inch in width, and of a brownish colour, indistinctly striped; the mouth being nearly circular and much contorted to the right, with a sort of double lip all round. The smaller variety, five whorls, a quarter of an inch to three-eighths of an inch long, had not the contorted mouth nor the double lip. The smaller variety was only ten-twelfths of an inch in length, by .7 in. wide. He had also obtained a large number of Helices, amongst which he could distinguish the Helix busbyi and the Helix dunniæ. Mr. Gillies went on to exhibit and to describe shells which he had obtained at the Waitangi Falls and in the northern streams.
Captain Hutton said Mr. Gillies deserved the thanks of the members of the Institute for the valuable services he had rendered to the geology of New Zealand.
3. A paper "On Thames Auriferous Quartz," by Mr. George Ford, Gold-mining Chemist, of Australia, was read by the Secretary.
The paper contained much valuable information as to the character of Thames gold, modes of its extraction, indications for judging of its presence, value, &c. It had been written by Mr. Ford for the owners of the "Bobbie Burns" claim at the Thames, who had submitted for examination a portion of outside casing, not taken from a leader. A request was made to the meeting that the contents of this paper should not be made public for the present, the shareholders themselves having been at considerable expense in obtaining it.
Captain Hutton warned the miners against the use of cyanide of potassium, as the result of it would be to dissolve the gold. He, however, approved of the use of Mr. Crook's sodium amalgam as a corrective.
Captain Goldsmith drew attention to the fact that the separation of the gold was often impeded, and loss occasioned, by clay getting into the stamper box and mixing with the mercury.
Third Meeting. 6th July, 1868.
Frederick Whitaker, President, in the chair.
The following contributions were laid upon the table:—
Golden pheasant, from the Auckland Acclimatization Society. Fossil Pecten, from Te Pahi, Kaipara—Mr. Kirk. Work on the anatomy of Hatteria punctata, by Albert Günther—from the author. Auriferous quartz, from the "Bobbie Burns" claim—Mr. W. Aitkin. Copy of the Auckland Times, 12th September, 1842, found at an old native burial-place at the Thames—Mr. H. M. Jervis. One rare Murex, one rare Venus—Mr. Traill. Specimen of king penguin, captured at the Bay of Islands—Captain Hutton. One skin of huia, one of Apteryx oweni, from Mr. Buller, Wanganui, in exchange for skins from museum collection; and one skull of fish (unknown), collected at Hokitika, by Mr. Murdoch.
Moved and carried, that the thanks of the meeting be given to the donors.
1. "On some Experiments in Hydraulic Mortar," by James Stewart, Assoc. Inst. C.E. (Transactions, p. 101.)
A discussion ensued, in which several members took part; during which astonishment was expressed that stones of different sorts, especially firebricks, should still be imported into the colony at a heavy cost, when they could be obtained much cheaper in the province itself.
2. "Notes on the Birds of the Great Barrier Island," by Captain F. W. Hutton, F.G.S. (Transactions, p. 104.)
3. "Notes on the Birds of the Little Barrier Island," by Captain F. W. Hutton, F.G.S. (Transactions, p. 106.)
Several specimens were produced as the result of Captain Hutton's explorations on these islands. Mr. Kirk, who accompanied Captain Hutton in his visit to the Little Barrier, added a few interesting remarks to the papers read.
In answer to a question put by the Rev. Mr. Purchas, Captain Hutton replied that the crater at the Little Barrier appeared to be about the same age as that at the North Head of the Manukau, and was, with slight exceptions, similar to that of Tongariro.
4. "On the Hot Spring of Te Tarata, Rotomahana," by Captain F. W. Hutton, F.G.S. (Transactions, p. 106.)
A vote of thanks to Captam Hutton and Mr. Stewart closed the proceedings.
Fourth Meeting. 3rd August, 1868.
The Rev. James Buller in the chair.
