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Translation:The Annals of Wales B/11

From Wikisource
The Annals of Wales
(Part X)

by Anonymous, translated from Latin by Wikisource
1459216The Annals of Wales
(Part X)

Year. [erasure]
Year. Iago is expelled from his kingdom, with Hoel tri[um]phant. Meuric son of Idwal [is blinded].
Year. Ed[gar] king of the Angles died. Idwalan son of Ow[ei]n died.
Year. Eynan ag[ain devasta]ted Goer.
Year. Iago is captured, with Hoel son of Idwal triumphant and holding h[i]s kingdom.
Year. Idwab is killed.
Year. Gothfrit and Harald devastated Dewet and Menevia.
Year. Hoel s[on] of Idwab and Alfre, duke of the Angles, devastated Brecheinauc and all the region of Einaun son of Owin but Einaun killed many of them.
Year. Eynan son of Owin is killed.
Year. Hoel s[on] of Idwab is killed by the Angles.
Year. Meuric s[on] of Idwab is killed. Maredut son of Owin killed Catwallaun son of Idwab and held his kingdom, namely Wenedocia.
Year. Gothrit s[on] of Harald devastated Mon with the black gentiles, with 2000 men taken; the relics Mareduc truly carried by himself to Keredigean and to Demetia.
Year. Idwab [so]n of Idwal died. Owin son of Hoel died. Gentiles devastated Menevia and Llan Patarn and Llan Illtut and Llan Carvan and Llan Dethoch.
Year. Meredut redeemed the captives of the black gentiles, with money given for each. Death of men from famine.
Year. Owin son of Denawal is killed.
Year. Mareduc son of Owein devastated Mais Hewed.
Year. G[ui]n son of Eynaun with Edillis the Anglish duke [and] with the help of the right-handed Britons devastates the regions of Mar[e]dut (that is, Demetia and Keredigeaun, Guhir and Kedweli). Menevia destroyed for the third time.
Year. Famine in the [re]alm of Meredut. Battle between the sons of Meuruc and Meredut son of Owin near Llanguin in which the victors were the sons of Meuruc. Teudur son of Einaun is killed.
Year. Sweyn son of Herald devastated Eumonia.

Year. Idwal son of Meuruc is killed.
Year. Menevia is devastated by the gentiles and Bishop Morganeu is killed by them. King Maredut son of Owin died.
Year. Kinan son of Hewel holds Venedocia.
Year. The gentiles devastate Demetica.
Year. Conan son of Hoel is killed.
Year. Menevia is devastated by the Saxons Edris and Ubis. Shipwreck of Sweyn father of Cnut.
Year. Sweyn goes into the region of the Angles. Edelrit son of Etgar is expelled from his kingdom, which Sweyn invaded, but he died in the same [year].
Year. Owin s[on] of Dunawal is killed.
Year. Cnut s[on] of Swein occupied the kingdom of the Angles.
Year. Aidan s[on] of Blegeurit with his 4 sons is killed by the king of the Britons Grifin son of Lewelin.
Year. Meuric son of Arthawail is killed.
Year. Reyn the Scot passes himself off as a son of Mareduc who gained the right-handed Britons. Seisil king of Venedocia at the []mouth of the Guili overcame him and Reyn was killed. Eilaf devastated Demetia. Menevia is destroyed.
Year. Lewelin son of Seisil died. Riderch s[on] of Yestin ruled the right-handed Britons.
Year. Bishop Morgannuc died.
Year. Conan son of Seisil died.

Year. Ryderch s[on] of Yestin is killed by the Scots. Hoel and Meredut held h[i]s region.
Year. The Battle of Hirad.
Year. Maredut son of Edwin is killed by the sons of Conan. Caradauc son of Rederch is killed by the Angles. The king of the Angles Cnut son of Sweyn died.
Year. Griffin son of Lewelin began to rule in Norwallia; who while he ruled persecuted the Angles and the gentiles. He commenced battle with them in the marsh of the Cross above the Severn and he crushed them. In the same year, he ruled the right-handed Britons and expelled Hoel son of Edwin from there.
Year. Erwyin bishop of Menevia died.
Year. The Battle of Pencadeir, in which Grifin overcame Hoel.
Year. The Battle of Pulldywath, in which Hoel was the victor. Grifin was captured [] by the gentiles of Dulin.
Year. Hoel son of Ow[ei]n died.
Year. Hoel son of Etwin, having accepted a fleet of gentiles, entered the enemy's Tewy. Griffin son of Lewelin received him in battle and killed him, turned by their defeat.
Year. Joseph bishop of Landav died in Rome.
Year. The family of Griffin (to the measure of 1[]40) fell by deceit to the nobles of Sratewi. In punishment for which, King Grifin devastated Demetia and Stratewi. Snow fell and lasted from the first of January until the feast of Saint Patrick, which they called the gr[ea]t snow.
Year. The entire right-hand of the fatherland is desolate.
Year. A fleet of Hibernia is destroyed in the right-hand part.
Year. Grifin son [of Lewelin] killed [Grifud son of] Riderch and devastated Herfordia.

