Translation:Mishna Berura/Orach Chaim/1
Section 1
[edit]Paragraph 1
[edit]- Shulchan Aruch:One should strengthen himself like a lion to get up in the morning to serve his Creator, so that it is he who awakens the dawn.
- Rem"a: At least, one should not delay beyond the time when the congregation prays (Tur). Rem"a: "I have set the Lord before me constantly" (Psalms 16:8); this is a major principle in the Torah and amongst the virtues of the righteous who walk before God. For a person's way of sitting, his movements and his dealings while he is alone in his house are not like his way of sitting, his movements and his dealings when he is before a great king; nor are his speech and free expression as much as he wants when he is with his household members and his relatives like his speech when in a royal audience. All the more so when one takes to heart that the Great King, the Holy One, Blessed Is He, Whose glory fills the earth, is standing over him and watching his actions, as it is stated: "'Will a man hide in concealment and I will not see him?' - the word of God" (Jeremiah 23:24), he immediately acquires fear and submission in dread of God, May He Be Blessed, and is ashamed of Him constantly (Guide for the Perplexed III 52). And one should not be ashamed because of people who mock him in his service of God, and should also go modestly. And when he lies on his bed he should know before Whom he lies, and as soon as he wakes up from sleep he should rise eagerly to the service of his Creator, May He Be Blessed and Exalted (Tur).
Mishna Berurah 1
[edit]- to serve his creator:- Because it was for this reason that man was created, as the verse says "All who call out in My name and in my Honor I have created". (Furthermore,)even if, in the winter, your body claims: I don't want to wake up; it's so cold, or during the summer it argues: How can I get out of bed, I didn't sleep enough!", you should overcome it and not listen to it. Rather you should think: If I had to go to serve a king of flesh and blood, how exact and careful would I be to to get up to get myself ready to serve Him at dawn. How much more so should I do so before the King of All Kings, the Holy One blessed be He!?
Mishna Berurah 2
[edit]- [before] dawn:- The Shalah writes (the following) concept taught in Kabalistic literature (sod):
- One should gather with friends and learn Torah and pray at the times where the night becomes day and the day becomes night (i.e.) in the morning and evening.
- As soon as one wakes up and does not plan on going back to sleep, he should (immediately) wash his hands, even if he is still lying down.
- One should certainly not walk for Amot without washing his hands; one needs to be very careful about this, as the Zohar writes about the great punishment of one his keeps the uncleanliness on one's hands.
- Nevertheless, one may not break any precept in order to fulfill (the precept) of washing one's hands, such as not using the restroom when one needs to use to or taking somebody else's water (designated for them, as this is stealing if you cannot immediately replace it; there are some who are stumble in this.
- In a situation where one sees that the water is faraway from them and no one can bring it to them, some people have the practice of walking just short of four amot, [stopping, and then subsequently walking another four amot...until they reach the water.]
- However, the Sharei Teshuva writes that this is not practice is not right. Rather, [he contends,] one should quickly run to the water in order to prevent quickly get the evil/uncleanly spirit off of his hands.
- Some say that in this matter, we consider the entire house as if it were four amot, but one should not rely on this opinion except in necessary situations.
- If one gets up during the night and realizes that he does not have water to wash his hands well enough to wipe off the uncleanly spirit, [i.e. by] washing his hands three times [on each hand], he should not, G-d forbid abstain from learning Torah for this reason, but should rather wash his hands [with whatever water he has] or wipe his hands [slightly vigorously] on something. Then, he may bless [i.e. he may make the blessings over Torah learning], and learn the Talmud and literature of Jewish law.
Mishna Berurah 3
[edit]- that the congregation prays: This applies even in cases where the time for prayers have not passed; nevertheless, one is [still] required to pray with the congregation. See the end of paragraph 160.
Mishna Berurah 4
[edit]- the righteous: One must always see himself as if he is surrounded by G-d, may His Name be praised,