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Translation:Prelude to songs

From Wikisource
Prelude to songs (1872)
by Władysław Tarnowski, translated from Polish by Wikisource

[Władysław Tarnowski „[Epigrammacik] Trzeci” in: „Nowe Poezye Ernesta Buławy”, Seyferth i Czajkowski, Lvov, 1872, p. 55. ]

Władysław Tarnowski2344932Prelude to songs — (ARIA)1872Wikisource

Sad my life,
Hum me song
Do you see on the blue
This tiny star?

I haven’t lira
To accompany to song,
Too lonely sounds
To wander through the world…

Sad my life,
Hum before parting,
My heart beats
Will be accompanying.

Sad my life!
Like a crack string,
Only on the blue
There! This holy star!