Translation:The Three Princes of Serendip/Dedication
son of the late Very Illustrious Mr. Girolamo, Proctor of Saint Mark’s.
IN these hot days, most illustrious and most expert Lord, for amusement, I have translated with the help of a very dear friend of mine this work from the Persian language in the Italian language. The thought was far from my mind of having it printed for publication. Nevertheless, overcome by the persuasion with which he loves me greatly, I allowed myself to have it be brought to light. But because I have been made to understand, that here too, as in my own country there are detractors and slanderers, unable to demonstrate any talent in the world for being productive, that they in order to be believed aggrandize themselves by blaming others. I know that I need to find some remedy, in any way securing my book from their tongues. Which I have easily had to do, dedicating it, and presenting it to your most illustrious Lordship, perpetual advocate for all who are virtuous. I am certain that your name which is so famous and illustrious because of its remarkable qualities, will greatly frighten those slanderers. Besides, I will also get another benefit from it, for which I am so obliged, to repay you for the many courtesies and loving kindness and to show for the small fortune from my grateful soul. Dedicating my present effort to you will at least ensure the gratefulness of my soul that otherwise I will not be able to do, knowing that I am really beholden and obligated to you. So, let me reverently beg you to deign to accept my small gift which I give you from my soul out of which I do it. In gratitude for that, and for many other courtesies, which I have received from you at various times, of all that weak subject I know, I promise Your illustrious Lordship, and in this city, and in any other part of the world, where I may find myself, never to find myself tired of extolling the many praises that you deserve, and to raise your illustrious and honored name to heaven. And I kiss your hands reverently. On the first day of August 1557.
To your Illustrious Sir, your most obliged and affectionate servant, Christoforo Armeno