Translation:Declaration of Sovereignty of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia
For works with similar titles, see Declaration of Independence.
Article 1
This declaration expresses the sovereignty of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia in accordance with the constitutional determinations for independence and territorial integrity of the Macedonian state, as well as the right of the Macedonian people to self-determination, including the right to secede.
Article 2
The political, economic and legal system of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia is based on the Constitution of the SRM and the republican laws, and in accordance with the determinations expressed in this declaration.
The Constitution of the SFRY, federal laws and other federal regulations and general acts will be applied on the territory of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia, if they do not contradict the Constitution of SRM, the republican laws and the decisions of the Assembly that exercise the sovereignty of SRM.
Article 3
Expressing the sovereignty of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia, the SRM Assembly will adopt a new constitution which, among other things, will determine the societal order and the future symbols of Macedonia's statehood.
Article 4
The Socialist Republic of Macedonia as a sovereign state independently decides on future relations with the states of other nations of Yugoslavia, in accordance with its interests, in a peaceful and democratic way.
Article 5
This declaration, the Constitution of SRM, the republican laws and other regulations and general acts are the basis for decision-making and action by the republican authorities and organizations, as well as the federal authorities and organizations on the territory of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia.
Article 6
The Assembly of SRM and the responsible authorities of the Republic, until the adoption of the new constitution, can independently take measures to protect and advance the position and rights of the parts of the Macedonian people who live as a national minority in neighboring countries, for Macedonians in other countries, for emigrants from Macedonia and for citizens on temporary work abroad.
Article 7
If the mutual relations of the sovereign republics in the SFRY are not resolved amicably and democratically, or if this is done in a way that threatens the sovereignty of the Republic, the Assembly of the SRM will adopt a constitutional law that will determine other issues of a constitutional nature with which the SRM as an independent and an independent state will undertake the execution of the sovereign rights that it exercised through the bodies of the SFRY and will determine the way of settlement with other republics for the legal heritage of the SFRY and for mutual relations, according to the principles of international public law.
Article 8
This declaration enters into force on the day of its adoption, and will be published in the "Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia".
[edit]Official Gazette of the SRM 5/91 (in Macedonian)