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Translation:Likutei Moharan/16

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4469918Translation:Likutei Moharan16WikisourceNachman of Breslov

Rabbi Yochanan related: One time, we were travelling by ship and we saw this fish which had raised its head out of the water. His eyes resembled two moons and he nafitz (spouted out) water from his two nostrils like the two rivers of Sura.

We saw this fish — This is the tzaddik who is called a fish, as is known (cf. MeOrey Or, dag).

which had raised its head out of the water. His eyes resembled two moons and he spouted out water from his two nostrils like the two rivers of Sura — For it is impossible for the tzaddik to always ponder upper wisdoms. There are times when he has to move outside [of these wisdoms] and occupy himself with mundane matters. As our Sages taught: There are times when setting aside Torah preserves it (Menachot 99b).

when it raised its head out of the water — That is, when he removed himself from the upper wisdoms. Then:

His eyes resembled two moons — Opening the eyes is an expression which indicates wisdom, as in (Genesis 3:7), “And the eyes of the both of them were opened.” When he is occupied with wisdom, then his eyes correspond to the sun, but when he removes himself from upper wisdom, it is comparable to the sun having set. And when the sun sets, his eyes take on an appearance corresponding to the moon. This is because the moon only shines when the sun goes down.

This corresponds to (Shabbat Nishmat Prayer), “And our eyes shine like the sun and the moon.” Sometimes they shine like the sun—when we are bound to <the upper> wisdom; and sometimes they shine like the moon—when we remove ourselves from pondering wisdom.

he naFiTZ (spouted out) water from his two nostrils — This alludes to the two Messiahs, whom the gentiles will seek out and be drawn to. As is written (Isaiah 2:2), “All the nations shall flow unto him.” And this is:

the two rivers of Sura — SuRa alludes to the gentiles, on account of [their] idolatry, as in (Exodus 32:8), “SaRu (They strayed) quickly from the path.” [The gentiles] are embodied in two nations: Esav and Yishmael. And through these two Messiahs—who are the two nostrils, corresponding to “The breath of our noses, the Mashiach of God” (Lamentations 4:20) —[the gentiles] will be redeemed, and they will be drawn to them to learn the word of God.

And the two nations, Esav and Yishmael, are the two clouds which cover the eyes so that they cannot always shine like the sun. Because of this, the tzaddik has to set aside his <resolute> cleaving [to wisdom], so that the nations of Esav and Yishmael do not overpower his eyes and nullify his wisdom entirely, God forbid.

But, through the two Messiahs “whose wellsprings yaFuTZ (will spread forth)” (cf. Proverbs 5:16), they will all be transformed to a “pure tongue” (cf. Tzefaniah 3:9). Then, “The light of the moon will be as the light of the sun” (Isaiah 30:26), and [the tzaddik] will no longer have to set aside his cleaving [to upper wisdom.]