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Translation:The Book of the Holy Places/1-30

From Wikisource
The Book of the Holy Places
by Bede, translated from Latin by Wikisource
Chapters 1 - 30 : THE SECOND BOOK
968203The Book of the Holy Places — Chapters 1 - 30 : THE SECOND BOOK


Chapter of the city of Bethlehem, in the first position.


In the of this the beginning of the second of our little book, concerning the situation of the city of Bethlehem, in which the Saviour of our holy of a Virgin deigned to be born, a few things briefly craxanda are something. A state in, not so much a great position, such as we brought back the Arculf it frequently to places by those who, the report by the predicable of all nations, the churches of jurisdiction, on the back of [Supply of the mountain] is situated narrow channels, and from all parts of being surrounded by all sides with valleys, which, assuredly, turn their back on the west of the earth a slaughter among the the eastern part of as it were offered to a thousand paces. In testimony of which the plain of the plain, the higher the wall low without towers, in the round about on the extremity of the brow of the little hill of the same construction, on this side and valliculis From this rises above that lie about it: right through the midst intercapidine within the walls through a longer path of the habitations of the citizens of the Samnites.

Chapter SAME place of birth of the Lord.


On its east, and the city, but a corner of the end of the half as a part of the natural is in the cave, the interior of which was the last part, the manger of the Lord is named, it was born, he laid his Mother of the child: and another after the above mentioned and afforded them that go nearer to the manger, the place of birth of the Lord ', properly speaking, to have been handed down. Therefore that the cave of Bethlehem the Lord 's because of this the whole interior of marble, adorned with the honor of the Saviour is precious: to whom we of course dining room of stone, upon the cave of the holy the church of the blessed Virgin above the very place, where he is especially reported that the Lord was born, made by the building of a great is founded.

Chapter III that is situated outside the walls of the rock, upon which the washing water on the first of his had been poured out after the birth.


Out of the the rock placed outside the wall, upon which the water on the first after the nativity of our Lord of ablution of the corpuscle, he bowed out of the brine the top of, in which it was poured out like a small vessel, "he briefly mention how I think. What the sacred from the wall of the washing of water poured out in the rock, lying below this, a sort of the nature of the pit is a hollow stone he found: undula which is the same in the first Apostles 'was filled with the Lord' s, on the same day to our own time and ever round about of the presence of many is shown most pure, full of [0795D], without any lymph or the defection of the reduction of our Saviour from the day of this miracle of his birth, performed by, of whom is the prophet sings: Who brought forth the water from the rock '(Ps. 77). And the Apostle Paul said: However, the rock was Christ (I Cor. 10), who contrary to the nature of the hardest rock in the desert thirsty people produced the wave of a comforting. The same person is the power of God is and of God in wisdom, that Bethlehem and out of the water that brought the rock, and its gap in full with water is always preserves it. How our Arculf inspected the gazes of their own, and washed his face in it.

Chapter IV that church, in which what is seen the tomb of David


CENOTAPH honorarium that is, or, for the true David, they prove to have been the tomb of Jerusalem, and Adrichomius Gretserus from the book. 2 book of Esdras, 3, 8, and [0796D] the Acts of the 2, though Jerome in the Letters of the Pelagians. 17 and in his book. away from the places with the Hebrew Arculf consent.]. Arculf from the tomb of David, king from me that we are being asked he gave an answer, saying: 'The tomb of David, king in the land of human I myself was not negligent in the question to celebrate us, that in the middle of the pavement on the part of the Church without being superposed, in some we find in an ornament, a low stone pyramid, having a lampademque is always on top of it. This church, then, outside the walls of the city in a neighboring valley is the founder, [0796B] which in the portion of the north Bethlehem small mountain hang together.

Chapter V another church in whose the inner part, we find in the tomb of St Jerome


From the grave, also by St Jerome, in a similar anxiety to us conduct our inquiry into Arculf he spoke thus: The tomb of St Jerome, of whom seek to, I have witnessed in the other that we find in the church, which are found outside the same little city in the valley is made, which is situated in the south, a little hill I have mentioned previously on the back is the neighbor of Bethlehem . To wit, that the tomb of Jerome, of the like work to the tomb of David the composite, there is no adorned with has. his head to see the graves of those whom the three shepherds who grow up to the Lord shone round about the heavenly might. Out of the monuments of those whom the night of the shepherds of the nativity of the heavenly fame to be round about, gave a brief Arculf relatiunculam to us, saying: in the church of the Three of those three things frequently to places of the shepherds by the stone of the monuments of [Corbis., The tower] and buried at a great, which is about a thousand steps towards the east are distant from Bethlehem. In the same place, those whom the birth of the Lord, that it is close to the tower of the flock, the glory of the angelic light round about; in which the same is based on the church containing the tombs of the shepherds of the same.

