Translation:Epitaph of Jonathan Swift
Original Latin
[edit]Hic depositum est Corpus
Ionathan Swift S.T.D.
Hujus Ecclesiæ Cathedralis
Ubi sæva Indignatio
Cor lacerare nequit.
Abi Viator
Et imitare, si poteris,
Strenuum pro virili
English wiki translation
[edit]- Here is placed the body
- Of Jonathan Swift, STD (Doctor of Sacred Theology)
- Dean of this cathedral church
- Where savage indignation
- Can no longer tear his heart
- Go forth, traveller
- And imitate, if you can,
- a valiant champion
- of manly freedom.
See also
[edit]Swift's Epitaph, the poem by William Butler Yeats.