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Translation:Mishnah/Seder Nezikin/Tractate Makkot/Chapter 3

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956243Mishnah, — Seder Nezikin, Tractate Makkot: Chapter 3Wikisource

Mishnah 1 Translation:Mishnah/Seder Nezikin/Tractate Makkot/Chapter 3/1

Mishnah 2

Somebody tamei (ritually impure) that ate from a sacrificial offering, someone who came into the temple while tamei, someone who eats forbidden fats of an animal, blood of an animal, nosar (parts from a sacrificial offering outside of the allowed timeframe), pigul (parts from a sacrificial offering that the priest involved in the service had the intention to eat outside of the allowed time), or sacrificial parts that were tamei, someone who sacrificed and offered [an animal] outside of the temple, someone who ate leaven products on Passover, someone who ate or performed work on Yom Kippur, someone who creates their own anointing oil, someone who creates their own ketores, someone who anoints themselves with the anointing oil, someone who eats from carcasses, tereifos, or insects [is liable for lashes].
Someone that eats untithed produce, or maaser rishon that wasn't tithed, or maaser sheini or hekdesh (consecrated for the temple) that wasn't redeemed [is liable for lashes].
How much untithed produce must one eat to be liable [for lashes]? Rabbi Shimon says "any amount", and the Rabbis say the volume of an olive.
Rabbi Shimon said to them, "Don't you agree with me that if someone eats a tiny ant that he is liable [for lashes]?"
They said to him, "because that is how it was created."
He said back to them, "A single wheat kernel is also how it was created"

Mishnah 3

Someone who eats bikkurim without reading [the necessary verses], sacrificial offerings of greater sanctity outside of the curtains, sacrificial offerings of lesser sanctity outside of the wall [of Jerusalem], or breaks the bones of a tahor (ritually pure) korban pesach is lashed forty times.
However, one who leaves over from a tahor korban pesach or breaks the bones of a tamei korban pesach does not get forty lashes.

Mishnah 4

Someone who takes the mother bird from on top her children, Rabbi Yehuda says that he is lashed and does not send away the mother.
The Rabbis say that he sends away the mother bird and is not lashed.
This is the rule: Any negative commandment that that has in it a positive commandment is not liable for lashes.

Mishnah 5

Someone who makes a bald spot on his head, rounds off the edge of his head, destroys the edge of his beard, or cuts his flesh for a person who died, is liable [for lashes].
If someone cuts his flesh once for five people who died, or cuts his flesh five times for one person who died, he's liable [for lashes] for each one.
On the head, there are two places where [if he rounds his head] he is liable [for lashes], one here and one here.
On the beard, there are two places here, two here, and one on bottom [that if he rounds off, he is liable for lashes].
Rabbi Eliezer says that if you round off all five areas with a single action, you are only liable once [for lashes].
And you are not liable until you remove the hair with a razor.
Rabbi Eliezer says that even if you remove the hair with tweezers or a plane, you are liable [for lashes].

Mishnah 6

One who tatoos:
If he writes without engraving, or he engraves without writing, he is not liable for lashes, until he writes and engraves with ink or pigment or anything that leaves an impression.
Rebbi Shimon ben Yehudah said in the name of Rebbi Shimon [bar Yochai]:
He is not liable until he writes a name [of idolatry] there.
As it says (Vayikra 19):
"Do not tatoo yourself, for I am G-d."

Mishnah 7 Translation:Mishnah/Seder Nezikin/Tractate Makkot/Chapter 3/7

Mishnah 8 Translation:Mishnah/Seder Nezikin/Tractate Makkot/Chapter 3/8

Mishnah 9

There is [the possibility that one could] plow only one furrow and become liable [on that account] for eight prohibited acts:
[This is the case where] one
(1) plows with an ox and a donkey [yoked together] (in violation of Deuteronomy 22:10)
(2 and 3) that are [two animals] dedicated to the sanctuary,
(4) [plowing] mixed seeds [sown] in a vineyard (in violation of Deuteronomy 22:9),
(5) during a Sabbatical year (in violation of Leviticus 25:4),
(6) on a Festival-day (in violation of, for example, Leviticus 23:7),
(7) [when the plower is] a priest (in violation of Leviticus 21:1)
(8) and a Nazirite (in violation of Numbers 6:6) plowing in a contaminated place.

Chananya ben Chachinai says:
Also he may have been wearing [while plowing] a garment of mixed [wool and linen] fabrics (in violation of Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11).

They said to him:
This is not in the same category [as the other violations].

He said to them:
Neither is the Nazirite in the same category [as the other violations].

Mishnah 10 Translation:Mishnah/Seder Nezikin/Tractate Makkot/Chapter 3/10

Mishnah 11 Translation:Mishnah/Seder Nezikin/Tractate Makkot/Chapter 3/11

Mishnah 12 Translation:Mishnah/Seder Nezikin/Tractate Makkot/Chapter 3/12

Mishnah 13 Translation:Mishnah/Seder Nezikin/Tractate Makkot/Chapter 3/13

Mishnah 14 Translation:Mishnah/Seder Nezikin/Tractate Makkot/Chapter 3/14

Mishnah 15 Translation:Mishnah/Seder Nezikin/Tractate Makkot/Chapter 3/15

Mishnah 16 Translation:Mishnah/Seder Nezikin/Tractate Makkot/Chapter 3/16