The following contributions were announced:—
Specimen of copper from Whangapurapura, Great Barrier Island—Mr. F. Whitaker. Two living specimens of Hatteria punctata, from Karewa Island, near Tauranga—Mr. H. T. Clarke. Gold from Kapanga, gold from South Island, gold from South America, and arsenic from Kapanga—Mr. F. Whitaker. Gold from Paparata. Collection of moa bones—Dr. Haast, Christchurch, per Captain Hutton. Fossil wood from the Portland beds, England—Dr. Purchas. Johnston's "Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry and Geology"—Mr. J. H. Crawford. Specimen of cement with gold (about four ounces to the ton), from Charleston, Nelson; specimen of quartz with gold, from Westport, Nelson—Mr. D. Murdoch. Trachytic rocks from Tokatoka, Kaipara—Captain Hutton. Specimen of wood (probably Leptospermum), taken from a depth of forty feet below the scoria, near Mount Eden—Mr. John Probert. Crystallized quartz and rock casing from the York and Devon claims; quartz and bed rock from the Bendigo claim; quartz from the Pretty Jane claim—Mr. Cartwright. Collection of thirty-nine coins and medals, chiefly silver—Mr. J. H. Crawford.
1. "Description of Arid Island," by Captain Hutton and T. Kirk. (Transactions, p. 108.)
At the conclusion of the paper, which was read by the honorary secretary, Mr. Gillies, some discussion took place respecting what had been stated as to the subsidence of the island. Dr. Purchas, Mr. Gillies, Mr. Boardman, and Captain Hutton spoke on the subject.
2. "On Agricultural Chemistry," by J. Lowe, C.E.
The author commenced by observing that the fertility of a soil, as relates to the production of particular crops, may depend upon the presence or absence of very minute or almost imperceptible portions of inorganic substances—alkalies for instance—and salts of metals. The necessity, for example, of sulphate of lime to clover, silica to grapes, phosphorus to wheat, &c., was formerly quite disregarded, and it is only of late years that these matters have been more looked into; and we see, with satisfaction, the result of the joint labour of the farmer and the chemist. Soils are made up of organic and inorganic constituents; he would confine himself to the latter, and class them as those which constitute the bulk of the soil, on the mechanical texture of which the growing crops depend, such as clay, sand, and lime; also those involving the fitness of soil for particular crops, such as sulphate and phosphate of lime, soda, ammonia, magnesia, &c. The author described various mineral and chemical compounds suitable for the different kinds of soils and crops; also the method for making and applying such. He described at some length the different kinds of clays and earths, and the properties peculiar to them, and recommended farmers to have their lands chemically tested or analyzed, so as to enable them, by applying the necessary compounds, to make the soil suitable for particular crops.
Captain Hutton said that in anticipation of the paper, he had prepared a map showing where limestone existed in the province. It would be seen that it occurred all over the north, in small patches, but the only great mass was in that part from Raglan Harbour to Aotea, Kawhia, and Mokau. As to the value of limestone as a manure, he should like to ask Mr. Wark what was done with the refuse lime from the gasworks, which was a most valuable manure.
Mr. Wark said that when the gasworks were first started, lime was used to purify the gas; but it had been found expensive, and he (Mr. Wark) now used oxide of iron, which cost three farthings, while the lime had cost sixpence. While the lime was being used, it was readily bought by the farmers at two shillings and sixpence per load. A good deal of ammonia had been given to farmers gratuitously, but he had not heard of the result. Perhaps Mr. Gillies, who had got some, would inform them as to his experience.
Mr. Gillies said he was convinced that the ammonia was one of the most valuable manures for grass; it would increase the crop at least one-third, and was excellent as a destroyer of grubs, wire-worms, and slugs. He was sorry to see that the farmers pooh-poohed so much the idea of agricultural chemistry being of any benefit. He had conversed with many of them, and was sorry to hear their opinions on the subject. He observed that Dr. Hector had done something to create an interest in the subject, by advertising that any person who sent a bag of soil to Wellington would get an analysis free. It seemed to him (Mr. Gillies) that every farmer ought to send down a specimen of the soil of his farm and have it analyzed. He was surprised, however, to hear from Dr. Hector, when he was last in Auckland, that he had not got half a dozen specimens of soils from the whole province. The society might get specimens analyzed from every district in the province, and make out a map of soils, showing what their products might be. By this they would see that in one district wheat might advantageously be grown, in another clover, in another barley, and so on. Two years ago he thought of growing vines at Mount Eden, which he thought would be admirably adapted for their growth. He found, however, that they produced too much wood, and did not succeed.
