Translation:Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Act, BE 2528 (1985)/TOC 3
- 1 Title
- 2 Coming into force
- 3 Repeal of other laws
- 4 Reference to local governments in other laws
- 5 Officer in charge of this Act
- 6 Status and jurisdiction of Bangkok Metropolis
- 7 Administrative districts of Bangkok Metropolis
- 8 Reference to organs under this Act in other laws
- 10 Composition
- 11 Elections
- 12 Eligible voters
- 13 Prohibited voters
- 14 Eligible candidates
- 15 (Repealed)
- 16 Prohibited candidates
- 17 Terms of Council
- 18 Dissolution of Council
- 19 Dissolution of Council
- 20 Dissolution of Council
- 21 Commencement of councillorships
- 22 Provisions against conflict of interest
- 23 Termination of councillorships
- 24 Termination of councillorships
- 25 President and Vice Presidents of the Council
- 26 Vacation of offices of President and Vice Presidents
- 27 Authority of President and Vice Presidents
- 28 Secretaries to President and Vice Presidents
- 29 Regulations
- 30 Ordinary sessions
- 31 Extraordinary sessions
- 32 Quorums; executive branch's rights to attend meetings
- 33 Voting
- 34 Scope of meetings
- 35 Public and private meetings
- 36 Interrogation
- 37 General debate
- 38 Committees
- 39 Extraordinary committees for draft ordinances on budgets
- 40 Meetings of committees
- 41 Power of committees
- 42 Terms of committees
- 43 Positional allowances, meeting allowances and remunerations for Council personnel
- 44 Elections
- 45 Eligible voters
- 46 Eligible candidates
- 47 Terms of office
- 48 Commencement of terms of office; delegation of duties
- 49 Authority of Governor
- 50 Authority of Governor
- 51 Provisions against conflict of interest
- 52 Vacation of office of Governor
- 53 Vacation of office of Governor
- 54 Vacation of office of Governor
- 55 Deputy Governor
- 56 Secretary and Assistant Secretaries to Governor
- 57 Number of chief advisors, advisors and member of advisory bodies
- 58 Status of Governor, Deputy Governors, etc., as political officers
- 59 Salaries, bonuses, etc., of Governors, Deputy Governors, etc.
- 60 Administrative agencies of Bangkok Metropolis
- 61 Secretariat to Council of Bangkok
- 62 Secretariat to Governor of Bangkok
- 63 Office of Bangkok Metropolitan Civil Service Commission
- 64 Office of Clerk of Bangkok
- 65 Office of Clerk of Bangkok
- 66 Offices
- 67 Offices
- 68 District offices
- 69 Authority of district directors
- 70 One district office to assume functions of another district office
- 71 Composition and elections of district councils
- 72 Terms of district councils
- 73 District councillorships
- 74 Presidents and vice presidents of district councils
- 75 Meetings of district councils
- 76 Duties and rights of executive branch to attend district council meetings
- 77 Positional allowances, meeting allowance and remunerations of district council personnel
- 78 Duty of district directors to facilitate activities of district councils
- 79 Authority of district councils
- 80 Provisions applicable mutatis mutandis to district councils
- 81 Governor of Bangkok
- 82 Clerk of Bangkok
- 83 Office directors
- 84 District directors
- 85 Secretary to Council of Bangkok
- 86 Secretary to Governor of Bangkok
- 87 Chief Officer of Office of Bangkok Metropolitan Civil Service Commission
- 88 Authority of replacing and authorised officers
- 89 Provision of public services
- 90 Handling of criminal matters
- 91 Status as public officers under Criminal Code
- 92 Service charges
- 93 Carrying out of activities outside jurisdiction
- 94 Companies
- 95 Syndicates
- 96 Authorising private bodies to carry out public activities
- 97 Objectives of ordinances; penal provisions in ordinances
- 98 Introduction of draft ordinances
- 99 Draft financial ordinances
- 100 Promulgation of draft ordinances
- 101 Reconsideration of draft ordinances
- 102 Disapproved draft ordinances
- 103 Ordinances on expenditure budgets
- 104 Promulgation of ordinances on expenditure budgets
- 105 Disapproved ordinances on expenditure budgets
- 106 Time limit for considering draft ordinances on expenditure budgets
- 107 Status of draft ordinances during expiry of Council
- 108 Decrees
- 109 Taxes
- 110 Taxes
- 111 Taxes
- 112 Taxes
- 112 bis Taxes
- 113 Municipal activities in Bangkok districts
- 114 Collection of costs
- 115 Collection and compulsory payment of costs
- 116 Authorising other agencies to collect taxes and costs
- 117 Revenues
- 118 Expenditure
- 119 Disbursement of money
- 120 Audit
- 121 Dispatch of central government personnel to Bangkok Metropolis
- 122 Government financial support
- 123 Supervision by central government
- 124 Application mutatis mutandis of existing laws and statues pending enactment of new ones
- 125 Enactment of electoral law
- 126 Establishment of administrative agencies
- 127 First legislative and gubernatorial elections
- 128 Conduct of elections pending enactment of electoral law
- 129 Rate of salaries to be applied for the time being
- 130 Incumbent members of legislative branch
- 131 Incumbent members of executive branch
- 132 Abolition of local government positions