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Translation:The Book of the Holy Places/21

From Wikisource
The Book of the Holy Places
by Bede, translated from Latin by Wikisource
Chapter 21 : THE FIRST BOOK
Chapter XXI Mount of Olives
968196The Book of the Holy Places — Chapter 21 : THE FIRST BOOK
Chapter XXI Mount of Olives

Chapter XXI Mount of Olives. Of other kinds of trees, with the exception of vines, and the growth of olives, on the Mount of Olives, as is reported Arculf, rarely more can be found: however, the crops of wheat, and barley in it yielded the rise. For it is not brucosa, but grass and flowers of that land, quality is pointed out. And the height of his to be the height equal to the hill of Sion, it seems, even though the mountain of Zion, to the a comparison of Mount Olivet, in the geometric dimensions, the length of the breadth of, namely, and, few, and it seems to be too small. Between these two mountains the valley of Jehoshaphat, out of which has been said above, the middle intervene, on the north side in the part of the stretches of the south.