Dr. Fischer said that the soil upon which he had experimented, with reference to vines, was trachytic scoria, while Mount Hden was basaltic scoria. He (Dr. Fischer) had not yet succeeded very well with his vines. He believed that the Mount Eden soil would be too dry for the vines. Dr. Fischer remarked that to have a map applied to such a purpose as that spoken of by Mr. Gillies, they would require to have the particulars of the climates of the different districts also.
Resolved, "That the Secretary be instructed to apply to Dr. Hector for forms respecting the analysis of soils."
Fifth Meeting. 7th September, 1868.
F. Whitaker, President, and subsequently T. B. Gillies, in the chair.
The Chairman read the following list of donations which had been made to the society since the last meeting:—
Specimens of a Mactra, from the alluvium of Kauwaeranga Creek, Thames—Captain Hutton. Model of a river steamer, model of a line-of-battle ship, and leaf impressions from Waikato—T. Russell, Esq. Four copper coins—John Kirby, Esq. Coal from Mount Rochfort, Nelson—H. Wrigg, Esq. C.E. Crystallized quartz, from the York and Devon claims—Mr. Cartwright.
1. "On Sinking Funds,"[2] by Captain F. W. Hutton, F.G-S., illustrated by a series of calculations applicable to the different methods adopted to pay off debts.
2. Mr. Gillies read a paper consisting of a letter to Captain Hutton from Mr. Mair, Resident Magistrate at Opotiki, descriptive of the tidal phenomenon at that place.
Dr. Purchas said that he might mention a very curious circumstance with reference to the rise that had occurred in the land about Auckland. He thought it afforded positive proof that the land about Auckland was rising sufficiently to be quite measurable. Messrs. Thornton and Co. got a supply of water from the harbour. They had a pipe fixed at some distance down the wharf, with a rose at the bottom. They have had to alter that rose three times, at intervals of three years. Mr. Firth had told him of the circumstance, and he believed that special pains had been taken with the fixing of the pipe the last time in order to test the matter. He had been assured by a settler that the harbour of Mahurangi was two feet less in depth than it was two years ago. If the bottom of the harbour was rising, it was a matter of vital importance to people in the neighbourhood of the city. He had no doubt about the accuracy of the information, as was shown by the fact that the rose had had to be altered three times in order to get a supply of water at low tide. He could not think that the wharf had risen, and would suppose the traffic would rather tend to put it down.
A discussion ensued, in which Mr. Weymouth, Captain Hutton, Mr. Wark, Mr. Buckland, and Mr. Stewart took part. Most of the speakers seemed to be of opinion that there was not sufficient proof to show that the land was absolutely rising.
Captain Hutton said he should be happy to investigate the subject, and report upon it to next meeting.
Mr. Gillies said it seemed to him that two things had been brought before them—first, the silting up, and second, the average high water or low water. The water would maintain its level whatever silting up occurred. The level was not affected in the slightest degree by the silting up of the harbour. He was sure they were much obliged to Dr. Purchas for having mentioned the matter, and to Captain Hutton for having volunteered to investigate it. In such a case the facts must be carefully noted to be of any use at all.
3. "On the Preparation of Native Flax," by the Rev. A. G. Purchas, M.R.C.S.
