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Translation:I. Two souls

From Wikisource
I. Two souls (1872)
by Maximilian Bern, translated from Polish by Wikisource

I. Dwie dusze” published in vol. „ Nowe Poezye Ernesta Buławy”, publ. Seyfert & Czajkowski, Lviv, 1872, p. 45. The secondary translation from Polish to English; the translation from German to Polish by Władysław Tarnowski ps. Ernest Buława, (he also composed music to these poem).

Maximilian Bern2493902I. Two souls1872Wikisource

Like two Eol’s harps our souls
Brushed with one sigh of breath
Which ton says with the joint sound,
Melody, in wild storm of gales...

When from the first will say joyful voices
And the second cheerful tones hums,
And when the first deplorable sigh
The second is sad with angelic yearning ...

My and your soul, the harps of God
When once in your will hit lightening of death, [1]
And my yearningly will follow you [2]
With swan's song on sea of eternity...

  1. When once in your [soul or harp] will hit lightening of death,
  2. And my [soul or harp] yearningly will follow you