Chapter VII Rachel 's grave.


of Rachel in the Ephrata, this is in the region of Bethlehem, also buried in the book of Genesis tells us: yea, and the book of the places in the given region was buried by the way Rachel does it matter. Of the Arculf Where is the way to me on his asking answering, said: There is a certain by the royal road, which by Aelius against the south side, the Hebron and led the way, to whom the neighboring Bethlehem, being distant from the six thousand men went up to Jerusalem, [0797A], from the east side adheres to them. The tomb of Rachel in the the same but the extremity of the road on the west side, that is on the right side we find in the feeling united as they go to Hebron, the operation of a cheap put in place, and it has no adornationem and one of stone as they were surrounded pyramid. The same place is the title of his name to this day is demonstrated, which the husband on the words of Jacob raised her head.

Chapter VIII Hebron.


Hebron, which, and Mamre, formerly of the Philistines, a haunt of the metropolis of the giants had been, and in which reigned in David seven years, is now, just as the holy Arculf does it matter, the city walls does not have the compass, and a kind of only in times past will lie in ruins the remains of the city, in ruins, he shows the steps of, yet it has the villages of built with some of the roughest and the villages to other things within the out of them and the other used in the pulling down of the remnant of, the plain were placed through the plains, in which the, towns, villages, and, to wit, multitude of the people makes her home.

Chapter IX the valley of Mamre.


But the plague from the east of Hebron, the field of the same met in regards to the cave of Machpelah before Mamre, which Abraham purchased from the shameless Hethite for a possession of a twofold burial.

Chapter X the Tombs of the four of the patriarchs.


In the valley of the Holy of this Arculf sepulcrocrum Arbec has visited the place, that is, four of the patriarchs, Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and Adam of the first of man, whose plants, not as in other parts of the world to be converted to the east, he was buried is the custom, but to the south and the heads of turned back towards the side of the turned over against the north. Place of burial of these to surround the square of the humble to the wall. See on this matter the homily, the bishop of Hamo Halerstadt, on the eve of Easter, and barons. or to the. 34.] For them that sin of Adam to whom the protoplast immediately after the perpetration of sin from God the Creator has been said: The land you are and to dust shalt thou return, it is separated from the other three at no great distance to the North of the extreme of that part of the valley of Quadrangular of stone, not in the turned to stone, hewn from rock in the rock, the tomb upon the earth to the rest of the seed of his honorable remain at rest, but the ground was buried in the land of the roof, and he himself in the dust, the dust of the line, waiting for the resurrection, with all his seed to Leah. And in this manner [0797D] out of her tomb, such a to him from the very self fully and completely God 's decree was passed. And according to the example of our first parent of the tomb, the rest of the three fathers, and they a cheap and lies sleeping, the dust of the roof: the tombs of whom four should have clipped and out of the planks of individual stones on top of it a resemblance to the of any of the basilica, constructed with a remembrance of small, according to the measure of the length and the breadth of every man 's tomb, received its form. Of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob the graves of three tribes of the neighboring created, by the hard stones placed over them to this one of which we have written to the figure formed, as was said above, are protected: the tomb of being superposed, but for Adam there indeed, but an obscure stone vilioris in color, and of the work is protected. Of the Three of the women also some poorer and smaller monuments of Arculf looked, in the same place, to wit, Sarah and Rebecca, and of Lia, was buried in the earth. Therefore, to state their little farm SEPULCHRAL of the patriarchs from the wall of that of one of the Most Ancient Hebron lies in the space of less than two miles towards the east it is known to be distant. Hebron, which is indeed, as it is said, before all, not only the cities of Palestine had been founded, but also in the universe and Egyptian cities preceded by a condition in his own: which is now shown to have broken down. Up to this point out of the Tombs of the Patriarchs is sufficient craxasse.