Dr. Purchas described several different kinds of vegetable fibre, showing specimens derived from the ti tree, and what he termed the most beautiful fibre he knew of, a fibre from the leaf of the pine-apple. He then spoke of the Phormium tenax, and the capabilities of the fibre derived from it. He thought the refuse in manufacturing might be converted into useful brown paper. If used from the green leaf, he thought the paper would not require any size. The author then pointed out what he considered to be the necessary processes to produce the fibre. It was simply a mistake to talk about getting rid of the gum; it was the cellular tissue that they wanted to get rid of—the gum was easily got out. Dr. Purchas said it was some years since he had made the discovery, that merely striking the leaf with a hammer on a piece of hard wood released the fibre. He then spoke of the native mode, which, he said, was ingenious and effective, but in which there was a great waste. It also very easily fermented. When they wanted to make kaitaka mats, the natives steeped the fibre, and beat it until it was freely divided. He also spoke of the boiling process, and showed a specimen prepared in that way. There was one person who prepared flax by boiling, and then subjecting it to a mechanical process, which he kept secret. In speaking of the process of fermentation, Dr. Purchas said that it was averred that that process spoiled the fibre, which he thought likely. Dr. Purchas then exhibited a piece of rope made from the common flax produced at Waitangi. He would like to see a rope manufactory established here as well as at Canterbury.
Mr. Buckland said he was sure they were all much obliged to Dr. Purchas for bringing before them a matter second in importance not even to the digging of gold. He was afraid they never could make flax well adapted to rope making, unless they could succeed in preventing rotting. Dr. Purchas had told them that, before the war, the miners in Victoria had preferred the flax ropes, but they had found by experience that they could not stand exposure to wet, and they had ceased to use them. The fault found in the rope was that it would not take tar well, and that it rotted. The system of cleaning the flax by beating was not new, as he had seen it in Wellington in 1840, where flax was manufactured by beating it between two pieces of hard wood. This plan was given up, and they afterwards took to boiling. If the people of New Zealand ever made up their minds to cultivate flax, they must take the tihore, and there were several distinct kinds of tihore. The best flax he knew of was to be found at Maungatautari, where the natives could earn seven shillings a day, at a price of £20 per ton. That was done by using only the best description of flax. He trusted the time was not far distant when they would be able to export a large quantity of flax.
Captain Hutton said fiax could not be made useful for sail-cloth.
Dr. Purchas said his own opinion was, that it was not good for sails, or for anything that had to be much exposed to the weather, as it was destroyed by constant wetting and drying. With regard to ropes, there was a mode of preparation that would make it take tar. The ti-tree fibre had enormous power in resisting the weather, but they could only apply the flax to its proper purpose. If they took the New Zealand flax, they might make a rope from it stronger almost than any other; but if they wanted it to retain its strength, they must coat it with material to keep it from the weather. Therefore, he freely acknowledged that New Zealand flax was not a good material for rope making, where it was to be exposed to constant changes in the weather without any protecting material. Whether, when tarred, it would last as long as a rope made from European flax, he did not know; he should say not. Probably one great reason was, that the tar penetrated more thoroughly into the inner fibres of the European rope. If they subdivided the fibre of the Phormium tenax, they gained the strength on the knot, but lost strength in the direct line of the fibre.
Mr. Wrigley said there was one point spoken of by Dr. Purchas he should like some further explanation about—namely, as to mixing the flax with other materials.
Mr. Stewart said his impression was, that the flax would take tar much better than Manilla, although not so well as hemp.
Dr. Purchas said that in one place in Yorkshire ten thousand pounds worth of machinery had been put up to work the New Zealand flax, but they could not get a supply, and the machinery had to be taken down. That was what they were constantly told in England: "There is no use sending samples; send us the material by ship-loads, and we will take it, and give a good price."
