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Translation:The Book of the Holy Places/13

From Wikisource
The Book of the Holy Places
by Bede, translated from Latin by Wikisource
Chapter 13 : THE FIRST BOOK
Chapter XIII the Church of St. To Mary, in the Valley of Jehoshaphat
968184The Book of the Holy Places — Chapter 13 : THE FIRST BOOK
Chapter XIII the Church of St. To Mary, in the Valley of Jehoshaphat

Chapter XIII the Church of St. To Mary, in the Valley of Jehoshaphat made, in which we find in the tomb of his. Of the holy place was a diligent Arculf a haunter of the Holy of St Mary church in the Valley of Jehoshaphat used to frequent: and His and constructed in two ways inferior to the [0788B] part under the floor with a stone round a wonderful structure is to be made: In the east we find in the part of the altar; however, at the right hand part of it, of St Mary is in a rocky hollow in the tomb of , in which he was buried pausavit Al., rested, as is sufficiently apparent.]. But the tomb of the same in what way, or at what time, and by whom, The figures of saints was taken up of the corpuscle is his, or by what awaits the resurrection of the place, no one (as it is said) he can not know for certain [b et al., No one is for certain, as a man of the aforesaid testifies, he can not know.]. This is a round shape, the lower they enter in the church of St Mary, founded upon the Rock: See the inserted in the right hand of the wall, above which the Lord in the field of Gethsemane [et al., Gethsamani], the other night in which he was betrayed by the Juda, in the hands of sinful men, and on bended knees, before he prayed the hour of His betrayal of his, in which the to wit, the rock of the two steps of his knees [0788C] as it were in the softest, more deeply impressed upon the wax of the firmament. So to us, our brother, he announced Arculf, the visitor of the saints of the places, did these things which we describe it, the proper, he saw with their eyes. IN the previous, therefore, equally round church of St. Mary, the four are shown to be in the altars.