Chapter XI the mountain, and the oak of Mamre.


Mamre of the hill, a mile from the monuments, above marked off to the north, separated there is a difference, full of grass and flowers, and in regards to Hebron from the south, meeting him. Therefore act, Monticello, he was renowned Mamre, it has in the tops of the plain of the plain, where the northern and of the same to the summit is a part of the great and one of stone is founded the church: in whose tablets: a great part of the of the same between the two walls of the basilica (strange to relate!) The oaks of Mamre, is extant in the earth with roots, and the oak which Abraham is said to, because that what is under, once they receive it lodged with the angels. How, St. Jerome tells us in another place from the beginning of the world even to the king 's command of Constantine remained firm; and perhaps for that reason he did not say at all have failed, because of their age, although it does not the whole of that, as it was before, in size, showed an oak; yet, by any [0798C] remained a part of it in his own established in place of, "from which, as is reported Arculf it proper to those who caught sight of his eyes, still truncate a kind of [Crete., and some trunk] spurium remains rooted in the earth, of the church, protected his shelter, a measure to the length of about two of the men, having a: of the which, to wit they comfort him [Crete., it was eaten] Spurius with axes, out of every part of the round at the hastellarum to different provinces of the world on account of the particles carried off an oak of the same veneration and remembrance, under which (as was mentioned above), once the agreement of the angels to Abraham, the patriarch famous and had been to condone the predicable. In the round about of the same church, which in the same place of that place honor on account of being framed together, we find in, only few of them made by the habitations of the religious are shown. But of these these are sufficient to have said, let us go on to other things.



that from which the wood for the fire, for the camels to the ministries in Jerusalem, to be perfected "Riding the. Their going out of Hebron lies in a broad plain on the north side of the, not far from the edge of the road to the left, went to meet pinosus not so great a mountain, three thousand men, being distant from Hebron: from whose PINETUM to Jerusalem, to the pine trees as far as the trees of the "Riding the camels in the to the hearths to be nourished. In the for the camels, I say, for in all Judea and Jerusalem, as Arculf makes a difference, the chariot of the wagons, or even more can be found rarely.

Chapter XIII of Jericho.


Jericho, the city, which passed over the Jordan Joshua overthrew, to rule after they were slain, "our Holy Arculf seen a place for, for which, of Bethel, and Oza, from the tribe of Ephraim, another that he built, whom Our Saviour by his presence is the kindness to visit. At the same time, in which Jerusalem, the Roman obsedebant, on account of the treachery of the citizens was captured, and is now destroyed, for which the third was founded, which, after many intervals of the seasons and the same was overthrown: that now certain of which (as Arculf does it matter) are shown the steps of ruins. It is strange to tell! only after three of the house of Rahab in the same place destroyed the cities remained, which two spies whom Jesus-Ben-Nun, [That is to say Joshua, the son of Nun] [0799B], crossed over to top of the house of the same in the stalks of flax, of his own house and hid: and His the roof without the walls of stone, yet remain. The passage of the whole of the city by the human dwelling place I was a wilderness, there is no family, having a place of residence, crops and vineyards he receives back. Among the place of the of the city are broken down and the Jordan, are present in the great groves of the river, in the midst of whom the western are in the intervals, in which the race of little men of certain of the Canaanites are almost innumerable and constructed of the inhabitants of the house.

Chapter XIV Gilgal.


Arculf a certain repeating the great churches founded in Gilgal he saw it, in the place of him, piled together in which the children of Israel, crossed the Jordan, the camp pitched his first words in the land of Canaan they had a mansion. ==Chapter XV the twelve stones which the children of Israel, of the Jordan across the river, dried up they carried to the deep.== In the which the Holy Arculf the church of the same twelve stones he consider them, of whom the Lord to Joshua after the passage of the Jordan spoke, saying, "Choose twelve men, one of every tribe, and instruct them to take out of the midst of the Jordan, where the priesthood and feet stood, twelve very hard stones, which you shall set in the place of the camp, where you will pitch your tents this night (Joshua 4). And try them, I say, he had seen Arculf One of them, six in the right hand side of the church in the pavimiento lying, and others of the same numbers in the north, all with unpolished and of cheap, he caught sight: each of which (as he himself does it matter Arculf) of this present time two youths of brave men scarcely out of the land they can raise it up. One of them, in which case an accident is not known, was cast down into two parts, condensed again with the sword, the hand of the artist it is conjoined. Gilgal, and, therefore, where the above-mentioned is founded the church, on the east side of the ancient Jericho, on this side of the Jordan is in the lot of the tribe of Juda, in the fifth mile from the Jericho: and the tabernacle of where a fixed a long time, too, among them that place of (as tradition) is the church of the above, being framed together, in the whence they were of duodenum I have mentioned previously you have a stone, of the said country from the mortals in a wonderful honor of the care and the dwell is honored.

