Translation:Mishnah/Seder Zeraim/Tractate Berakhot/Chapter 7

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57358Translation:Mishnah, — Seder Zeraim, Tractate Berakhot: Chapter 7Wikisource

Mishnah 1

If three people eat together they are obligated to say zimun*.
If he ate from food which has not been tithed,
Or from the first tithe that had Terumah* separated,
Or the second tithe which had been sanctified and redeemed,
Or a servant that had eaten an olive's volume*, or a Cusi*,
He must say zimun with them.
(But) if he ate untithed produce,
Or the first tithe that had not had Terumah separated,
Or the second tithe which had been sanctified and not redeemed,
Or a servant that ate less than an olive's volume*, or an idol worshipper,
One cannot say zimun with them.

1. Zimun. A ritual in which the head of the household invites the other diners to bentch, or say Birkas HaMazon, the blessing after a meal 2. Terumah. Tithe 3. An olive's volume. The amount required to eat before being able to say Birkas HaMazon 4. Cusi. aka Cuthean, a sect of Jews who had converted from paganism and then renounced the Oral Torah. 5. A servant that ate less than an olive's volume. He must say a Bracha Acharonah, or a blessing after not eating an olive's volume of bread, and for that brachah no zimun is said

Mishnah 2

Women, slaves, and children,
One cannot convene with them.
How much is needed to convene?
At least an olive.
R’ Yehuda says, “At least an egg.”

Mishnah 3

How does one convene?
With three say, “Let us bless”, with three and him, he says, “Bless”,
With ten say, “we bless our G-d” with ten and him, he says, “Bless”,
If there are ten or ten multitudes.
When there are a hundred, he says “Let us bless”, when a hundred and him, he says, “Bless”,
When a thousand he says, “Let us bless our G-d, G-d of Israel” when a thousand and him, he says “Bless”.
When with multitudes say, “Let us bless G-d, our G-d, G-d of Israel, G-d of legions, who dwells above the cherubim, for the food that we have eaten”,
With multitudes and himself, he says, “Bless”.
Like the way he blessed, they respond after him,
“Blessed are you G-d, our G-d, G-d of Israel, G-d of the legions, who dwells above the Cherubim, for the food that we have eaten.”
R’ Yosi the Galilean says, “According to the greatness of the assembly,
They bless as it says, ‘In assemblies you all bless G-d from the fountain of Israel.’”
Said R’ Akiva, “What do we find in the house of assembly?
The same for many as for the minority, say ‘You all bless G-d.’”
R’ Yishmael says, “You all bless G-d, the blessed.”

Mishnah 4

Three that eat together are not allowed to separate,
And so for four, and so for five.
Six may be separated until ten,
And ten may not be separated until (there is at least) twenty.

Mishnah 5

When two groups eat together in one house, when the time is short,
If these can see these, they may join to convene,
And if not, these convene to themselves, and these convene to themselves.
The blessing over wine cannot be said until they add water to it.
These are the words of R’ Eliezer, and the Sages say, “They bless.”