The Chairman said that he might make some remarks on the subject, having been one of the Committee of the House of Representatives, in 1860, when Dr. Purchas' patent was passed. He confessed that he was utterly against patents, and thought them wrong in principle. He, however, happened to be on the Committee on Dr. Purchas' application, and he was very much pleased when Dr. Purchas showed him the principle upon which he was manufacturing the flax. He was surprised as well as pleased at the simplicity and yet effectiveness of it; and when he went South he tried all he could to interest some of the people there in the matter, and get them to take up the patent and work it. He did all he could to push it there, because he believed it to be a right principle. He had seen it, and it seemed to him to be a right principle mechanically; and upon these grounds it seemed to him that the principle was adapted not only to flax but to other materials like flax. He remembered being surprised, in the Committee, to see the fibre produced by that method from an aloe leaf. By the percussion process they got rid of the epidermis and cellular tissue of the flax, and then there was left the fibre intact; but that fibre consisted of a multitude of fibres glued together, as they might see, by some matter which had been called a gum—an insoluble gum, and by other names. If they got rid of that gum, they reduced it from a fibre—a very strong fibre—into tow. If they got rid of the gum by chemicals, boiling, or in any other way, just in proportion as they got rid of it they also got rid of the tenacity of the fibre, and rendered it useful for other purposes, such as for paper making. The grand question was, where was the exact limit—where it would pay best—whether to get it in its greatest strength longitudinally, or to reduce it more or less into tow, when it might be useful for mixing with woollen, cotton, or other substances.
Dr. Purchas said he had omitted to mention one thing in connection with the preparation of the flax, namely, that the refuse made most excellent food for cattle.
Sixth Meeting. 5th October, 1868.
F. Whitaker, President, in the chair.
The President observed that he was sorry he had not been present at the meeting on the previous Saturday. Had he been so, he would have drawn up a closing address, and delivered it on this the closing night of the session. Had he known that such an address was expected from him, he would have been prepared to have drawn it up; but he had quite forgotten that that was the last night of the session. He made this explanation so that the members might not think he was careless in the matter. He would always be most glad to devote his time to advancing the interests of the Institute. Looking at the past session, he thought they had on the whole been as successful as they could have expected; and if the members would devote a little extra time, gathering up information in the recess for the next sessional meetings, there was no doubt it would be a very great success.
The following contributions were announced:—
One copper coin—Mr. Charles Hime. Two Australian birds—Captain Holt, from Sir George Grey. One frog—Mr. Isaac Hunt, Tapu. One specimen from the Kyber Pass claim—Mr. R. M. Heighton. Thirty-three rock specimens from the Thames—Mr. O'Keeffe. Ianthina exigua, and two other shells; specimens of fossil wood—Mrs. W. Young. Skin of an undescribed petrel—donor's name unknown, left at the museum. Sundry rock specimens—Colonel De Quincey. Minerals from the caves at the Three Kings—Captain Hutton. Specimen of spider, supposed to be the katipo.
1. "Analyses of Waters, lately forwarded to Dr. Hector, at Wellington."
"Class IV. Results of analysis of specimen No. 156-L. Water, six bottles; forwarded by T. B. Gillies; locality, Hot Springs, near Mahurangi, Auckland; received, 24th January, 1868; reported on, 25th February, 1868; 4 oz. of water from cold spring (A) yielded 1.85 grain, or per gallon 74. grains; ditto hot (B), 3.51 grains, or per gallon 140.4 grains; ditto hottest (C), 3.54 grains, or per gallon 141.6 grains. The analysis of the solid residue from A could not be completed for want of material.
Analysis (A). | ||||
gr. | gr. | |||
Sulphuric acid | .22 | or per gal. | 8.80 | |
Chlorine | .56 | or per gal. | 22.40 | |
Lime | .13 | or per gal. | 5.20 | |
Magnesia | .23 | or per gal. | 9.20 | |
Silica | .08 | or per gal. | 3.20 | |
Potash | .12 | or per gal. | 4.80 | |
Balance left, probably carbonic acid and soda | .51 | or per gal. | 20.40 | |
1.85 | 74.00 | |||
Analysis of the Solid Residue from B. | ||||
gr. | gr. | |||
Chloride of magnesium | .55 | or per gal. | 22.00 | |
Chloride of calcium | .42 | or per gal. | 16.80 | |
Chloride of sodium | 2.13 | or per gal. | 85.20 | |
Silica | .09 | or per gal. | 3.60 | |
Potash | Traces | Traces | ||
Carbonic and sulphurous acids | Traces | Traces | ||
Constitutional water and loss | .32 | or per gal. | 12.80 | |
3.51 | 140.40 |
"(C.) The composition of C appearing the same as B to a qualitative examination, it was not quantitatively analyzed.