Chapter X in this passage it in which the Lord is baptized by John.


He, the Most Holy and honorable place, in which the Lord was baptized by John, there is always the waters of the river is covered with the Jordan: and, just as Arculf does it matter who he attained to the same place, and into them will hucque through the same swam across the river, the sacred and holy in the same place of wood is fastened on the sum of the cross, according to the than water, even to the neck while they stand came a very tall man;, or any other in the time of the waters of the drought of extensive diminished toward the breasts by up to: the greater when a flood it is deeds, have all their marks was saved by the addition of the cross of the waters. The passage of the cross of the same, therefore, in which (as was said above) Lord was baptized, on this side of the channel of the river, we have this: of whom is as far as to the other side of Arabia, in the portion of was a strong to throw the stone with a sling can be the impelling. Therefore, the above-mentioned from the place of the cross a bridge over the arcs of stone is supported by it to the land extends as far as, through whom she must the Senate approached the cross, through the ascent to the men go down, they go up they returned to the dry ground. But in the outermost part of the river we find in a kind of small squares of the church in it (as is betrayed) the foundations of the Lord 's the place where the clothes are kept, at that very hour of baptism is the Lord. This is supported by four stone crabs, it stands upon the waters of uninhabited, because at the very time here and there, come into the water. This is protected from above of baked powder: and the lower, as was said, crabs, served for the support and bows. This is such a church in the places of the valley of the lower parts of that is extant, through which the river flows into the Jordan. And in the upper contain a kind of a great places of the monks the monastery, which of the described above, on the top of the church rises above the little hill from the region of built; and there and the church in honor of Saint John the baptizer founded, in the same of the monastery around them, and the wall, the sum of the squares built with stones.

Chapter of the Jordan XVIIDe color.


Jordanici the color of the river, such as we secretly told the Arculf, whitish on the surface of milk, it seems as it were: the color of the sea, of which such a person when he enters a long track of salt from the color of the sea, one dead by the channel of his can be easily to discern.

Chapter XVIII After the death of the sea.


The reason why the Dead Sea, to wit, in a great storm the collision of the waves to the lands to be fulfilled by the salt of the round about of that in abundance of the sea can be found: that "not only on every side, and neighbors, and are far off, but also among the nations had set out a very large grants, then have sufficiently heat of the sun had been emptied. Different manner from the salt in a certain mountain of Sicily is wont to be had. For that mountain to the land of stones out of the naturally she was plucked up the truth to be the most salt by the taste the salt of the confirms, that it is properly named a salt of the earth. In another way, therefore, a different process of the sea, the salt of the salt of the earth to ally is wont to. Wherefore the Lord in the Gospel, by a comparison with the apostles, is believed to have said: You are the salt of the earth, etc.. (Matt. V.) From the salt of the earth as this, then in the mountains of Sicily found the has informed us, O holy Arculf, who had also for some days in Sicily, while remaining sight and was verified by the taste and touch the salt of the most salt to be true. The same to us and out of the deaths of the sea salt, and He told the the same in like manner that the senses from the three mentioned above and told himself shown by the, who also was of the same the above-named frequently to places by the coast of the sea coast, lakes, and the length as far as Zoar of Arabia, less than two miles to the five hundred and eighty is directed, the breadth of less than two miles as far as a hundred and fifty to the neighborhood of Sodom.

Chapter XIX sources of the Jordan.


