Translation:Els Segadors
Catalunya triomfant, tornarà a ser rica i plena. |
Catalonia triumphant Will once again be rich and bountiful, |
Bon cop de falç, Bon cop de falç, |
A good blow with the sickle, A good blow with the sickle, |
Ara és hora, segadors. Ara és hora d'estar alerta. |
Now is the time, reapers, Now is the time to be alert. |
Bon cop de falç, Bon cop de falç, |
A good blow with the sickle, A good blow with the sickle, |
Que tremoli l'enemic en veient la nostra ensenya. |
Let the enemy tremble On seeing our banner. |
Bon cop de falç, Bon cop de falç, |
A good blow with the sickle, A good blow with the sickle, |