Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Orach Chaim/262
262ː To Sanctify the Shabbat With a Set Table and Clean Clothes. Contains 3 seifim.
1 One should set his table and make the beds and arrange all the appearances of the house, so that he should find it arranged and ordered when he comes from Synagogue.
Gloss: And his table should be kept set the entire day of Shabbat and such is the custom and one shouldn't change it. (Tur, end of Chapter 289; and Mordechai, Chapter "All Writings"; and Hagahos Maimoni, Chapter 29 of Shabbat).
2 One should strive to have good clothing for Shabbat. And if is impossible for him, he should at least lengthen (meaning, he should lengthen them toward the bottom so they should be longer, like the style of the wealthy who lounge around their homes. Rashi ibid.) his clothes at the bottom in a respectful way.
3 One should wear his nice clothes and rejoice with the arrival of Shabbat like one who goes out toward the king and like one who goes out toward groom and bride, for Rebbe Chanina would shroud himself in his garment and stand on the evening approaching Shabbat and say "Come and let's go out toward the Shabbat queen"; Rebbe Yannai said "Come bride, Come bride."
Glossː And one should dress himself in Shabbat garments immediately after he bathed himself and this is an honor of the Shabbat, and because of this, one should only bathe for Shabbat close to the evening, so that he may dress himself immediately. (The new Hagahos Mordechai).