Translation:Petrus Holharan Spell

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For other versions of this work, see The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
Petrus Holharan Spell
by Beatrix Potter, translated from English by Wikisource
2901743Petrus Holharan SpellWikisourceBeatrix Potter
en:The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Sumes dæges lifodon feoƿer lytle holharan, and hira noman ƿæron:




and Petrus.

Hi ƿunodon mid hira meder in sandbance under þam ƿyrttruman sumes sƿiðe greates æpstreoƿes.

"Nu la, leofe," sæde Holhara Ƿif anes morgenes, "ge moton gan in þa felda oþþe andlang þære lanan, ac ne gaþ na in McGregores Ceorles ƿyrttun: þinum fædere gelamp unsiþ þær; McGregor Ƿif sette hine in cocnunge."

"Ƿel ƿel, gaþ forþ and ætfleoþ eallum unsiðum. Ic aga to ærendum."

Þonne Holhara Ƿif nam caƿl and hire regnscild, and eode þurh þone ƿudu to þæm bæceres huse. Heo bohte brun hlaf and fif winberighlafinclu.

Flopsig, Mopsig, and Beamƿulltægel, þa gode lytle holharan ƿæron, eodon andlang þære lanan to gæderienne blæcberigan.

Ac Petrus, þe sƿiðe bealu ƿæs, ærn þærrihte to McGregores Ceorles ƿyrttune, and creap under þæm geate!

Ærost æt he sume leahtricas and sume grenbeana, and þonne æt he sume rædicas.

And þonne, for þy he be dæle ƿealg ƿæs, nom he bitan persiligan and æt hie.

Ac be þæm ende þæs hƿerhƿetthyrdeles, he seah McGregor Ceorl la!

McGregor Ceorl ƿæs on his handum and cneoum and sette geonge caƿelas, ac he ahleop and earn æfter Petrus þa hƿile þe he ascoc egeðan and geal, "Ætstand, þeof!"

Petrus ƿas full forht; he ræsde geond eallne þone ƿyrttun, for þy he hæfde forgoten þæs ƿeges to þæm geate.

He forleas anne his scona ongemang þam caƿelum, and þone oðerne ongemang þæm eorþperum.

Siþþan he hi forleas, he arn on feoƿerum sceancum and eode sƿiftor, sƿa þæt ic þence þe he cuþe full afleon gif he næfde ungelimplice earn in gosberignett, and ƿæs befangen þæm cnæppum his pade. Seo padu ƿæs ƿelhæƿen and hæfde ƿel niƿe bræsene cnæppas.

Petrus geald hine to deaðe, and geat greate tearas; ac his mænunga ƿæron gehired fram sumum freondlicum spearƿum þa flugon to him full gerne and bædon hine hine efestan.

McGregor Ceorl cƿom mid sife þe he ƿolde settan on Petrus; ac Petrus geƿann and abærst rihte timlice, and forleas his pade.

He ræsde in þone tolscoppan and hleop in cannan. Seo ƿære sƿiðe god stoƿe for hydinge gif heo næfde sƿa fela ƿætres in.

McGregor Ceorl gelifde ƿitod þe Petrus ƿære gehƿær in þæm tolscoppan, ƿenunga hydde he under blotsmcuppan. He ongann to ƿendenne hi cearfullice and secenne under ælcum. Hraðe fnas Petrus--"Hatsu!" McGregor Ceorl þærrihte æfterfolgode him.

He sohte to settenne his fot on Petrus, þe hleop þurh sume eagduru and toƿende þreo ƿyrtcuppan. Seo eagduru ƿæs to lytel McGregore Ceorle, and he ƿæs ƿerig for his adrifunge Petrus. He eode eft to his ƿeorce.

Petrus sæt to restienne; he næfde æðm and bifode for ogan, and niste hƿider he ah gan. Eac ƿas he ƿel ƿæt for þy he sæt in þære cannan.

Æfter hƿile begann he to adƿeligenne ymb hine -- lipitig, lipitig, lipitig -- na sƿiþe sƿifte, and he beseah.

He fand duru in ƿealle; ac þæt ƿæs betyned, and þær næs genog gerum him to creopenne under.

Eald mus ƿæs irnende in and ut ofer stanenne þerscold, and bær pisan and beana to hire cynne in þæm ƿuda. Petrus axode hire hu he mihte to þæm geate gan, ac heo heold sƿa greate pisan on muðe þæt heo nu cuðe andsƿarian. Heo ƿegede hire heafod to him. Petrus ongann to heofienne.

Þonne he begann to findenne þone ƿeg rihte þurh þone ƿyrttun, ac he ƿearþ æfre dƿilmodra. Hraðe cƿom he to pole þær McGregor fylede his ƿætercannan. Hƿit catte starode on sume goldfiscas. Heo sæt full unastirigendlice, ac hƿilum se ende hire tægles ƿegede sƿilce he ƿære cƿic. Petrus þohte þe he age agan and na sprecan mid hire; his mæg Beniamin lytla holhara hæfde him cattan gecyðed.

He eode eft to þæm tolscoppan, ac færlice ƿel neah him hirde he þone sƿeg ƿeodhoces -- ihhhht, ihhhht, ihhhht. Petrus creap under þone rosþyfel. Ac hraðe acƿom he, for þy þe naht gelamp, and stag bearƿan and geondƿlat. Se ærosta þe he seah ƿæs McGregor Ceorl brucan þone ƿeodhoc to delfenne cipan. His bæc ƿæs geƿent ongean Petrus, and begeondan him ƿæs þæt geat!

Petrus stag dun sƿiðe stille fram þære bearƿan, and ongann to rinnenne sƿa sƿifte sƿa he cuðe, andlang rihtan paðe behindan sumum bremlum. McGregor Ceorl seah hine be þæm byge, ac Petrus ne cearode. He creap under þæt geat, and ƿæs sicorlic endelice in þæm ƿudu butan þæm ƿyrttune.

McGregor Ceor heng þa pade and þa scos to fugolegsiende to egsienne þa oslan.

Petrus ne blann na rinnan ne locode behindan him oþ he cƿom ham to þæm æpsbeame.

He ƿæs sƿa ƿerig þæt he gelæg on þæm godan softan sande on þære flore and betynde his eagan. His modor ƿæs bysig ymb þa gegirƿunge þæs fodan; heo axode hie hƿæt he dyde mid his claðum. Hi ƿæron seo oðer padu and oðer gescy þe Petrus hæfde in tƿæm ƿucum forloren!

Ƿala, Petrus næs full hal on þæm æfne. His modor sette hine in bedd, and ƿorhte magoþdrincan, and geaf sopan his Petrus!

"An cucelere to drincenne on gebeddgihte."

Ac Flopsig, Mopsig, and Beamƿulltægel æton hlaf and meolce and blæcberigan to æfnesgereorde.

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