Arculf of ours, while he came to the place in the province of Phoenicia, the Lebanon, where the foot of the Jordan to the vicinity of the fountain of the two to emerge, it seems, of which [0801B] Jor the name of the one, and the other of Dan is called in, who mixed at the same time they receive the name of the combination of the Jordan. But it must be noted that it is not the beginning of the Bread, of the Jordan, but in the land of 120 Traconitide interjected even to the less than two miles of Caesarea Philippi, which is now the bread from the bread of the mountain is called in along, he took the name of the. There is, therefore, of the fountain of that name, which is in the Trachonitis, sprinkling bowl, always full of sweet water, from which is derived of the Jordan and supplies, the Underground, and the Bread, divided, and water, bubbles out prodigalities: which (as I have said before), and Dan, Jor are wont to be named. Hence, emerging, and also interjected in a certain interval in one the junction of the river, gather, He thence did the course of his directing, 120 furlongs, without any interfusione far as the city, whose name is Julian, and advanced. Afterwards, lake, Genezar it is said, passes the midst of its flow: from this place about for a desolate, Asfaleo received the den, and in him in the. And so the two lakes the victor went out, and in the third sticks.

Chapter XX the sea of Galilee.


Ours was the Holy Arculf repeating the sea of Galilee, that the Cinereth and lakes and the sea of Tiberias is named, we compassed on the part of the greater, to whom are firmly fixed to the neighboring of a great wood. A lake of the same [Corbis., Side of the] as it were, a little sea most ample possessions to the length of the 140 is extended less than two miles, the breadth of 40 is poured forth: the sweet and whose waters are able to drink their fill, if indeed a thick marshy pools, nor anything, or receives no mud, a sandy shore to surround on all sides, from which and a draft of more pure than his, and it is better than for the use of. Also by the taste of fish genera and species in any case in another place, more can be found even more important. This is the beginning of writs out of the Jordan and the lake of Cinereth, from the third partly the captivity of the Jewish book, and some of the holy Arculf excerpted experience we have mentioned, who, as he undoubtedly makes a difference, from that place, which from the jaws of the sea of Galilee, the Jordan is departing, even to him the place where the enters into the sea, the Dead, 8 days' march "he said, that is, that the same thing the most salt sea and out of the mirrors, of Mount Olivet, more often (as he himself tells us) the Holy Arculf looked down.

Chapter XXI the well of Samaria.


Arculf O Priest of God wandering through the fields of Samaria, to the of the province of the same arrived at the city, which in Hebrew is called Shechem, and in the Latin But the Greek custom of Sichem is named, which is that any part of a vicious, is wont to Sychar to ally. And so this near the same the city, outside the wall, he saw a kind of built church, which divided in four of the world in the four poles of the extended formed for the purpose, as it were in the likeness of the cross, of which the figure is described below. [Figure] [0803A] In testimony of which half of the Jacob 's well, who is wont to be said to be, and the well, to the thereof was four in regards to the parts of, but inwardly the middle it is, on which the Saviour, being wearied with his labor of the journey, of a certain hour of the day sat the sixth, and think that those to the same woman of Samaria the same the time of noon came to draw some water. Of which, to wit the well of the same woman, among other things to the Lord answered and said: O Lord, nor any thing whereby you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep (John 4). Arculf Therefore, he who drinks from the same of the well water, and of that the depth of his commentary, saying: "He has that we beheld we'll have twice the height of twenty each by spring up, this is 40 cubits. Oria, therefore, of both the cubit is of or from the side of stretching out of the hands of each of them. Shechem, therefore, what Sichem and, once the city of priestly and fugitives, there is [0803B] in the tribe of Manasseh, and in the hill country of Ephraim, where he and the bones of Joseph are buried.

Chapter of the wilderness in a certain XXII my little spring.


Arculf a certain repeating the fontanelle in the desert, full of light and looked, and of whom (as is betrayed) by holy John of baptizer were drinking, having a stone roof covered, covered with mortar.

Chapter XXIII on locusts and wild honey


Of the same, for they write to John the Evangelist: and his meat was locusts and wild honey. The same in that our Arculf the wilderness, where John lived, he saw a kind of the smallest species of shapes of the locusts, of which the corpuscles in the manner of the fingers, course of exile and are brief; and because their is a brief light troops, like the flight of the forests of the frogs, it is easy in the blade, are captured, they are boiled and by the oil, the poor of food. But with the honey of a woody this we have learned from the experience of the Arculf, so says: "In the same desert I had seen some of the trees, and their leaves are wide and round a white color and of the taste for honey, of which at least leaves the nature of it is a very fragile; and those who have them for food to take, indeed, wish the hands of the first bruised, and then they eat, and this is the wild honey, and who was found in the forest is, so. ==Chapter XXIV that place the five in which the Lord blessed the loaves, and two fishes.== To which place our repeating the Arculf arrived at: and His is full of grass, and the flat field, from the day in him the Saviour of 5 thousand five loaves and two fishes, he filled, they would never been plowed is. One from which no buildings are seen: some of the pillars, only a few Arculf looked upon the stone, the little spring upon its brink of that lying, of whom have drunk the same to him (as it is said) the day that the Lord such a restoration of the hungry have them revived. Which same place is on this side of the Sea of Galilee; in regards to the city of Tiberias on the south side occurring to himself.