"Results of analysis of specimen No. 252-L, forwarded by T. B. Gillies, from a hot spring near a lake on the west side of the Waikato River, received 23rd September, 1868:—
"Water: Character, clear; reaction is decidedly alkaline; contains 47.04 grains of fixed matter per gallon, consisting principally of alkaline chlorides, the remainder being chiefly silicates of lime and alkaline carbonates.
"The carbonaceous matters are very small in quantity. "Note.—The quantity of water furnished was far too small to admit of a complete quantitative analysis—W. Skey.
"Forwarded for Mr. Gillies' information.
"James Hector.
"New Zealand Geological Survey Laboratory,
"24th September, 1868."
Hot Springs.
Mr. Gillies, referring to the water taken from the neighbourhood of Wangape, said the spring was so hot that eggs could be boiled in it.
Captain Hutton gave a description of the spring in question. It was about four miles from Lake Wangape, in the Waikato. There were several hot springs close together, but this was the largest of them, being about fifteen yards long by five yards broad, and it was very deep. The water was so hot that it was impossible to bear the hand in it for more than a second; and on one occasion when he was in company with others in the neighbourhood of this spring, having caught a pig for dinner, they fastened it with flax and threw it into the spring, and on taking it out it was perfectly scalded, and they had no difficulty in scraping the hair off. The temperature of the spring was from 160° to 200° at the very least. The water itself was almost tasteless; he had drunk it himself. He thought it was the chloride of sodium which gave it the reaction referred to. What its effects would be as a mineral spring he could not say; but it was easy of access, was very prettily situated, and was not above fifty miles from Auckland, and he trusted that some day it would be called into use.
Mr. Gillies said, with regard to the hot springs at Waiwera, when he was there last year he took samples of water from the three springs and forwarded them for analysis. The coolest of the springs ranged from 110° upwards. He believed that many of our Auckland residents had derived much good from bathing in these springs for the purpose of curing rheumatism.
Mr. Whitaker said that a most remarkable circumstance had come to his notice, which he thought, now that the subject of water was under discussion, was well worthy of being mentioned. Close to the Kurunui there was another claim called the "Long Drive," from which came a small stream of water, which was used by the Kurunui Company to work their machine. To this machine there were two batteries, one of which was worked by the water he had mentioned, and the other by water which came from the hill above, by the Kurunui Creek. It was found that the battery worked by the water coming from the creek always produced more gold than the one worked by water from the Long Drive, although both batteries were treated in precisely the same manner. Alterations were made, but the yield was still the same, when the waters were crossed, and the right-hand battery worked by the water which had previously been used for the left-hand one. The consequence was that the right-hand battery then produced more than the left-hand one. Experiments were again made, and the effect was always the same: whenever the water from the Long Drive was used from one-third to half the gold was lost. This was stated to him by the manager of the claim, who put down the whole result to the water coming from the Long Drive. If they stopped the water from the creek, and used that coming from the Long Drive only, the result was still the same: they lost from a third to half the gold. In consequence of this statement of the manager, he (the speaker) had brought up two bottles of water from the Long Drive for the purpose of having it analyzed. It was a matter of the greatest importance that it should be ascertained what the contents consisted of. The other water, by which the battery produced the most gold, came from the Moanataiari hill, which was the richest hill as yet found on the gold field. The people who had given him the information on this subject might possibly be mistaken, but he was quite sure they were not deceiving him. The water which he had brought up he intended to forward to Dr. Hector for analysis.
It was a most important question, involving immense monetary considerations. If the statement made to him were correct, and he had no reason to doubt it, that this water from the Long Drive lost, say, even a third of the gold, which could only be obtained by using the other water, then the loss must have been already very large.
