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Translation:The Book of the Holy Places/15

From Wikisource
The Book of the Holy Places
by Bede, translated from Latin by Wikisource
Chapter 15 : THE FIRST BOOK
Chapter XV a cave on a cliff of the mind held against the Mount of Olives,
968187The Book of the Holy Places — Chapter 15 : THE FIRST BOOK
Chapter XV a cave on a cliff of the mind held against the Mount of Olives,

Chapter XV a cave on a cliff of the mind held against the Mount of Olives, the

valley of Josaphat, in which the tables, and on four of the well are two things. In the side of the mountain is in the Mount of Olives, a kind of a cave, not far from the church of the holy of the blessed Virgin, on the higher ground right over against the valley of Josaphat, in which the two are profound of the well, of which one foot of the hill on high, he produced a depth as an infinite number of extended; but the other is the floor of the cave, in the, whose wide world (as it is said) container sunk into the depths of the concavity of coming down, he is directed to a right turn: one with the two of the well is always supercluduntur. And in the same, therefore, are present in the cave of stone, the table of four, one of which is, at the entering of the cave, from within, situated of the Lord Jesus, For without doubt the table adheres to the seat of the, where the man with his twelve apostles at the same time to the other tables of sitting there, and who live in the same place he often guest at any time he had been wont fall down again. Of That of the well in conclusion, the mouth of the [Al., And closed her] the floor of the cave, which at the [0789B] to be in described above, will be held nearer the day of the month of the apostles is demonstrated. The postern gate of the cave, a wooden of this (as is told by Arculf) is concluded to the gate, the cave of the Lord, who frequently to places by the same very often too.