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Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Orach Chaim/9

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Translation:Shulchan Aruch
by Yosef Karo, translated from Hebrew by Wikisource
Orach Chaim 9
Laws of Which Clothes Require Tzitzit and Which are Exempt
1318002Translation:Shulchan AruchOrach Chaim 9
Laws of Which Clothes Require Tzitzit and Which are Exempt
WikisourceYosef Karo

9: Which Clothes Require Tzitzit and Which are Exempt from Tzitzit

1 There is no Torah obligation for tzitzit except for clothes made of linen or ewe's wool; for clothing made from other materials there is only a Rabbinic obligation. [And there are those who say that all of them are required from the Torah and this is the halacha] [Tosafot page 39, the Rosh and Sefer Mitzvot Gadol and Mordechai].

2 Tzitzit of linen or of ewe's wool are acceptable to put on clothes made of all materials, except for linen tzitzit on woolen clothes or woolen tzitzit on linen clothes in these times when we do not have the techelet because they are forbidden mixtures. Gloss: And there are those who say not to make tzitzit out of linen at all, even for non-wool clothing, and this is our practice [Sefer Mitzvot Katan Chapter 38].
3 Tzitzit of other materials are only acceptable for clothing of that same material, for instance, silk for silk clothing and cotton for clothing, but for clothes made out of a different material they are not acceptable.

4 If one put on a tallit of other materials some tzitzit made of that same material and some tzitzit made of linen or wool, it is questionable.

5 There are those who say that the tzitzit must be the same color as the tallit, and the meticulous have this practice. Gloss: And the Ashkenazim have the custom that the tzitzit be white even for colored clothing and this should not be changed [Terumat HaDeshen Chapter 46].

6 There are those who say not to make a tallit out of linen. Even though this is not the halacha, A God-fearing person should fulfill all all of them and make a tallit out of wool which has a Torah obligation for tzitzit without a doubt.

Gloss: And nevertheless, if the only possibility is with a tallit of linen, it is better that he make a tallit of linen and tzitzit of linen, rather than to negate the mitzva of tzitzit. [Responsa of the Rosh Klal Bet].