Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Orach Chaim/296
1. The Laws Governing the Recitation of Havdalah over Wine, 8 Seifim: The order of Havdalah is: wine, spices and havdalah candle and its mnemonic is Yavneh, יבנ"ה. And one must take care that the wine is not blemished. RAMA: It is our custom to say, before Havdalah that is done at home, הנה אל ישועתי, etc.; כוס ישועות אשא, etc.; ליהודים היתה אורה, etc.; they are all recited as a good omen. During Havdalah we focus our eyes on the cup and the candle. And we are accustomed to spill from the cup if wine onto the ground before completing בורא פרי הגפן so that the cup will not be blemished, and to taste that which was spilled; and we do this as a good sign at the beginning of the week. We also spill from the cup after Havdalah and extinguish the candle in it, and we moisten our eyes with it, as an expression of the dearness of the mitzvah.
2. Havdalah may not be recited over bread. However, he may recite Havdalah over any beverage that is the “wine of the region,”with the exception of water. RAMA: It is better to say Havdalah over a blemished cup of wine rather than liquor (Avudraham). We have a custom to say Havdalah on Motzei Pesach over liquor and not over wine because it is precious to us.And on Yom Tov that falls on Motzei Shabbat and has kiddush which can be said over bread, there are those who say that along with the kiddush one can say Havdalah over it. And there are those who say that it is better to say both kiddush and Havdalah together over liquor. RAMA: And the first opinion is the essence.
3. If one does not have wine, nor liquor or other similar drinks, there are those who say that it is permitted for him to eat. And there are those who say that if he expects to have a cup [of wine] over which to recite Havdalah on the following day, he should not eat until the following day after he says Havdalah. If one only has one cup, and he does not expect that he will have it tomorrow, it is better that he eats before Havdalah and says Birkat Hamazon over it and afterwards makes Havdalah over it from what he used to bless Birkat Hamazon without a cup, according to the words of those who say that regarding birkat hamazon one needs a cup. According to the words of those who say that one does not need a cup for birkat hamazon, one must not eat until havdalah is done. Regarding this cup, if he only has a 1/4 reduced amount, and he already poured according to the law that if it had more water in it, it is not fit to be drunk; therefore, according to all, one should first say havdalah and drink a little bit from it and then add to it to fill it to a revi'is, then bless birkat hamazon over it.
4. [The laws describing] the order of priority [when a person] does not have the means to buy wine for both Kiddush and Havdalah - he should buy it for havdalah, for kiddush can be made over bread.
5. If one cannot buy both oil for the Chanukah lights and wine for havdalah, the Chanukah likes take precedence.
6. One should say Havdalah while sitting. RAMA: And there are those who say, while standing [Agudah; Kol Bo; Igur] and such is he custom in our countries. One grasps the wine in the right hand and the spices (lit. 'myrtle') in the left and makes the blessing over the wine. Then he places the spice in the right hand and the wine in the left and says the blessing over the spice and returns the wine to his right hand.
7. Even if the entire household heard Havdalah in the synagogue, if they had the intention not to fulfill their obligation thereby, they should say Havdalah at home.
8. Women are obligated in Havdalah, just as they are obligated in Kiddush. And there are those who argue. RAMA: Therefore, they should not recite Havdalah for themselves, rather they should hear Havdalah from men.