Dr. Purchas asked if the water used from the hill referred to, as saying the most gold, was clean.
Mr. Whitaker replied that it was pretty clean; it was used at one machine before coming down to the Kurunui, but it was filtered, and tolerably pure when used by that Company.
Captain Hutton said that, taking the general question of water, there are more hot springs in Auckland, in proportion to its size, than in any other part of the world. A great many had already been discovered, and there were, doubtless, many more lying undiscovered away in the far north—probably a vast number. No doubt some day these springs would prove as attractive as those of Switzerland and Germany did in the present day. He had drunk the water from the springs at Whangarei, and it was quite equal to any Seltzer water he had ever tasted in his life.
With regard to the question of analysis, he thought it useless to send less than six gallons of water if a thorough analysis were required, as a large quantity had to be evaporated to leave an appreciable residue. Respecting the question brought by Mr. Whitaker before the notice of the members of tke Institute, it was certainly very remarkable, but he was not at all disposed to doubt it; but, taking it for granted that one water saved more gold than the other, it could only arise from one of two causes—the one chemical and the other mechanical. The two waters mentioned might be of different specific gravities. This might be a possible explanation, but he did not think it was sufficient to account for it. The water spoken of by Mr. Whitaker probably contained silica in solution. What action the silica might have upon the gold was very obscure; but still there was the fact as stated by Mr. Whitaker, and there might be some unknown action between silica, which was an acid, and gold, which might have some effect on the gold, and make it less susceptible of amalgamating with the mercury than if the water was quite clear. He only threw out these suggestions on the spur of the moment, the question having come up during the last half-hour.
2. "On the Geology of the Island of Pakihi," by Captain F. W. Hutton, F.G.S. (Transactions, p. 118.)
Captain Hutton said there were two or three things in connection with the Island of Pakihi which gave it a particular interest, one of which was, that it contained large quantities of manganese, by which they might ultimately be able to extract gold from iron pyrites, without having to roast it.
Dr. Purchas said he was aware that on that occasion he had promised to give a vivâ voce description of the various processes employed in saving gold. He had, however, no time to get up his subject as he should have wished, but would, as there was so little business on the paper, say a few words on the subject. The speaker then went on to describe the manner in which gold was treated in South America, saying that far poorer ores than those at the Thames were crushed and made payable. Speaking of the space required for the working of some of the machinery in South America, he said that on many claims a space as large as six men's ground at the Thames was required for amalgamating ground. He then briefly explained the process by which the amalgamation took place. The ore, speaking more particularly of silver ore, was laid upon the ground mixed with salt, and horses were kept going round, treading upon it, and so breaking it fine. It was also dressed three or four times with quicksilver, and, in some seasons of the year, small quantities of lime were added. It was a remarkable circumstance that in the winter the temperature was made higher and in the summer was made lower by the process. If the ore was poor in sulphur, then another ore having sulphur was mixed with it, and trodden down in it to make it work, and left on the ground, in summer sixteen days, and in winter twenty-five days. The way in which the thorough amalgamation and separation were afterwards carried on, by means of certain machinery, was fully explained by the speaker. Then there was another process, by which ores were roasted, and mixed with salt, and placed in barrels having certain machinery, for separation and amalgamation. So perfect was this system that a very minute portion of metal was left in the ore. The heat, dews, wet, and the magnetic state of the atmosphere, all played a part towards the extraction of the metal from the ore. They might say this process was very rough, but if it saved the gold, what mattered it? At present, at the Thames, a great part—he might say the greater part—of the gold was lost, even with the best machinery. One reason of which, he believed, was because the process was gone through far too quickly; and another thing that militated against the thorough saving of gold was the immense quantity of undecomposed sulphurets that pass through the mills. Speaking of the amount of gold that might be extracted from these iron pyrites. Dr. Purchas said that in Australia as much as forty ounces to the ton had been obtained.
Captain Hutton said ninety in some places.