Chapter XXV at Capernaum.


"And who are coming down to Capernaum, Hiersolymis to go to, indeed, wish to Arculf makes a difference, by the way they go about Tiberialem things straight: the pit and then by the Cinereth, that which is and the sea of Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee, respect to the aforementioned spot for an open for the progress of the blessing," We shall from whom by the margin of tin of the same above mentioned not by a long circuit to Capernaum, they reach the sea coast, in the borders of Zebulun and of; which, as Arculf makes a difference, who had it looked down from the mountain at hand, the wall, not having a, narrow pass between mountain and lake hedged in the space of, by it he being the coast of the sea coast, extends a long track, the mountain on the north side , and lake on the south, however, having a, from West to East extended at this moment.

Chapter XXVI to Nazareth, and his church.


The city of Nazareth, as Arculf, who is lodged in it, she told, and it so as to Capernaum, the compass of the walls, it does not have, seated on a mountain; great things and one of stone, however, has buildings, and there are two very large constructed in the church: one in the midst of the city there over the two arches, had been that, where once the house built up in which our brought up: is the Saviour of. This, therefore, the same church two (as was said above) the interposition of my grave and bows [Corbis., Castles] subfulta, it has under it, between the same hills, the fountain of the clearest put in place, He whom the whole of the citizens thronged to the people, "of that exhauriens water, and out of the spring upward into the church of the same have built on the water in the vessels with the pulley subregitur. But the other made by the church in him we find in the place where he was a house built with that in which the archangel Gabriel to the blessed Mary went in, and the same hour, in the same place alone said a word we have discovered. Out of the experience of this from the Holy One of Nazareth, we have learned to Arculf, who in that two nights, and is lodged in as many days; and therefore lodged in it a long time he could not, because it is itself compelled them to places of experience will make haste to the soldier of Christ, was born out of Burgundy, leading a solitary life, Peter by name, who after the round about the same to him in a abode with whom he had previously returned to a solitary place.

Chapter XXVII Mount Tabor.


Mount Tabor in Galilee, three thousand men, from the Lake of Chinnereth there is a difference, there was wonderful spherical in shape, out of every part of the gathering, on the part of the north as was said before in regards to the lake; full of grass and flowers. In his lovely, the smoothness of the top of the ample, the woods are are surrounded by a huge we have this: whose in the midst of the plain of a large monastery of the monks is in, and very many of the same cells. For the top of that mountain to the plain was, not the top of it is confined to a narrow, but broadens into a large place were four and twenty furlongs, and the height of him, is raised up in less than two miles and thirty. Also in the same street of the upper, of no small moment of the building to the church in each of the three founded the crowded, according to the number of those of tabernacles, which are mentioned in the holy mountain of the same heavenly delighted the vision of Peter, and [0805A] with alarm at the very, to the Lord hath spoken, he said: It is good to us to be here, let us make here three tabernacles, one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elias (Matt. 17). And so I have mentioned previously of the monastery, and three buildings of the churches with cells of the monks, having a stone wall and surround it all: the one where the saint Arculf lodged in the night, in the loftiness of the Holy Mountain of the same. For Peter, Burgundian who follower of Christ, in those countries of the paths of his guide, not to him he suffered in the one and the same hospitality to linger over a longer time, urgent heed. But among these things, and that is, it must be noted that of that of renown of the mountain the name of the study of Greek literature hence it need not be written with a long Q and w, Qabwúr; but the Latin letters of the Tabor has an aspirate, O produced the text. Of this orthography of the word in in the books of Graecitatis was invented.

Chapter XXVIII Damascus.


