Translation:The High Mountains/59
Today for the first time the Chief Engineer of the forest came to see the children.
The forest ranger who followed him held his horse for him. The Engineer dismounted and observed the cabins.
At this early hour the children were at their daily tasks. The cook was wearing his apron and was cooking; the others were tending the fire; others were sweeping the dust with big twig brooms.
Further down under a tree, Lambros and Dimitrakis were plunged in a book. Foudoulis was sitting near them listening; now he was feeling better.
Matthias and Georgios were sitting mending their clothes.
Ten children were absent, they had gone to bathe in the Roumelle. All the others were working at the cabins.
“But this is a town here!” said the Chief Engineer.
The children welcomed him and gathered around.
“I have come to see you, he added. I was curious to meet you. Who's your leader?”
Everyone turned towards Andreas. He said nothing.
The Chief Engineer was holding a beautiful purple box. From the box he brought out a gleaming white medal.
“Your class, he said, has won the medal for the protection of the forest. The Government sent me to present it to you.
“You will display it in your school and it will remain forever, to show what children can do when they are willing. You deserve it.”

Saying this he gave the medal to Andreas, who passed it to the other children. They all leaned over to look at it and they were very proud, as well it was nicely engraved and shiny.
Then the Chief Engineer asked some questions about their life up there, about their meals, their sleep, about everything. He saw inside the cabins, walked along the paths and saw their other achievements and was delighted at the cleanliness and order he found.
“They're nice little houses you have, he told them, you don't often find such an industrious community.”
Then he mounted his red horse.
—Children, he said, today I'm going into the forest for work. Tomorrow I'll come back and lead you up to the top, to the mountain stream. There you will really see what the forest gives us. You all agree?
—Yes, yes, yes! cried the children enthusiastically.