Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Orach Chaim/249
249: Laws That Apply on the Eve of Shabbat.
1 It is forbidden to go on the Eve of Shabbat more than three parsaos. In this way, he will reach his house while it is still very early in the day and he will be able to prepare the needs of the meal for Shabbos, whether he goes to the house of others or he goes to his house. And these words are only providing that he's in a settlement; in a place where he will be able to prepare the needs of Shabbos. However, if in the place where he is located, it is impossible for him to prepare the needs of Shabbos, or that it is not in a place of a settlement that is safe, it is permissible to go even several parsaos. And if he sent to inform them that he is going there for Shabbat, it is permitted for him to go several parsaos in any case.
It is forbidden to fix on the Eve of Shabbat a celebratory feast that one is not accustomed to on the days of the week; and even if it is a meal of an Erusin, because of the honor of Shabbat, so that one will enter Shabbos while he's desiring to eat. And the entire day is included in the prohibition.
Gloss: And a meal thats time is on the Eve of Shabbat, such as a bris milah or pidyon haben, is permitted. So it seems to me. And so custom is spread.
And to eat and to drink without fixing a meal, even a meal that one that one is accustomed to during the week, all day is permitted to begin according to the law. Nevertheless, it is a mitzvah to refrain from fixing a meal that one is accustomed to during the week from the ninth hour and onward.
3 It is the way of "men of deeds" to fast on every Eve of Shabbat.
4 If one accepted upon himself to fast on the Eve of Shabbat, one must fast until the stars come out unless he clarified at the time of acceptance of the fast 'until the congregation finishes its prayer'. Gloss: And there are those who say that one should not complete. Rather, as soon as they leave the shul, he should eat (Tur; and Mordechai, end of Chapter "With Everything can an Erub be Made" (in the name of Rabbi Meir); and Hagahos Maimoni, Chapter 1 of the Laws of Fasting). And therefore, for an individual fast, one should not complete. And it is good to clarify this at the time of acceptance of the fast. And during a public fast, one should complete. And so is the custom. (Mahar"il in Responsum Number 33). And if it is a "dream fast", one needs to fast until the appearance of the stars.