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Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Orach Chaim/264

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Shulchan Aruch
by Yosef Karo, translated from Hebrew by Wikisource
Orach Chaim 264
2947332Shulchan Aruch — Orach Chaim 264WikisourceYosef Karo

264ː Laws of the wick and the oil. Contains 10 seifim.

1 We do not make a wick for the Sabbath lamp, neither for the table lamp nor any lamp lit in the house, from a material whose light does not cling to it but rather moves around and whose flame jumps – like wool and hair, etc. Rather, from a material whose light attaches to it, like ripe flax and linen fiber and cotton and hemp, etc.

Gloss: And if one lit with forbidden materials, it is forbidden to use its light. (Responsa of the Rashba, No. 178). And some say that if there is one lamp of the permitted materials, it is permitted to use the light of the others, and also it is permitted to do something that's possible without a lamp, even by the other lamps. And for a Sabbath need, it is possible to be lenient post facto. (Hagahos Mordechai, Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 of Shabbat).

2 One wrapped a material which we ignite with it on a material which we do not ignite with it – if he intended to thicken (meaningː to make it thick) the wick so as to add light, it is forbidden. And if he intended to strengthen the wick so that it should stand and it shouldn't slide down, it is permitted. And for this reason, it is permitted to layer a material with which we ignite on top of reed or straw in order to place the wick in a lantern. Gloss: We give a grain of salt and a bit of bean on the mouth of the lamp on Sabbath Eve so that it will burn beautifully on the Shabbat. (Maimoni, Ch. 5; and Tur).

3 We do not ignite a lamp for Sabbath except from oil which follows after the wick, and therefore, we do not ignite with pitch nor with wax nor with oil made from cotton nor from sheep-tail fat nor from forbidden fat. And also, we do not ignite with tar because its odor is foul, and he'll leave it and go away. And not with balsam sap because because its odor is wafting, lest he drain from it and find himself liable for extinguishing.

4 Even if he placed a bit of olive oil in these oils which do not follow, and then they follow – we do not ignite with them.

5 Molten fat and fish entrails – we do not ignite with them. And if one placed in them a bit of one of the oils with which we ignite – it is permitted to ignite with them.

6 We ignite with all the rest of the oils except these, and nevertheless, olive oil is a mitzvah of choice.

7 One wrapped pitch or wax or fat around the wick – we ignite with them.

8 The igniter needs to ignite most of the lamp's wick.

9 It is not necessary to singe the wick. (Explanation: The idea of a singe will fall on something which is not totally burnt and is also is not fully whole. "Do not eat of it undercooked" – Targum Yonasan: "singed." Gloss: And in any case, the custom is to light the wick and to extinguish it so that it should be charred and the flame should catch on well. (Tur).

10 We do not light with rags, even singed ones.