The royal city is Damascus, as great as Arculf makes a difference, who in that for some is the day lodged, in the field with a broad set, a large of the walls are surrounded by a circuit is, furthermore, fortified by the towers, and with frequent and the most part outside the walls, having a olive groves, and a large than the four rivers flowing between them with joy, joyous. In which the king of the Saracens, he obtained the principality, and rules; and there, in honor of St. A great John the Baptist is founded the church. Again, some things of the Saracens of belief and the church itself in the same city, which they themselves frequent the place for it is made.

Chapter XXIX Tyre.


Having passed through the great many countries, our Arculf, even the province of Tyre, the metropolis of Phoenix entered into, which in Hebrew, and the Syrians is called the word of Soar, things that no out of the land to have had an entrance to the Greek and Latin histories we read in the barbarous nations. But later, by Nebuchadnezzar king of the Chaldeans to be the cast of heaps, some affirm, and from the attack through with arrows, and rams, there was a place prepared for the, and then the island has been made in the plain and the open space. This is a very fair and was a noble, which not undeservedly in a Latin version distress, for the same narrow dimension of the earth, and the city has the island. This, placed in the land of been assumed to be of Canaan, from which the woman of Canaan or Tyrophoenissa had been mentioned in the Gospel. Then it must be It must be noted that the saints, concerning the situation of Tyre Arculf a relation in the all the things that he agrees with the above about the recorder, have been excerpted by St Jerome, given you that. In like manner also from what has been out of the situation and of the mountain Tabor, according to the saint the form of a narration of Arculf described, in no way differ from those that concerning the situation of the same mountain, and marvelous spherical in shape, St. Jerome tells us: from the Tabor, which, to wit to the mountain as far as the way to Damascus, the seven [et al., Eight] of the days of Arculf he had before.

Chapter XXX of Alexander and of the River Nile, his, and the crocodile.


