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Translation:Mishnah/Seder Moed/Tractate Yoma/Chapter 6/5

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Hebrew Text


על כל סכה וסכה אומרים לו, הרי מזון והרי מים, ומלוין אותו מסכה לסכה, חוץ מאחרונה שבהן שאינו מגיע עמו לצוק, אלא עומד מרחוק ורואה את מעשיו.

English Translation


At each and every booth they said to [the one who was leading the scapegoat], “here is food, and here is water.” They accompanied him from each booth to the next, except for the final one, since they did not reach as far as the cliff with him, but rather they stood at a distance and watched what he did [in performance of the rite].