Dr. Purchas said that, if that were the case, there must be an enormous quantity of gold lost at the Thames. He was much struck, in reading over a book on the subject of gold separating and amalgamating, to find that in one mine in California a shaft had been sunk 1,300 feet, and yet, notwithstanding the immense depth, the shareholders said that it paid better than ever it had done before. Even then it was only yielding an ounce to the ton; and if this could be done in California, surely it could be done here where there was a yield of three or four ounces. Another thing he wished to say about the Thames, and that was, that a great deal of the soil that was thrown away, in fact, in the majority of cases, contained a large percentage of gold.
Captain Hutton asked whether the earth was meant, or the casing of the veins.
Dr. Purchas said it would be the casing he was referring to. With regard to the processes he had mentioned of getting the gold from the stone, many people would grumble at the time taken, but everything of this sort required to be done by companies. He thought it was a mistake to attempt to mine at the Thames as diggers were doing at the present time; the right way to do it was to mine with companies, and with large areas of ground and proper machinery. He believed an immense amount of labour was wasted; certainly a large amount of gold was.
Mr. Grillies said he would not discuss the question of gold saving, but there was one thing which he would ask the Society and the people at large not to admit, and that was, that large public companies were always the best. While he admitted the advantages which the companies had for working the ground by means of capital, he did not believe in their finding out anything new in the mode of saving gold. If anything new was to be found, it would be done by individual miners.
Dr. Fischer thought the only sure way of saving the whole of the gold was by the hot-blast process, as it was termed. The speaker then explained, by means of diagrams, the whole process from beginning to end.
Captain Hutton thought the idea of the last speaker, with regard to the zinc plates, was a fallacious one, saying they would stop the very stuff intended to be thrown off the tables. It would be, in his opinion, far better to have what was known as a broken table, with movable copper plates, so that as soon as they were fully charged with amalgam they could be removed and others substituted, which would in many instances effect a large saving of the precious metal. With regard to what had been said, and what was always being said, about new inventions for saving gold, he believed, for his own part, that those machines which had been used in Australia and California were thoroughly good; and it was a mistake to get any on new principles till they had tested the good old ones. Many ingenious inventions had been put forward for saving gold—more inventions than for anything else; but all he could say about most of them was, that they were very much advertised and very little used. With regard to what had been said by Dr. Purchas, the processes he had described were applicable mainly to the saving of silver from ores containing gold, which was very different from the requirements of the Thames. In Victoria, at the starting of the gold fields, the same high charges ruled for crushing as were now paid at the Thames; and the consequence was that only a few claims really paid, whereas, now that the prices were low, 2,000 reefs were worked. In his opinion, to have the thing properly worked, every claim must have its own machine, going night and day, and crush everything before it. Another great drawback was the want of security; and until claims were held on the same kind of leases as other property, no man of sense would put much money in them. But, given these two things—security and machinery—for every claim, and he was convinced that the Thames, for its area, would turn out more gold than any other field yet known; and continue to do so, perhaps, for centuries to come. Speaking of the gold contained in the iron pyrites at the Thames, Captain Hutton said that it would yield from three ounces to thirty ounces to the ton (of pyrites, of course); but that would not pay under the present system. He hoped he would see the day when the whole face of the rock would be taken down, and everything treated properly, either by the roasting system or chlorine, so as to make it all pay; though, no doubt, it would be some time before that would come to pass.
Captain Hutton proposed that Dr. Ferdinand Hochstetter should be elected the first honorary member of the Auckland Institute.
Mr. Gillies seconded the proposition, and, in doing so, said it was doing honour to themselves more than to the doctor.—Carried unanimously.
The Chairman then declared the present session of the Institute closed for the season, but stated that the Council meetings would take place as usual.
- ↑ This paper could not be printed in extenso, as it was found impossible to procure the necessary type for the algebraic formulæ contained therein in Wellington.—Ed. (See "Transactions," Vol. II. p. 227.)
- ↑ This paper has also to be reserved, as it was found impossible to procure the type for printing the algebraic formulæ which it contains in Wellington—Ed. (See "Transactions," Vol. II. p. 236.)