So great, that city, the, which was formerly the metropolis of Egypt, had been, and in Hebrew No vocitabatur in times past: The city, a very populous, which from Alexander, the Creator of all of the same king of the Macedonians who are famous, Alexandria, known by all the nations, whose name is named, and the grandeur of the city and the name of taking the reaedificatore from the same. Out of whose situation also of telling the Arculf, from those that we have learned to the reading of the first, in no way disagrees with. "And who are at Jerusalem, coming down, and from Joppa, and to sail at the outset, 40 (sic) days' march towards Alexandria as far as he had, briefly, Nahum, of which we find in the word of the prophet, saying," so, water is in the round about him. Is its riches, the sea, the waters are its walls. For from the southern part of the mouths of the Nile of the river is surrounded by the plague from the Northern, however, and lake Mareotic. Thus, then, openly described the position of his is displayed, so that above the Nile and the sea, set, [0806B] here and there, surrounded the waters; the cloister, as it were, between Egypt and the great sea, intervene, the city of a harbourless and difficult to come at by the external. Whose the rest of the port more difficult, has a resemblance to the human body in its head it, and capable of receiving station, however, at the mouth of too narrow, where the paths of the sea, such ships as it receives a certain breathing skills of the reserves which are furnished the harbor. But when one has the narrow, and his face had escaped the harbor, as if the rest of the form of the body, so far and wide diffusion of the sea, an extension. On its on the right side is a small port. we find in, in which the tower is the greatest, than in the common Greek and Latin from the use of the stars of the thing itself they called, because of them that sail so far away that, as we may before he could during the night, they come near the port, the land of the neighboring [0806C], close at hand to him and to be of flames, the burning may know, not to the dark on the rocks have been deceived be invaded by, and so that no limit can not be the porch of the to take hold. There are attendants, Thus in the former, among whom I subjects with torches from a pile of wood and the other pattern of the fire, as it were the earth, and that heralds the and the informer, the Portenses of the throat making it manifest that goeth on the pass, but of the waves, and the porches the windings of the sine of: do not thin the keel will touched the rocks, and in Him the entrance of the waves between the rocks covered with anything to offend. And so the course of a straight line must be bent by for a short time, clapped together to the blind not to incur the stones built up there, danger to the ship. For more limited access in the port of it is that the lateral on the right side is constrained; however, on the left side of its sides is of the port. , Therefore, were drawn up near the island of [0806D] are cast down the size of a huge size, lest the force of the sea, rising up, with constant, the islands of the foundations of the dashed together shall accrue to, and the injury of the winds must be paid. Hence it comes about that without a doubt in the hostile between the rocky cliffs and burst through the canal he molesque middle term is always restless, and they are a provoking, with all our dangerous passage of the ship is made into the community. The size, are the harbor of furlongs and thirty it is clear dimension. And although the weather is the greatest, There is a harbor within the safest way of life, who from the above-the above-mentioned difficulties, and the object of the island, from sea and repels the waves: the which [it is bold, for] the shore of Porto, by the same narrow distensus the sine of the harbor of the whole are dislodged from a storm, in the cold of placidatur, by the where they had gone but intensifies. And not without reason or protector of, and / or size of this is the port of this kind: for when in him: so she to the use of the whole world, make progress, it is necessary to convectari. For without number, and of the people of the same the countries to its own employment of the whole city [Fort., The world] who sought trade with us, and the fruits of the place is fertile, fertile and other gifts of the earth or of merchants abundant, however, all such corne instructs otherwise than it is necessary to trade my wares all the world. To whom that is, such a country, being without a doubt is in need of rain to the earth, the rains of the Nile is well watered by their own free minister, where both the fields of tempers, that is, the richness of the heavens and the fecundity of the earth, and where the sailors and the husbandmen, opimentum the sole use of is had. These are the sail, those servants of; these were the circumvehunt the ships, and they cultivate the earth without a plow, sow, That marks the watches without a carriage. You might discern people a distinct flowing the country, and, as on some ships with all the high places of the walls of the dwellings of the lands, the River Nile, which places on its banks are bound up the margins on both sides. For it is navigable far as the city (as they call) the elephants: the ship to proceed further, the flood gates, that is, fluminales the hills of the waters, do not permit, not lack of pool, but of the whole of the river with all haste and the ruin of a certain of running waters. , Therefore, of the Holy Arculf a report concerning the situation and of the Nile at Alexandria, did not disagree with it is proved, from those that written in the books of other authors from reading we know to have a short time wherein certain of the text have been excerpted in this interval of introduced by way of the description of the present, that is, about importuositate of the city or of that of Porto, difficulties, and for the tower was of the Isle of in it, being framed together, of Alexandria, between the [prophesying in., and / or] the sea or mouth of the river [0807C] terminated the position of the Nile, and out of the rest. Being without a doubt, causes of the city will care that the place which has so formed out of two parts of the straits is strangled, with a long and very narrow space of the channeled from West to East extends. This is also the discourse of Arculf demonstrates, because, as he makes a difference, the third hour of the day he began to the city to enter into the month of October, through the whole length of walking about the city, and scarcely before the evening time of to the extremities of the length of, was able to arrive at. This long walls are broken down with several towers, by the margin of the bank of the river, and bowing down of the sea is surrounded of composite things. Item, from the part of Egypt, his approach, and enters the city, and Alexandria, Antioch, near at hand from the Northern side of the structure met a great Church, in which Mark the Evangelist was buried in the land of lies, whose tomb is on the east front of the altar in place of the square of the same memory of the Church, being framed together the stones of marble laid upon it points to. as this article is lacking in the codex. The Vatican.] This, therefore, of Alexandria, who before they left the Alexander the Great in the greater than the increased should be built, No [0808B] (as above has been said) vocitabatur. To whom (as was said above) the door of the River Nile, the feeling united, that the canopy is named, of Egypt, and Asia with the boundary between the interior of Libya. On account of the River Nile, therefore, of which the inundation of the Egyptians the high heaps: Along the bank of his build: and if he or even too great negligence of the watchmen of the waters were broken in a sally, they will by no means are wet, with the plains beneath, but to oppress and a popular one. On account of which the cause of a plane of Egypt, very many of those who all their inhabitants, as the Holy One Arculf does it matter, who the same in Egypt, the river often means transmeavit, in the houses of by transverse beams, supported by the, the waters of the above they are gone. Crocodiles, do Arculf does it matter to the priest, in the Nile, the river of water creatures, residing quadrupeds of the beast, not so great, in a very devouring, and he was so strong that the even] one of them should, if by any chance his horse or an ass or an ox, according to the bank of the river nibble the grass, be able to find, rushed out and suddenly sallied out should invade the whole and / or even one foot of the animal that bites the, and under the waters of the drawing, he still may devour the whole of an animal.